
What does Google App Engine provide for realtime data transfer from java app to your client?

Are there any mechanisms for real time ive data transfer-delivery like socketsa or something like that? keep-alive http connections? Are there any tutorials on this topic of realtime data transfer from java app to your client and backwords? ...

MVC Transfer Data Between Views

Hi All, I just started to learn MVC and trying to understand how it works. I dont want to send user to different views for all edit, insert and list operations. In my sample application a View contains a list of items and below the list there is a form (for inserting new items) with action "{Controller}/Create" but there is no Create ...

Determining a computer's maximum hard drive data transfer rate programmatically with C#

I have written a small WPF widget using C# that displays the current CPU activity, RAM used and disk activity as three small percentage type bars. I have used the following PerformanceCounters for this: (diskCounter PerformanceCounter returns current total disk activity in bytes per second) private void InitialisePerformanceCounters() {...

Asp.Net initiate transfer of 2 files with 'Save as' dialog

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.ContentType = "text/txt"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "file.txt"); Response.Write(@"C:\temp.txt"); Response.End(); } Hi, the previous code allows me to transfer ...

Chunked encoding and content-length header

Hi. Is it possible to set the content-length header and also use chunked transfer encoding? and does doing so solve the problem of not knowing the length of the response at the client side when using chunked? the scenario I'm thinking about is when you have a large file to transfer and there's no problem in determining its size, but it...

What is the best way to transfer an image via a webservice in C#?

What is the best way to transfer an image in C#? Bitmap object Byte array Image Object? ...

Transfer account from one server to another server using cPanel

Hi, I am not a server person and I am having issues with this particular transfer. I have transferred accounts in the past with success. With this particular transfer, I always come across this error: ERROR: tar of split archive ran out of space I increased the quota on the old server for this account but that did not correct the iss...

IPhone SDK file transfer resume support

I am trying to save voice recordings and transfer those files to my FTP server, typically ranging from 200kb up to 75 MB in size. I anticipate infrequent mid-session internet disconnections or app being terminated or the user inadvertently pressing the home button. Just wondering how to set up resume of transfers without having to start...

Corrupted Binary Files after Transfer libcurl

I am transferring a binary file (.exe) with FTP using libcurl, and saving it to a local file. The problem is that after the file is transferred, it is altered and is no longer a valid Win32 application, and doesn't run. Here's how I'm doing it: CURL *curl; curl = curl_easy_init(); FILE* f = fopen("C:\\blah.exe", "w"); if(curl) { ...

c++, boost: how to fill buffer and transfer (image) file data over network ?

Hi! I'm working on an application where I need to send a "filename", "filesize" and the filedata over the network. I created a server using boost which, for now, reads in the filesize and name. I'm wondering how I can fill a buffer with the file data (if necessary) and how to transfer it to the server. This is what I've got now: #i...

File Transfer returns weird characters

So I'm trying to create a simple file transfer method. It's completely working for small files (a few bytes). But if I want to transfer a file with the size of 2 kB, it returns unicode characters instead of that what's inside the file. Server: void DownloadFile(SOCKET Socket){ if(Socket == NULL){ return; } while(1)...

WCF large file transfer from a server and vice-versa.

My WCF service contract has to methods like these: [OperationContract] string GetFile(int id); [OperationContract] void UploadFile(int id, string text); GetFile returns a text of a file and UploadFile sends some file's content to a server. There is a strange behavior, when file's size is about few MB (4.37 MB in my ...

File Transfer Mediator

Hi I am searching for a ready made solution for the following problem: I have 3 computers, A, B and C. I want to transfer file(s) from computer A to a specific directory(s) in computer C. The problem is that the transfer speed is very low between A to C and therefore I want that B will be a mediator. I want that to transfer the file(s) f...

Soapui transfer problem; getting NoClassDefFoundError

I wrote a suite of tests using soapui and need to transfer it to another person to run when I leave. I wrote a script that helps me run all the tests on the command line and it works fine on my system. When we try to run it on his system however, we get a few exceptions and cannot find the difference between how it is run on my machine ...

duplex wcf service data transfer speed in IIS

I have a web service which sends messages back to the client via callback interface. The messages are sent on a different thread. The performance is pretty good when the service is self-hosted. However, when hosted in II5, the messages are sent at slower speed. For example, on a self-hosted service, it takes 0.2s to send a 200KB messag...

Domain name transfer between registrars

Hi, We frequently take over the domain names of our clients when we take over the management of their site. Normally the transfer progress goes fine. However sometimes we have issues with DNS settings during the transfer progress as the transfer involves moving the DNS records to our registrars nameservers. It seems to be that the outg...

data loss when file is transfer from server to client using stream in c#

server side stream.BeginWrite(clientData, 0, clientData.Length, new AsyncCallback(CompleteWrite), stream); client side int tot = s.Read(clientData, 0, clientData.Length); I have used TCPClient,TCPlistener classes clientData is a byte array.Size of ClientData is 2682 in server side.I have used NetworkStream class to write d...

Bind9 DNS Zone Transfer Script - Bash script to avoid duplicates

I created a bash script to transfer my zones between my primary and secondary DNS server. It downloads my zone list from the primary and checks for any new zones and then downloads and inserts those zone files into the zone directory and into the .local file for bind. The problem I have is that if the zone file does not exist, the scrip...

Move a row from one gridview to another.

I'm not sure how to go about this. Currently, in the first gridview, is a list of groups a member has access to. The second gridview is bound to a table that contains a list of every type of group and has an Add button which adds it to the first gridview and updates a table adding that group to a member. This is what I am trying to do:...

How to avoid UDP socket transfers limits?

Hi all, I write a little program that sends file from client to server trough udp socket connection.. the program works correctly but if the file I transfer is larger than 8192 kb the stream stops and the file I receive is corrupt.. How can I avoid this limitation? host = ... port = ... filename = ... buf = 2048 addr = (host...