
Variation on Travelling salesman problem - pick a good subroute from many nodes based on constraints

TLDR version: Most important issue is, that in a TSP problem, instead of finding the shortest Hamiltonian cycle, what are good ways to find the best path (I suppose the one that visits the most nodes) which is at most X length, with a fixed starting point. Full version: I'm interested in some ideas for a problem that involves TSP. Fir...

taskjuggler w/ multiple dependencies where task length depends on previous tasks

I have a task Z that can only be completed once either task X or task Y is completed. Also: % The length of task Z depends on which of X or Y is completed: % If task X is completed, task Z takes 4 hours % If task Y is completed, task Z takes 7 hours % Task X takes 5 hours to complete % Task Y takes 3 hours to complete % Task...

Is this problem NP-hard?

I'm trying to come up with a reasonable algorithm for this problem: Let's say you have a bunch of balls. Each ball has at least one color, but can also be multicolored. Each ball also has a number on it. There are also a bunch of boxes which are each only one color. The goal is to maximize the sum of the numbers on the balls in the ...

travelling salesman

Where can I find source code for travelling salasman problem? ...

Is there an algorithm for computing permutation of distances?

This is related to travelling salesman problem. First all permutations need to be generated and then the destination (same as origin) attached. I.e.: 1) abcd abdc .... 2) abcda abdca ....a I have all the distances and only need an algorithm to sum them up. I wonder if there is an algorithm (C preferable) I can use for this or if there ...