
Transactional queueing/dequeueing

I need to queue events and tasks for external systems in a reliable/transactional way. Using things like MSMQ or ActiveMQ look very seductive, but the transactional part becomes complicated (MSDTC, etc). We could use the database (SQL Server 2005+, Oracle 9+) and achieve easier transactional support, but the queuing part becomes uglier...

Best practice for detecting when group of threads are done

What's the best practice for detecting when a whole group of threads are done processing? I have a process that will query a [long running] web service for an arbitrary number of objects, and then needs to take a transactional action when all of them have completed successfully. I am currently running them asynchronously, using delegat...

SQL Server Two-Tier replication - transactional/merge - rows not coming down

I have a SQL 2000 instance that has database with a transactional publication - tables only. It is subscribed to by a SQL 2005 instance - no problems. I need to publish some of the tables from this transactional subscription in a merge publication. Right now, I'm using another database in the SQL 2005 instance as the merge subscriber. ...

Spring - @Transactional - What happens in background?

I want to know what actually happens when you annotate a method with @Transactional? Of course, I know that Spring will wrap that method in a Transaction. But, I have the following doubts: I heard that Spring creates a proxy class? Can someone explain this in more depth. What actually resides in that proxy class? What happens to the a...

SQL Server Transactional Replication - How do I use a stored procedure to synchronise a subscriber

Hi, I have two servers, one in the office and another on a dedicated server that drives our website. The office runs SQL Server 2005 and the dedicated server is 2005 Express. Until now I've automated backing up our office database, FTP'ing it to the dedicated server and restoring it. This has worked fine but it's now taking around 45 ...

Testing simultaneous calls to transactional service

How should I test a service method that is transactional for its simultaneous use (it updates a database row by decreasing a value)? I have setup a JUnit test class with SpringJunit4ClassRunner and components are @autowired. Just spawning threads which would call the method doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure whether this has something ...

SQL Replication snapshot deployment from SQL2005 to SQL2000 bcp parameters incorrectincorrect

I am replicating using transactional replication from SQL2005 to SQL2000 however the deployment of the snapshot is failing on the bulk insert of the data into the subscriber tables (works fine to a 2005 subscriber), providing the following error details: Error 'The process could not bulk copy into table '"dbo"."tableName"'. (Source: MSS...

spring multiple @transactional datasource

<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager"> <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="data.emf" /> </bean> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" /> <bean id="transactionManager2" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager"> ...

which SessionFactory should be use for transactionManager?

<bean id="projectService" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean"> <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/> <property name="target"> <bean class="" init-method="init"> <property name="HRappsdao" ref...

spring transaction show in log?

i configured spring with transactional support. is there any way to show log on transaction in log? just to ensure i set up correctly? showing in log is a good way to see what is happening ...

Agent message code 20084. The process could not connect to Subscriber

All servers running SQL 2005 SQL server (NOLA) replicates to 35 remote locations (StoreXX). Earlier this week, one publication started having problems connecting to 30 of the 35 remote locations, with an error of: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date 2/4/2010 10:00:01 AM Log Job History (NOLA-Closing_B...

What is non-serializable schedule? in transaction database

Can anyone explain me what is non-serializable in transaction DB. please give me an example. r1(x) r2(x)w1(y) c2 c1 is this non-serializable? ...

ui:repeat inside a ui:repeat and LazyInitException

I'm currently experiencing a LazyInitException with a page containing code like the following: <h:form> <ui:repeat value="#{searchBean.storiesByTag}" var="iStory"> <ui:repeat value="{iStory.tags}"var="iTag"> <!-- Lazy init exception here --> #{iTag.content} </ui:repeat> </ui:repeat> </h:form> storiesByTag() is a bean method that...

Spring @Transactional not creating required transaction

Ok, so I've finally bowed to peer pressure and started using Spring in my web app :-)... So I'm trying to get the transaction handling stuff to work, and I just can't seem to get it. My Spring configuration looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns...

Rails test db doesn't persist record changes

I've been trying to solve a problem for a few weeks now. I am running rspec tests for my Rails app, and they are working fine except for one error that I can't seem get my head around. I am using MySQL with the InnoDB engine. I have set config.use_transactional_fixtures = true in spec_helper.rb I load my test fixtures manually with th...

Trouble using the Transactional annotation in groovy

Has anyone had any experience with Spring transactions (class-level, with proxy, annotation-driven) not getting started in a Groovy Class? I've been struggling with an unexplained LazyInitialization exception noticed that stacktrace does not include a call to start the transaction. Sounds crazy but I have to wonder whether Groovy picks u...

Why is it possible to save entity but not delete if transactional annotation is set to readonly=true with Hibernate?

Hello experts! My class is annotated with org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional like this: @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class MyClass { I then have a dao class: @Override public void delete(final E entity) { getSession().delete(entity); } @Override public void save(final E entity) { getSession(...

Rails - returning false from before_create prevents changes to other models

I have a before_create filter that checks if people are posting too many comments. If they are I want to flag their account. class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base before_create :check_rate_limit def check_rate_limit comments_in_last_minute = self.user.comments.count(:conditions => ["comments.created_at > ?", 1.minute.ago]) if...

junit test case transaction not getting committed - no errors

Hi, We have implemented JUnit4 in our application which uses Spring core & JPA with DB2. We need to test a full functionality which retrieves data from one database and merges into another database. Test case for retrieving the data from 1st database is written and it is running without any error perfectly but the records are not st...

setting up transactional replication in preperation for replicating to subscribers

This is a bit of a replication newbie question. I have a requirement which is not immediate to replicate a database using transactional replication, is there anything I can do / should do up front to make my life easier for when I need to start publishing in anger, short of setting up the full blown topology for this. ...