
WPF - Relative transform on brush results in jagged lines.

After applying a relative rotate transform (of 45 degrees) on a brush in WPF, I am left with extremely jagged lines. Has anyone else experienced this? Did you find a solution? ...

Transformation for twisting a UIView on iPhone

Is there a way to use CATransform3D, or similar, to twist a UIView? What I mean is to rotate the top edge of the view, but keep the bottom edge where it is. All the transformations I've looked at keep the view 'flat'. Is this more of an Open GL task? ...

How do I do a webkit transformation "onload" instead of pre-load?

I'd like to do a webkit transformation (rotate an image, specifically) after the page loads rather than getting it pre-rotated at load. I'm guessing I need to use some sort of "onload" event to apply it or something, but I'm not a javascript guy. ...

LINQ: how to transform list by performing calculations on every element

Hi, I have a class Class MyObject { decimal v1; decimal dv1; decimal v2; decimal dv2; } and a List<MyObject> ... I need to process every element of the list by adding dv1 to v1 and dv2 to v2 Something like (pseudo-syntax): myList.Transform(o=>o.v1+=o.dv1, o.v2+=o.dv2) How can I do this (obvious my pseudo-syntax...

App.Config Transformation for Visual Studio 2010?

For Visual Studio 2010 Web based application we have Config Transformation features by which we can maintain multiple configuration files for different environments. But the same feature is not available for App.Config files for Windows Services/WinForms or Console Application. There is a workaround available as suggested on the follow...

Generating text file from database

I have a requirement to hand-code an text file from data residing in a SQL table. Just wondering if there are any best practices here. Should I write it as an XMLDocument first and transform using XSL or just use Streamwriter and skip transformation altogether? The generated text file will be in EDIFACT format, so layout is very speci...

View transform seems to be ignored when animating on iphone. Why?

I have views that can be rotated, scaled and moved around the screen. I want the view to resize and be orthogonal when the user double tap's the view to edit the textview within. The code is below. Somewhere the transform is getting reset. The NSLog statement below prints the identity transform, but a print of the transform when the ...

Selecting unique records in XSLT/XPath

I have to select only unique records from an XML document, in the context of an <xsl:for-each> loop. I am limited by Visual Studio to using XSL 1.0. <availList> <item> <schDate>2010-06-24</schDate> <schFrmTime>10:00:00</schFrmTime> <schToTime>13:00:00</schToTime> <various...

dximagetransform.matrix, absolutely position child elements not rotating in IE 8 standards mode

I've looked all over for more information on this, and would like to know why it happens. Here's the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> </head> <body> <div style="position:absolute; top:200px; left:200px; height:200px;...

Setting layer.transform flashes the layer at the end location then animates it from current location.

On occasion when setting layer.transform to a new transform I see the layer blink at its finished location, then animate from its current location to its finished location. I don't know if this is related but at the same time I am setting the sublayerTransform on the layer's superlayer. I've really have no clue why this is happening, a...

XSLT modify node before applying template

I have an XSL code that processes some nodes and if some condition is true, before doing apply-template select="." i need to modify current node(add and attribute). How can i add an attribute to the node before calling apply-template select=".", or it is not possible at all ? ...

Transform.Translation problem on rotation

I am using the following to scale and reposition a UIView layer when the device rotates to landscape. [containerView.layer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0] forKeyPath: @"transform.translation.x"]; [containerView.layer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0] forKeyPath: @"transform.translation.y"]; [containerView.layer setVal...

Difference between transforming a view's layer and transforming a view directly?

Hi Trying to both translate(x,y) and scale some images when my application rotates. It seems there are more than 1 way to do this. I can use 'setValue forKeyPath' method to transform a view's layer [containerView.layer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat: .7] forKeyPath: @"transform.scale.x"]; [containerView.layer setValue:[NSNumber...

Freemarker: Reproduce XML

Folks, I am working on a freemarker template that needs to reproduce parts of the input XML tree. I would love to have a macro that I could invoke as follows: <@renderTree node=node namespace="ns"/> Anyone have something like this handy? Thanks. -Raj ...

What are the advantages of PEP or Cola? (Eclipse pairing plugins)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of PEP vs COLA as Eclipse pairing plugins? ...

AS3 Using a variable with Transform

I have a text field and a background and want to apply color using myColorPicker. Either the text field or background can be selected using radioGroup1. When either radio button is selected the trace statement traces the variable obj2Clr exactly. However when I use that variable with Transform, I can't apply color. If I hard co...

Scaling an object with a local scale and a rotation

Hello, I have an object which has a position, a rotation angle and a scale (x and y). The overall transform matrix is as follows : QTransform xform; xform.translate(instance.definition.position.x, instance.definition.position.y); xform.rotateRadians(instance.definition.rotation); xform.scale(instance.definition.scale.x, instance.defini...

How to achieve smooth (hw accelerated) transitions in the Android browser?

Hi, the title is self-explaining. On iPhone, Mobile Safari is WebKit based and supports hardware-accelerated -webkit-transform CSS properties. To be specific, I use the translate3d() transform. What alternative is there for the Android browser? I need it to work on Android 1.5. Thanks in advance. ...

How do I include the css file in a XMLtransformation?

I'm creating an html file based on xml and xsl with XslCompiledTransform in This works perfectly. But the xsl also has a css file included, and I'm wondering if there is any way to get this css styles included in the output html file, so it can be showed as a standalone file (so I don't have to copy the css file to wherever i wa...

Java image transformation

I need to create 3d depth effect for my image. Number 1 is what I have and number 2 is shape where I want to transform number 1. So is there any method for that in Java standard graphics libraries or some other open source libraries? ...