
Accessing object memory address

When you call the object.__repr__() method in python you get something like this back: <__main__.Test object at 0x2aba1c0cf890>, is there any way to get a hold of the memory address if you overload __repr__(), other then calling super(Class, obj).__repr__() and regexing it out? ...

How to display DateTime with an abbreviated Time Zone?

I am aware of the System.TimeZone class as well as the many uses of the DateTime.ToString() method. What I haven't been able to find is a way to convert a DateTime to a string that, in addition to the time and date info, contains the three-letter Time Zone abbreviation (in fact, much the same way StackOverflow's tooltips for relative ti...

Explicit vs implicit call of toString.

Hello, I used to use the implicit call of toString when wanting some debug info about an object, because in case of the object is null it does not throw an Exception. For instance: System.out.println("obj: "+obj); instead of: System.out.println("obj: "+obj.toString()); Is there any difference apart from the null case? Can the...

Configure velocity to render an object with something other than toString?

Is there a way to configure Velocity to use something other than toString() to convert an object to a string in a template? For example, suppose I'm using a simple date class with a format() method, and I use the same format every time. If all of my velocity code looks like this: $someDate.format('M-D-yyyy') is there some configuratio...

Java toString() using reflection?

I was writing a toString() for a class in Java the other day by manually writing out each element of the class to a String and it occurred to me that using reflection it might be possible to create a generic toString() method that could work on ALL classes. I.E. it would figure out the field names and values and send them out to a String...

Reverse (parse the output) of Arrays.toString(int[])

Is there in the JDK or Jakarta Commons (or anywhere else) a method that can parse the output of Arrays.toString, at least for integer arrays? int[] i = fromString(Arrays.toString(new int[] { 1, 2, 3} ); ...

Enum ToString

My enum consists of the following values: private enum PublishStatusses{ NotCompleted, Completed, Error }; I want to be able to output these values in a user friendly way though. In this SO post, there is a lot of code that I can't seem to compile.. I don't need to be able to go from string to value again. Why is it not compiling a...

Disinheriting(?) / overriding .ToString to access COM Object .toString

I have a java library that I am accessing in VB.NET via COM. The objects on the java side expose non-trivial .toString methods that I need for debugging. Unfortunately, when I call .toString on the COM objects, the call is being intercepted by the Object class' .ToString function. How do I force the call to the COM-side .toString and ...

Is toString() only useful for debugging?

Besides of course, their use with primitives. Most (if not all) of the implementations I see are only useful from a programmer viewpoint. EDIT: I understand that I'm supposed to override the default behavior, that's why I mentioned implementations :). And I do get the value of overriding it in some components requiring a String repres...

How do I say .ToString() in XAML?

The following code gives me the error (cannot add type Object to Stackpanel). How can I say .ToString() in XAML? <Window.Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}"> <Setter Property="Content"> <Setter.Value> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="{Bind...

How do I set the format of toString methods with ToStringBuilder in commons-lang?

how do I configure the setting of the format for toString ...

Dumping a java object's properties

Is there a library that will recursively dump/print an objects properties? I'm looking for something similar to the console.dir() function in Firebug. I'm aware of the commons-lang ReflectionToStringBuilder but it does not recurse into an object. I.e., if I run the following: public class ToString { public static void main(String...

C# Converting 20 digit precision double to string and back again

In C#. I have a double (which I've extracted from a database) that has 20 digit precision. In Visual Studio (using QuickWatch) I can see the value of the double to be = 0.00034101243963859839. I want to display this value in a textbox and then have it be the same value when I take it out and convert it back into a double. But I alway...

Django soaplib error

Hi, I'm trying to make a little "Hello World" webservice with Django following a few tutorials, but I'm hitting the same barrier over and over. I've defined a and from soaplib_handler import DjangoSoapApp, soapmethod, soap_types class HelloWorldService(DjangoSoapApp): __tns__ = 'http://saers.d...

How do I format a number with commas?

int a = 10000000; a.ToString(); How do I make the output? 10,000,000 ...

Get text from DataGridView selected cells (VB.NET)

I have a DataGridView with cells from a database file that contains data. Basically, I want to get the text from the selected cells in the DataGridView and display it in a textbox at the click of the button. The code for the button click event is: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But...

Cannot implicitly convert type 'X' to 'string' - when and how it decides that it "cannot"?

Right now I'm having it with Guids. I certainly remember thah throughout the code in some places this implicit conversion works, in other does not. Until now I fail to see the pattern. How the compiler decides that it cannot? I mean, the type method Guid.ToString() is present, isn't it called whenever this transformation is needed? Ca...

Get entire document HTML as string

Is there a way in JS to get the entire HTML within the html tags, as a string? document.documentElement.?? ...

How do I build a generic C# array content printer that accepts both objects and primitives?

I'm just trying to quickly debug a webservice by printing out the contents of an int and string array. Is there anyway to do this in one method? I tried public static string ArrayToString(object[] array) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Object item in array) { sb.Append(item.ToString()); sb.Appe...

ToString() in a Webservice Class

I have implemented a ToString() override method for my class in my Webservice and I return a List<myObject>() in a function in a consumer. If I do a .ToString() it returns object Type. How do I tackle this in C#? Thanks. ...