
Strange behaviour of code inside TransactionScope?

We are facing a very complex issue in our production application. We have a WCF method which creates a complex Entity in the database with all its relation. public void InsertEntity(Entity entity) { using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { EntityDao.Create(entity); } } EntityDao.Cr...

Transactions end while other transaction is being executed

I am using JBoss Seam and working with transactions. I have 2 methods with the @Transactional annotation. @Transactional public void method1() { ... entityManager.flush(); } @Transactional public void method2() { ... entityManager.flush(); } My problem is that if method1 and method2 are being executed at the same time and...

How to bring coordination between file system and database?

I am working on a online file management project. We are storing references on the database (sql server) and files data on the on file system. We are facing a problem of coordination between file system and database while we are uploading a file and also in case of deleting a file. First we create a reference in the database or store f...

Transactions not working for SubSonic under Oracle?

The following code sample works perfectly under SQL Server 2005: using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (SharedDbConnectionScope scope = new SharedDbConnectionScope()) { MyTable t = new MyTable(); t.Name = "Test"; t.Comments = "Comments 123"; ...

Proving Transaction Processing in Azure

Since I am writing a seminar work on "Transaction Processing in MS Azure" for my university I wanted to launch a bank-transfer simulation. I already have implemented a getting-started thingy to get familiar with Azure: . Question: What is the most easy way (using SQL ...

How triggers behave wrt concurrent visibility of transactions?

I'm working on PostgreSQL 8.4 in read committed mode. I know that for each query, the server makes a snapshot of db state so that the query behaves consistently. Does it include triggers that are called in response to this query? Or is there a new snapshot created for each query called from within a trigger? ...

Does beginTransaction in Hibernate allocate a new DB connection?

Hi folks - Just wondering if beginning a new transaction in Hibernate actually allocates a connection to the DB? I'm concerned b/c our server begins a new transaction for each request received, even if that request doesn't interact with the DB. We're seeing DB connections as a major bottleneck, so I'm wondering if I should take the t...

Are concurrency issues possible when using the WCF Service Behavior attribute set to ConcurrencyMode.Multiple and InstanceContextMode.PerCall?

We have a WCF service that makes a good deal of transactional NHibernate calls. Occasionally we were seeing SQL timeouts, even though the calls were updating different rows and the tables were set to row level locking. After digging into the logs, it looks like different threads were entering the same point in the code (our transaction...

Nhibernate transactions:Avoiding Nhibernate dependency in the service layer

One of practices advocated by Nhibernate experts is to do all actions in inside a transaction. In a typical 3 tier web architecture, Nhibernate depedency is limited the data layer. In such a case is it fine to use using (var tr = NHibernateSession.Current.BeginTransaction()) { at the controller level. Won’t this bring in a de...

Reading from a oracle temp table in a separate procedure than the one it was populted in

I have a 2 stored procedures, the first creates an oracle temp table and the second reads from it. The temp table only has scope for that session. I'm calling the procedures from .Net and the second procedure never returns any results. However if I use the same sprocs and parameters in SQL*Plus it works fine. I've tried creating an Orac...

Protecting against transaction concurency (Transaction type; Transaction IsolationLevel)

Middle-tier component will execute the data access routines in application. The component will call several SQL Server stored procedures to perform database updates. All of these procedure calls run under the control of a single transaction. The code for the middle-tier will implement the following objects: SqlCommand comm = connection....

Which layer implement Transaction mechanism

I knew ORM tools, such as Hibernate, have their own transaction management mechanism. We can also harness transaction by using JDBC directly. And DBMS has its transaction facilities either. I wonder that in which layer(s) the transaction is actually implemented in a J2EE application? I guess that the transaction in Hibernate is built upo...

MySQL Insert Statement Queue

We are building an ajax application in which a users input is submitted for processing to a php script. We are currently writing every request to a log file for tracking. I would like to move this tracking into a database table but I do not want to run a insert statement after request. What I would like to do is set up a 'queue' of trans...

Spring - Transaction Readonly

Hello Gurus! Just wanted your expert opinions on declarative transaction management for Spring. Here is my setup - A. DAO Layer is Plain old JDBC using jdbcTemplete (No hibernate etc) B. Service Layer is POJO with declarative trasnactions as follows - save*, readonly=false, rollback for Throwable Things work fine with above setup. Howev...

updating batches of data

I am using GridView in asp .net and editing data with edit command field property (as we know after updating the edited row, we automatically update the database), and I want to use transactions (with begin to commit statement - including rollback) to commit this update query in database, after clicking in some button (after some events ...

Update DataBase on clicking in button, after editing gridview (not automatically saving in DB, but after confirming on any event) within using transactions

0 vote down star I am using GridView in asp .net and editing data with edit command field property (as we know after updating the edited row, we automatically update the database), and I want to use transactions (with begin to commit statement - including rollback) to commit this update query in database, after clicking in some button...

JDBC transaction dead-lock: solution required?

My friend has described a scenario and challenged me to find solution. He is using Oracle database and JDBC connection with read committed as transaction isolation level. In one of the transactions, he updates a record, executes a select statement and commits the transaction. When everything happens within a single thread, things are fin...

NHibernate transaction management in ASP.NET MVC - how should it be done?

I am writing a simple ASP.NET MVC using session per request and transaction per request patterns (custom HttpModule). It seems to work properly, but.. the performance is terrible (a simple page loads ~7 seconds). For every http request, graphical resources incuding (all images on the site) a transaction is created and that seems to delay...

Replacing objects, handling clones, dealing with write logs

Hi everyone, I'm dealing with a problem I can't figure out how to solve, and I'd love to hear some suggestions. [NOTE: I realise I'm asking several questions; however, answers need to take into account all of the issues, so I cannot split this into several questions] Here's the deal: I'm implementing a system that underlies user applica...

GAE update different fields of the same entity

Hi, UserA and UserB are changing objectA.filedA objectA.filedB respectively and at the same time. Because they are not changing the same field one might think that there are no overlaps. Is that true? or the implementation of pm.makePersistnace() actually override the whole object... good to know... ...