
Possible to change component on state change - Flex

I've got a whole bunch of data being displayed in different Labels, now I'm adding an edit state. I'd like all the labels to "transform" into TextInputs. I was just wondering if it possible to uses states to change into something like this ...

Error trying to transform image < 1 MB in App Engine

So I know that App Engine prevents working with images greater than 1 MB in size, but I'm getting a RequestTooLargeError when I call images.resize on an jpg that is 400K on disk. The dimensions of the jpg are 1600 x 1200, so is it that app engine can't handle resizing images over 1 megapixel, even if the image file itself is a compressed...

Is there a good, complete tutorial on Erlang parse transforms available?

There are lots of fragments out there detailing bits and pieces of the parse transform process in Erlang, but none I've found offer complete coverage from motivation to execution. Is there a good tutorial I'm missing somewhere and, if so, where can it be found? ...

How to add rows using SSIS 2008 Script Component during transform?

I have a SSIS 2008 script component which is setup as a transform (so it has an input and output), and what I want to do is take 1 row in an input and optionally output multiple rows. In 2005 there was the AddRow and CreateNewOutputRows methods but those seem not to be available in 2008. So how do I add rows during the transformation? ...

OpenCV rotation solution?

I am using those codes for rotation transforming an image, but it doesn't work. Waht is the problem? IplImage *src = cvLoadImage("image.jpg",1), *dst = cvCloneImage(src); CvMat *rotation_mat = cvCreateMat(2,3,CV_32FC1); CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f(src->width/2 ,src->height/2); cvZero(dst); double angle = -50.0, s...

Simulate Pivot Rotate Using Transform In SVG

I have a rectangle in SVG that I need to rotate on a pivot from a specific point. The best way I can see to do this is transform to the xy of the pivot, rotate the degree, and then transform again. The problem is the xy of the second transform. I assume its going to take cos and sin to some extent, just not sure where or why. * | | | ...

Skewing an image using Perspective Transforms

I'm trying to perform a skew on an image, like one shown here . I have an array of pixels representing my image and am unsure of what to do with them. ...

How to scale rotated objects properly in Actionscript 3?

This is unfortunately a quite complex issue to explain, so please don't get discouraged by the wall of text - it's there for a reason. ;) I'm working on a transformation manager for flash, written with Actionscript 3. Users can place objects on the screen, for example a rectangle. This rectangle can then be selected and transformed: mo...

C++/STL: std::transform with given stride?

Hello, I have a 1d array containing Nd data, I would like to effectively traverse on it with std::transform or std::for_each. unigned int nelems; unsigned int stride=3;// we are going to have 3D points float *pP;// this will keep xyzxyzxyz... Load(pP); std::transform(pP, pP+nelems, strMover<float>(pP, stride));//How to define the strMov...

TranslateTransform for drag and drop in Silverlight

We're trying to implement drag and drop in Silverlight (3). We want users to be able to drag elements from a treeview onto another part of a UI. The parent element is a Grid, and we've been trying to use a TranslateTransform along with the MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseMove (etc) events, as recommended by various online examples. For example...

Fast Perspective transform in Java Advanced Imaging API

For the needs of my program I have created a facility to distort an image and place it on a map (my program is a map based program). I wrote my own mechanism for placing and distorting the image using three points that are placed on the image, three points that are placed on the map and then what I simply do it create an AffineTransfor...

Apply a transform to the binary table to alter a custom action

We recently had an MSI go out the door with a bad bug in a custom action. I was able to create a transform for the MSI binary table and this did work but I think I was lucky. I altered the custom action (Installscript), compiled the script and then exported the binary table. I imported the binary table into a copy of the base MSI and the...

Can I scale an element with CSS transforms and still stay within the containing element?

I have an image within a div. I scale the image with CSS transforms to 2.5 times it's original size. That works, but it overlays the containing div. I want it to stay within the containing div, is that possible? <html> <script language="javascript"> function zoom() { var myLayer = document.getElementById('layer'); ...

iPhone: How to use CGContextConcatCTM for saving a transformed image properly?

I am making an iPhone application that loads an image from the camera, and then the user can select a second image from the library, move/scale/rotate that second image, and then save the result. I use two UIImageViews in IB as placeholders, and then apply transformations while touching/pinching. The problem comes when I have to save bo...

Is there a transformation matrix that can scale the x and/or y axis logarithmically?

I'm using .net WPF geometry classes to graph waveforms. I've been using the matrix transformations to convert from the screen coordinate space to my coordinate space for the waveform. Everything works great and it's really simple to keep track of my window and scaling, etc. I can even use the inverse transform to calculate the mouse po...

How to transform (rotate) a already exist CALayer/animation?

Hello, I have added a CALayer to the UIView of my app: CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setDelegate:self]; [animation setDuration:0.35]; [animation setTimingFunction:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; animation.type = @"pageCurl"; animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards; ...

CSS3 Continous Rotate Animation (Just like a loading sundial)

Hi, I am trying to replicate an Apple style activity indicator (sundial loading icon) by using a PNG and CSS3 animation. I have the image rotating and doing it continuously, but there seems to be a delay after the animation has finished before it does the next rotation. @-webkit-keyframes rotate { from { -webkit-transform: rotate...

Certain transformations in Open Inventor(Coin3D)

Hi, I am quite new to Open Inventor(Coin3D) and have the following problem: I have a SoSelection holding a root node(also SoSeparator). And the root node holds a number of SoSeparator nodes. Each of these SoSeparator nodes holds a SoTransform node and a SoCube node. When I select one cube node I want all other cubes within a certain di...

WPF - Translate a point relative to MainWindow to it's coordinates relative to a child control

Is it possible to translate a point relative to MainWindow to be relative to one of its child controls? For example, say a control's upper left corner was located at 500, 500 relative to MainWindow what code would convert that number to (0, 0)? I'd like the solution to be agnostic of the layout mechanism (i.e. not require me to parent ...

Daubechies-4 Transform in MATLAB

Hello: I have a 4x4 matrix which I wish to decompose into 4 frequency bands (LL, HL, LH, HH where L=low, H=high) by using a one-level Daubechies-4 wavelet transform. As a result of the transform, each band should contain 2x2 coefficients. How can I do this in MATLAB? I know that MATLAB has dbaux and dbwavf functions. However, I'm not su...