
Can web.config transformations be set to run on dev machines without a full publish?

We've got several devs working on a project and they keep checking their web.configs in with their own connection strings which is a pain. Is there a way to kick off the TransformWebConfig task on a local machine when we do F5 debug? I've made a new configuration for my local machine but I can't figure out how to hack in the TransformWe...

How can I make a UIImageView rotate to face the touch location?

For an application I have to create a menu which consists of an arrow and circles to which the arrow has to point. - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{ UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject]; CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:self.view]; if (location.y >= lastLocation.y) { float...

"Array to Hash" transform in Ruby

Hello. I need to transform ["a", "b", "c", "d"] to {:a => {:b => {:c => "d" }}} ? Any ideas ? Thanks ...

Interface rotation of an incomplete CATransition

Hello all, I am applied CATRANSITION to a view and did not remove it after it completed. if I rotate the ipad/iphone, the frozen state of the view will not rotate. I reckon it is something expected. Now, my question is: If i want it to mimic the usual interface rotation, should I apply atransform manually to the layer ? i.e if(currentp...

Using xsl to transform single XML doc to multiple docs

Given the following xml document: <XML> <doc1> </doc1> <doc2> </doc2> <XML> I was hoping to use an xsl transform to generate 2 XML documents: <XML> <doc1> </doc1> <XML> And <XML> </doc2> <doc2> <XML> Is this possible? ...

How to convert javax.xml.transform.Source into an InputStream?

How can I convert a javax.xml.transform.Source into a InputStream? The Implementation of Source is javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource. Source inputSource = messageContext.getRequest().getPayloadSource(); ...

How can I transform xml to html on android?

Hi guys, I'm relatively new to java and android, in my android application I need to get xml file, transform it and show to user. I know how to parse xml, but I don't want to parse it and generate view after. I'd like to transform it to html and display in WebView. I'm trying to find something on the Internet but can't find anything((...

How do I change the Projection so it shows my object?

Hello, I have an 2D object (GL_QUAD) with size (W,H) and sitting at (-W*0.5, -H*0.5). I'd rather not resize the object, because I need to be able to select points on that object relative to the texture. (i.e. (x,y) in openGL translates to (x,y) on the texture - no scaling needed). What I want to do is change the camera properties (pro...

Replacing the obsolete System.Xml.XmlDataDocument?

I have a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Xml control (Xml1) in a webforms app that I have upgraded from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 I am getting two warnings from the code-behind page that I'd like to do something about. ... Dim ds As DataSet = app.GetObjects Dim xmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDataDocument(ds) Xml1.Document = xmlDoc Xml1.TransformSou...

WPF 3D: How to convert a single AxisAngleRotation3D into separate AxisAngleRotation3D?

I have a 3D viewport that uses the TrackBall of WPF 3D tool to rotate the object by mouse. As a result, I get a single AxisAngleRotation3D with Axis vector like (0.5, 0.2, 0.6) and Angle of e.g. 35. That's fine. What I would like to do is, as an alternative, to give user the ability to rotate the object by individual axis (i.e. x, y, z)...

XSLT problem during transformation

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:infoRequest="ControlSkin3" xmlns:xsl="" exclude-result-prefixes="xmlns"> <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" method="xml" encoding="utf-8" /> I've got...

incorrect position when draw image context into UIImage that has been scale to another size;

my uiimage has been add to UIView, then i transform it to scale 1.5 when i try to draw image context it will present incorrect position how to make ImageContext in transform size ? ...

xsl for-each: add code block every n rows?

I am trying to transform a bit of xml which represents an image gallery into an html table. (it must be done with html and not with css). How do I add the row break </tr><tr> every six or so columns with xsl? I have this: <xsl:for-each select="//email/gallery" > <td><img> <xsl:attribute name="src"> <xsl:value...

std::transform using C++0x lambda expression

How is this done in C++0x? std::vector<double> myv1; std::transform(myv1.begin(), myv1.end(), myv1.begin(), std::bind1st(std::multiplies<double>(),3)); Original question and solution is here. ...

Transform a list of pointers to base class

I have a design where I have a std::list of base pointers that I'd like to transform into a parallel list that adds behavior. The problem I'm having is that the object that I'm trying to use to do the transform doesnt know what the actual types are when it is invoked. It's quite possible that I'm missing something subtle and that there ...

Android Linkify TransformFilter is not transforming

Hello there, I'm working with a CheckBox that needs to hace some links appearing as text, not urls. I'm using something like this: TransformFilter transformer = new TransformFilter() { @Override public String transformUrl(Matcher match, String url) { Log.d(" ", match.toString() + " |||...

TranslateTransform and Canvas.SetLeft() a UserControl problem!

Hi there! I'm having trouble to translate a usercontrol in my project, i'm implementing a drag & drop application. Here is the layout my program, the Canvas named Buttons holds the Usercontrol that will be dragged and dropped. When I drop the object, I want to appear in another position defined me. I've tried to use Canvas.SetLeft(...

Generate Json schema from XML schema (XSD)

Does anybody know how to generate a Json schema from a existing XML schema (XSD file)? Are there any tools available for this? ...

jquery: 2d transform (scaling images) plugin and IE

The following snippet works everywhere it needs to except IE7: //Assess Stage 1 function stage1() { $("#prevBtn").hide(); $('#cs_contentToSlide').animate({ left:0},200, function() { $("#cs_house").fadeTo(10,1); $("#cs_social").fadeTo(10,.3); $("#cs_pie").fadeTo(10,.3); $("#cs_house").animate({scale: '1.1...

Need to way to grab an XML file from an URL, transform it with XSL, and present it back as a XML file that prompts a save?

Requirements: Raw XML is from external website I have little control via URL (eg. I need to transform it via XSL into another XML file (I already have this XSL file written and it works) I need to write an or asp file that takes the url, applies the xsl transform, and outputs the resultant xml that p...