
kickstarting a touchesMoved/UIPanGestureRecognizer mid-move for a new view

Hey all! Concept is that a user taps on an icon in a view, a copy of the icon pops up under the user's finger, and they can drag it around until they lift their finger. To do this, I desire the following icon has touch event add transparent whole screen UIView and paste a UIImageView containing the icon on it. track touchMoves or a u...

uiimageview and uiscrollview

Hello Everyone i am moving the uiimage view from the main view to the uiscrollview and it is moving well on touches ended event the uiimage view is placed onto the uiscrollview . the problem is that after placing the uiiamgeview onto the uiscrollview it is not moving i want to move the uiimageview from the uiscrollview can anyoone help...

Problems about creating an iPhone Piano UI

Hi, I'm trying to create an iPhone piano app. I have created 14 different UIImageViews in Interface Builder, to represent the keys. With touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded and touchesCancelled I then tried to play the audio files. So once the sound is played when you move your finger (touchesMoved) I have solved with a NSMutableA...

touchesMoved UIView detection

hi, i have 2 uiimageviews foo1,foo2 which are not intersecting each other, and i have 3 functions touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded - (void) touchesMoved:(NSSet *) touches withEvent:(UIEvent *) event { UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject]; if (foo1 == [touch view]){ NSLog(@"foo1"); } if (...