
touchesMoved behavior in iPhone and Simulator

The function touchesMoved behaves differently in iPhone and simulator. The repeating interval (refresh rate) of the function touchesMoved is much faster than simulator. Is there a way to deal with the difference? ...

What is the smoothest audio API for looping iPhone sounds

I am trying to loop a 2 second sound continuously that I am using in my touchesMoved method and want to make it play continuosly and not stutter or stop because the user stopped moving their finger and also maybe fade the sound into itself smoothly. I have tried system sounds and AVAudioPlayer ...

how to get touchesMoved events more frequently?

I'm tring to track a user touch moving across the screen, but at times my app receives touchesMoved:withEvent: with locations far apart, even by 70 pixels. I'm keeping the runloop fairly fluid, but I have CoreAnimation somewhat under pressure. I'm puzzled because I'm noticing the same problem even on the simulator. ...

touchesForView in hitTest

Hi, I have a simple UIView used like container. If I write this code: - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UIView *hitView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event]; NSSet *sTouches = [event touchesForView:self]; NSLog(@"Touches %d", [sTouches count] ); return self; } Doesn't work! I would...

Why is my subclassed UIView not recieving touches moved when in a UIScrollView?

I have a Class called Boards and it is a subclass of UIView, I allocated an instance of that and put it into a UIScrollView, I want to instead of he touches going to the UIScrollView, but to the subview: Boards(UIView), I just don't know how to pass the touches from the UIScrollView to the UIView. P.S: I will be changing the contentOf...

Slide from one button to another without lifting your figner!

heey... I have two buttons (Button 1 and button 2) and if i press button 1, note1 starts and if i press button 2, note 2 starts. So what I try to do is: press button one (note1 starts) and SLIDE to button2 and than should note2 start. Like you slide without lifting your finger over a piano keyboard and all notes from c to h sound. I d...

TouchesMoved with Button?

Is it possible to use the touchesMoved function with buttons instead of UIImageViews? ...

How to call a method only once during -(void)touchesMoved ?

Hi, I am using - (void) touchesMoved to do stuff when ever I enter a specific frame, in this case the area of a button. My problem is, I only want it to do stuff when I enter the frame - not when I am moving my finger inside the frame. Does anyone know how I can call my methods only once while I am inside the frame, and still allow m...

How do you get multiple touch buttons to work with touchesBegan/Moved ?

Hi, I have a bunch of buttons that I want to activate in three different ways. Touch Down Touch Down - multiple touch (at the same time) Touch Drag Inside (The same as dragging your finger over a piano) The first two is obviously easy in IB. However many people, including myself, have had trouble with Touch Drag inside. So I ended u...

iPhone SDK Touches Moved?

I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that when I'm moving an object around, I'm not "holding" it in the center of the object, but rather towards the left or right. This is my code so far... - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{ UITouch *myTouch = [[event allTouches] anyObject]; image1....

How to do Animation like Dock in Macintosh [iPhone]

In iPhone I want to do animation like Dock in Mac how can I do. please suggest me. thanks. ...

iphone sdk: finding the direction of scrolling in UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView with only horizontal scrolling allowed, and I would like to know which direction (left, right) the user scrolls. What I did was to subclass the UIScrollView and override the touchesMoved method: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { [super touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event]; ...

Disabling Magnifying Glass in UITextView in an iPhone App

I want to display text and I want to be able to know where in this text a user touches. Because the text could be long, I wanted to use a UITextView so that wrapping and everything would be taken care of. I want my own event handling for when a touch begins or moves. My problem is that the magnifying glass and select/select all menu are ...

Increase frequency calls of touchesMoved

Hi Everyone, Is there a way to increase the frequency calls of touchesMoved than the default? I need more calls of it to draw a smooth circle. It gets called not too frequent by default and so I get an edgy circle. Is there a way to tweek the frequency of touchesMoved calls? Thanks ...

iPhone multitouch - Some touches dispatch touchesBegan: but not touchesMoved:

I'm developing a multitouch application. One touch is expected to move, and I need to track its position. For all other touches, I need to track their beginnings and endings, but their movement is less critical. Sometimes, when 3 or more touches are active, my UIView does not receive touchesMoved: events for the moving touch. This probl...

constrain a touchesmoved object from colliding with walls?

Hi, I'm trying to create a very simple game where you can drag a simple imageView. The thing is there is a wall in the frame (just a rectangle) on which the image should not go. so I did something like this: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject]; if ([tou...

Get hit test event type

Hi, Is there a way to know if the hitTest:withEvent: method is being thrown because of a touchesBegan, touchesMoved or touchesEnded event? by now I only do: if([event type]==UIEventTypeTouches) { } but this is not exclusive enough ...

Handling touches

I have a UIView subclass with several subviews and I want to handle these events in the class: touchesBegan:withEvent: touchesMoved:withEvent: touchesEnded:withEvent: but I also want these event to be called at the subviews. How can I accomplish that? (I have already tried with hitTest, but I only get the touchesBegan event and no t...

Using Distance of two touches in real-time?

Hello, i want to receive the changed distance of two touches in my program after "pinching". First, i start with the touchesBegan: - (CGFloat)distanceBetweenTwoPoints:(CGPoint)fromPoint toPoint:(CGPoint)toPoint { float x = toPoint.x - fromPoint.x; float y = toPoint.y - fromPoint.y; return sqrt(x * x + y * y); } - (void)touchesBe...

Second UIScrollView responding when using a UIScrollView

Hi all, This is more of a check as I believe this is right but its a lot of work if I'm wrong. I want to basically achieve fixed positioning with a scrollView. I want to have a list along the top that is always visible, scrolls horizontal only and then a scrollview beneath that to move around the information which scrolls both vertical...