
Firefox 3.5.3 Windows + Flash + swfobject wmode problem

I'm having issues with Firefox 3.5.3 Windows embedding Flash using wmode. If I set the wmode parameter to 'transparent' or 'opaque' Firefox 3.5.3 Win XP (Flash player r32) completely fails to embed the movie, but it works in everything else, including IE on the same machine and the same FF in Mac OS. Can anyone help please? ...

Transparency in splash screen

I saw the splash screen of the Corel-Draw 12 application and lost my mind! What technique do they use? On application start-up they load a transparent image, use windows api or what? How do they achieve this transparency? ...

Internet Explorer PNG DOM Loaded Images

I have a site setup using transparent PNG images that, of course, don't want in IE without the transparency fix applied. Well, the fix is applied but it still isn't working. div, img { behavior: url('/path/to/fix/'); } I know it's loading the HTC file correctly as an alert(1) fires upon page load. The images, however, aren'...

Text in MS Charts gets "blocky" when BackColor is transparent

When settings BackColor = Color.Transparent, this is the picture I end up with from Microsofts chart control If I don't set any background(default is white), or set a color this is the result change the image to okchart.bmp Does anyone know if there's any way to get the font/text...

Embed Flash Transparent FLV

Hi, I am trying to embed a flash movie (.flv) into a webpage with a transparent background. Requirements: - Flv runs in transparent mode - I must be able to view html contents below. - Movie does not auto play - Movie is contained in a div and positionend absolutely using CSS - No video controls or overlays, you shouldn't know it's an ...

how can I control the opacity and z-order of the top level window in WPF?

I would like to make a small WPF app window semi-transparent and on top of other windows. When I change settings on the top level Window it only seems to effect the contents, not the titlebar or border. Is this possible with WPF?? Thanks ...

exfieldCell becomes see through for Borderless Window

Hi, From the example of RoundTransparentWindow, I made my Application window to show only the Parts drawn and the transparent parts are cleared. This works fine. But once I create a custom TableView and click its TextfieldCell to edit, the Cell becomes see through. Can anybody help me what would be my mistake with this CustomWindow and ...

WS_EX_LAYERED colorkey - Vista issues

We place our transparent app window, over the window of another process. Our window contains some child controls. We create a WS_EX_LAYERED window, using colorkey for selective transparency. The main window is completely transparent, so it only functions as a container for the child controls. This works fine on XP and Vista without Aer...

What is the benefit of using the "transparent" value in the CSS background property before a url of a png?

I have often seen stylesheets written where you have something like this: #anyelement { background:transparent url(../img/filename.png) no-repeat left top; } The value in question is the "transparent" value - what is the benefit of using this value? I have never really used it with my own css files and my PNG images still seem to wo...

Replacing PNG images with transparent background in Internet Explorer

image1.png and image2.png are both with transparent background. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("img#test").click(function() { $(this).attr("src", "image2.png"); }); }); </script> <img id="test" src="image1.png"> The above code is supposed to replace image1.png with i...

mouseListeners and JLabels using images with transparent pixels.

Hi, I'm willing to make a isometric game but I'm having hard time with the mouseListener. I'm using Swing and make losanges by using square images with transparent pixels (GIF format). The problem is that making losanges touch each other edge means having the transparent pixels of one on the top of the others, which is a problem with ...

How to get alpha value of a PNG image with PIL?

How to detect if a PNG image has transparent alpha channel or not using PIL? img ='example.png', 'r') has_alpha = img.mode == 'RGBA' With above code we know whether a PNG image has alpha channel not not but how to get the alpha value? I didn't find a 'transparency' key in dictionary as described at PIL's website ...

Creating image from transparent image mangles color

Hello! I'm building one kind of system, which simply creates dynamic image from other image. I use imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents("clown_avatar.png")) to create image and output it successfully, but it messes all the colors on the transparent area. Check out the original image: Click And here is the result from php-file: Cli...

Transperent png and swfobject in IE

Hello! I have a page with a transparent png that (background-repeat: repeat). The background works fine on all other pages. On this particular page is a flash music player. I believe the is causing the background to look weird in IE8. Is the player causing this? What can I do? URL to page: ...

Convert an image to RGBA mode with python

I tried the code listed at Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent to convert some .ico files to .png images with transparent background. It doesn't work on all .ico images, some time it just outputs an image with black background. Sample .ico files can be located here ...

android transparent blur

Hi, I need to make an activity that will draw on the home screen, actually I simulate that part by making the background transparent to make that effect, but the problem is that I need to blur a geometric area around the touch coordinates, id needs to be a blurry circle with normal text over the blur, I know how to make what I need with...

Transparent frameset in iframe ie white background

I'm trying to nest a frameset in an iframe and I can't get the background of the frameset to show as transparent in IE. Firefox displays correctly. Here's the iframe: <iframe src="frameset.html" name="myframe" width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> And this is Frameset.html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC...

Window style and paint message

I created a window with WS_EX_LAYERED style, then i checked the first WM_PAINT message, I called BeginPaint to retrieve the area need to be paint, but the area i got is empty. But, when i create this window using WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_COMPOSITED, i got the right area which need to be paint for the first WM_PAINT message. Why? Code fragme...

iPhone Subview Transparent

I subclassed a subview and added it to the current view. It draws a simple circle by overriding the draw method. But the subview has a black background it looks like by default. How do I make the background of my subclassed subview to be transparent? ...

How to get wxAUIToolbar to display partially transparent buttons?

Basically, I want antialiased buttons. I tried png and xpm bitmaps, but they don't seem to allow partial transparency - at least not that I know of. How can this be done? Is there a certain format to use? ...