
Updating counters through Hibernate

This is an extremely common situation, so I'm expecting a good solution. Basically we need to update counters in our tables. As an example a web page visit: Web_Page -------- Id Url Visit_Count So in hibernate, we might have this code: webPage.setVisitCount(webPage.getVisitCount()+1); The problem there is reads in mysql by defaul...

Locking a table for getting MAX in LINQ

Hi Every one! I have a query in LINQ, I want to get MAX of Code of my table and increase it and insert new record with new Code. just like the IDENTITY feature of SQL Server, but here my Code column is char(5) where can be alphabets and numeric. My problem is when inserting a new row, two concurrent processes get max and insert an equa...

Exit and rollback everything in script on error

Hey guys ! I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I have a TSQL script that does a lot of database structure adjustments but it's not really safe to just let it go through when something fails. to make things clear: using MS SQL 2005 it's NOT a stored procedure, just a script file (.sql) what I have is something in the following order BEG...

C# - Rollback SqlTransaction in catch block - Problem with object accessability

Hi there. I've got a problem, and all articles or examples i found seem to not care about it. I want to do some database actions in a transaction. What i want to do is very similar to most examples: using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString)) { try { Conn.Open(); SqlTransaction Trans = Conn....

transaction log shipping sql server 2005 to 2008

I have a reporting setup with SSRS on our sql server 2005 database. Because sql server 2008 is not supported by the main program which populates our database we are stuck with 2005 on our prod database. Unfortunately when I run our weekly check reports the web interface constantly times out because the server cant do the conversion to PD...

What is the benefit to wrapping every sql/stored proc invocation in a transaction?

The following code executes one stored procedure. The stored procedure has only one command in it. Is there any benefit to wrapping everything in a transaction, even it only has one SQL statement in it (or one stored proc that has only one sql statement)? In the sample code below, if the delete fails, it fails. There is nothing else ...

django multiprocess problem

I have django application, running under lighttpd via fastcgi. FCGI running script looks like: python runfcgi socket=<path>/main.socket method=prefork \ pidfile=<path>/ \ ...

In SQL Server, how can I separate a large number of tsql statement into batches?

Hi guys, In SQL Server, how can I separate a large number of tsql statement into batches? Should I use the GO statement in stored procedures or functions? Should I use the GO statement in explicit transaction management situation(between BEGIN TRANSACTION and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION or COMMIT TRANSACTION)? Are there some best practice abou...

In SQL Server, how do I know what transaction mode I'm currently using?

Hi guys, In SQL Server, how do I know what transaction mode I'm currently using? Such as autocommit, explicit, or implicit. And how can I change one mode to another using tsql? Great thanks. ...

Rails Rspec testing not saving a transactional model

I'm currently testing my Rails controllers using RSpec. In one controller, I have a model that uses transactions, so that it will not be saved unless another nested model (whose data is filled in using fields_for) is also saved correctly. The tests hit a snag when they reach the transaction. Some debugging output proves that the model...

JPA and MySQL transaction isolation level

I have a native query that does a batch insert into a MySQL database: String sql = "insert into t1 (a, b) select x, y from t2 where x = 'foo'"; EntityTransaction tx = entityManager.getTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); int rowCount = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql).executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); ...

Question About TransactionScope in .NET

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { int updatedRows1 = custPh.Update(cust.CustomerID, tempPh1, 0); int updatedRows2 = custPh.Update(cust.CustomerID, tempPh2, 1); int updatedRows3 = cust.Update(); if (updatedRows1 > 0 && updatedRows2 > 0 && updatedRows3 > 0) { scope.Complete(); } } ...

How to move an element in a sorted list and keep the CouchDb write "atomic"

I have elements of a list in couchdb documents. Let's say these are 3 elements in 3 documents: { "id" : "783587346", "type" : "aList", "content" : "joey", "sort" : 100.0 } { "id" : "358734ff6", "type" : "aList", "content" : "jill", "sort" : 110.0 } { "id" : "abf587346", "type" : "aList", "content" : "jack", "sort" : 120.0 } A view ret...

JUnit test failing - complaining of missing data that was just inserted

I have an extremely odd problem in my JUnit tests that I just can't seem to nail down. I have a multi-module java webapp project with a fairly standard structure (DAO's, service clasess, etc...). Within this project I have a 'core' project which contains some abstracted setup code which inserts a test user along with the necessary item...

EJB3 with Spring

I have understood that if I use EJB in Spring context, I get all the same benefits as if I was using it in "pure" EJB3 environment, is this true? I have googled but can't find a definitive, clear answer. For example, let's say I have a session bean that updates some tables in the database and it throws a System Exception. In "pure" EJB3...

App Engine Transaction Entity group problem

I have an issue with creating a transaction. I get an error back that the objects are not in the same entity group. I have a type called Relationship and I need to create a two way relationship between two parties. def _transaction(): relationship1 = Relationship(firstParty = party1, secondParty = party2) relationship2 = Relati...

Difference between SET autocommit=1 and START TRANSACTION in mysql (Have I missed something?)

Hey there, I am reading up on transactions in mysql and am not sure whether I have grasped something specific correctly, and I want to be sure I understood that correctly, so here goes. I know what a transaction is supposed to do, I'm just not sure whether I understood the statement semantics or not. So, my question is, is anything wron...

MySQL Create tables without committing current transaction

I'd like my program to be able to install plugins, and rollback all the changes made if an error occurs. So I create a transaction that keeps all the things that were added while installing the plugin. The problem is that the plugin may want to create tables, and doing so automatically commits the current transaction in MySQL. See State...

Long running transactions with Spring and Hibernate?

The underlying problem I want to solve is running a task that generates several temporary tables in MySQL, which need to stay around long enough to fetch results from Java after they are created. Because of the size of the data involved, the task must be completed in batches. Each batch is a call to a stored procedure called through JD...

mysqli_multi_query and mysql transactions

I'm experimenting with transactions for the first time in mySQL. I am wondering if it is safe to use mysqli_multi_query for this purpose. That is, can I assume that if any of the SQL statements fails, everything will be rolled back? $query = " START TRANSACTION; (a bunch of SQL statements) COMMIT; "; ...