
Updating from svn repository returns "Could not read chunk size" error

When updating from subversion repository using tortoise svn client I get error looking like that: Could not read chunk size: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. It doesn't prevent me from updating, just interrupts update process, so that I have to repeat update several times, before it is complete. What can...

is there a special command i in TortoiseSvn menu to clear svn-relation of the directory ?

i linked a folder of mine with an svn repo. Aim was to sync my home personal folder and office personal folder. later on, i gave up. Now, i want to delete the repo relation of this folder without any harm to content inside. I just want it back to be a standart windows folder. i tried searching and deleting all .svn folders on another ...

How to exclude folders in Tortoise Check-ins

I see in the settings you can specify patterns to exclude files from check-ins. But how would you add to include folders bin and obj? ...

How to set up Tortoise SVN comment length requirement

I know somehow in Subversion you can ensure x chars when a developer commits in the comments section. I'm using Tortoise but don't see where to specify this globally and ensure that x number of characters will be entered on any commits made by developers. I'm using Visual SVN Server as well to setup repositories. ...

How to get back deleted file in TortoiseSVN?

Hi, We had a file in our repository that we deleted several revisions ago. How do we get it back using TortoiseSVN without reverting our entire repository? ...

Where to download Subsonic 2.2 Sourcecode without svn client?

Checkout with svn does not work in my environment. Im looking for the sourcecode of Subsonic 2.2 as zip file for example.. ...

tortoise svn always merging 45 extra files

When we do our branching and merging with svn, we always have the same thing happen. We get a latest copy of the trunk. Create a branch and switch. Make some small change on one file in the branch. Merge branch back into trunk. At this point, we'll have our one file that needs to be comittied, plus the same 45 extra files. This hap...

How to get Subversion to work with auto-generated files?

I'm using ASP.NET Web Deployment Projects with TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN, but this is a general question about generated files in Subversion. A Web Deployment Project automatically generates a parallel "deployment" version of your website with all code stripped out and compiled into a single assembly. My file structure is: Trunk Trunk...

Tortoise tsvn:logminsize help

I want my team inputting at least x # of chars into a commit comment in Tortoise. Is there a hook to do this? I guess I need to use a property called tsvn:logminsize but I don't get how to add that property globally for ALL repositories so that anyone on the team is required to input x chars when checking in any code for any project. ...

Searching the full-text of the files in the respository in svn?

Is there any way to search the full text of all the revisions (or just a specific revision) of a subversion repository? I mean I know that tools like Google Code search must do this somehow (or at least index the text), I was just wondering if there was any way to do this with just a subversion client. ...

Subversion: Getting "The client is too old" even though all devs are running the same svn version

We are using Subversion to keep track of our code. As part of the build process, some AssemblyInfo.cs files gets temporarily edited by the build script, and when the build is done they are reverted (also by the build script). However, one of our developers get this message when the revert is attempted: The client is too old to work w...

SVN: Colleague checked in a folder into repository, but I can't Update my version to it

Hi, In showing a colleague how to use SVN yesterday, we created a test folder and file within our existing Visual Studio Solution. We'll call it "Test" folder with two files, "Test.ascx" and "Test.ascx.cs". We added it (or Visual SVN added it, 'cos it's awesome), and committed it. We also added and committed other files elsewhere in the...

Does SVN have a property to always resolve conflicts a particular way?

Title says it all: I'd like to have a particular version-controlled file always be clobbered by the head revision when I do an SVN update, instead of manually having to resolve it every time I update. Does such a property exist? Or, less likely, does Tortoise SVN have its own option for that? Edit: Some more explanation - there is a ...

Is it possible to set-up a personal SVN Remote Repository which can be accessed through the Internet?

What I want to happen is have an SVN server on one computer, and have TortoiseSVN on other 3 computers, for example, and these 3 computers will be able to commit and checkout files from the SVN server, all of this via the Internet, and as much as possible, for free. Is this possible? Can you point me to some good tutorials? Thanks So fa...

How do I implement an SVN hook to know the filename of the file committed, etc.?

I am using Windows XP and TortoiseSVN, and I would like to know the filename, the path of the file, author, and other details about the revision committed to the repository by using a post-commit hook. Do we have to use a certain language to do this such as Python or is this possible to write even by using a batch file only? ...

Tortoise SVN does not ask for user/pass and fails

I installed tortoiseSVN and was able to do a checkout of the dirs/files that are already in the repository (I don't need to authenticate for that) When I try to commit changes I get the following error: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to CHECKOUT I am never asked to enter my user/pass for authentication....

Is there a way to use NetBeans DIFF tool as an external diff editor for TortiseSVN, or other editor?

... or perhaps a way to launch NetBeans through a middle-man app and open up a BASE and LOCAL file in the DIFF editor ... ...

Is there any way to perform pre-/post-switch commands using TortoiseSVN?

We need to perform some tasks when switching from one Subversion branch to another using TortoiseSVN. Is there any way to, say, call a batch file before and after the switch? The only thing I can find are pre-/post-update and commit hooks, but none of those get executed when switching between branches. EDIT: I am looking for client-si...

Is there a FogBugz plugin for Tortoise SVN to query issues on commit?

I want to be able to choose from a list of fogbugz issues when I commit from TSVN - rather than remember the issue number. Similar to gurtle and TracExplorer See the very bottom of this page: If not available, perhaps I will try to re-use the best of the co...

ignore self-signed, expired ssl certificate in tortoise svn

Tortoise SVN will not let me access an svn repository that has a self signed and expired ssl certificate. Is there a config somewhere to tell it that I want to trust that certificate anyway? ...