
TreeView label editing question

I have a treeview with nodes like this: "Foo (1234)", and want to allow the user to rename the nodes, but only the Foo part, without (1234). I first tried to change the node text in BeforeLabelEdit like this: private void treeView1_BeforeLabelEdit(object sender, NodeLabelEditEventArgs e) { e.Node.Text = "Foo"; } But when I click t...

Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView

I am attempting to rewrite my ForestPad application utilizing WPF for the presentation layer. In WinForms, I am populating each node programmatically but I would like to take advantage of the databinding capabilities of WPF, if possible. In general, what is the best way to two-way databind the WPF TreeView to an Xml document? A generi...

Why is my asp:TreeView selected node reset when in an UpdatePanel?

I have an 2.0 page that contains 2 UpdatePanels. The first panel contains a TreeView control, when I select a node in the three view control it triggers an update of the second UpdatePanel only. This much is behaving correctly. There are two buttons on the page outside of an update panel (previous/next). These buttons trigger a...

How can I clear the previous selection when an asp:TreeView is in an UpdatePanel?

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 page that contains two UpdatePanels. The first panel contains a TreeView. The second panel contains a label and is triggered by a selection in the tree. When I select a node the label gets updated as expected and the TreeNode that I clicked on becomes highlighted and the previously selected node is no longer highlig...

How do I allow multi-select in a .NET TreeView?

I'm stuck in .NET 2.0 Windows Forms. It doesn't look like the ability to select multiple nodes doesn't exist in the standard TreeView control. I'm trying to do this for context menu selection. So check boxes aren't an acceptable UI paradigm here. What's the best way to provide that very necessary functionality? ...

need access to Class Object via Function Pointer - Binary Search Tree Class Creation Related

Creating Traversals for Binary Search Tree with Recursion. void inOrder(void (*inOrderPtr)(T&)) { if(this->left != NULL) inOrder((*inOrderPtr)(this->left)); inOrderPtr(this->data); if(this->right != NULL) inOrder((*inOrderPtr)(this->right)); } Here is the function. Now this is obviously wrong. Th... tree view

Hi All I have placed the TreeView in the update panel and HoverNodeStyle-Font-Underline="true" when ever mouse hover underline will be shown.But after post back there is no underline when mouse over Any one help me please Thanks Sekar ...

Best AJAX TreeView

What are some of the better AJAX Treeviews out there that support asynchronous JSON loading. YUI TreeView seems nice, but bloated with tables, etc. ...

Tree view plus minus icon larger

How do i make the plus minus icons bigger in the tree view in C# .net with out making visual styles disable. ...

How to bind Xml Attribute to Treeview nodes, while databinding XDocument to WPF Treeview

I have an XML that needs to be databound to a WPF TreeView. Here the XML can have different structure. The TreeView should be databound generic enough to load any permutation of hierarchy. However an XAttribute on the nodes (called Title) should be databound to the TreeViewItem's header text and not the nodename. XML to be bound: <Wiza...

Strange javascript error in ASP.NET TreeView control

I’m using Treeview Control (ASP.NET 2.0) in a web control. The funny thing is, that everything is working fine : expanding, collapse, selecting a node etc. ,but after every click firebug shows an error : TreeView_SelectNode is not defined [Break on this error] HelpFile.aspx (line 1) The error comes up every time I'm selecting a node. I'v...

Looking for a good treeview widget for Scriptaculous

Is anyone using a good Treeview widget for Prototype or Scriptaculous? If so, why did you choose this one? It has to support dynamically generated data, and drag'n'drop. Note: I found TafelTree, which looks nice. Anyone has worked with it? Thanks! ...

Display JSON/YAML hierarchy as a tree in HTML?

I have YAML data that looks sort of like this, but ~150k of it: --- all: foo: 1025 bar: baz: 37628 quux: a: 179 b: 7 ...or the same thing in JSON: {"all":{"bar":{"baz":"37628","quux":{"a":"179","b":"7"}},"foo":"1025"}} I want to present this content in an expandable JavaScripty HTML tree view (examples: 1, 2...

ASP.NET -- How to populate a TreeView control with XML data response from a ASHX handler

I have an ASHX handler that returns an XML response (FileStructureXML.ashx). Now I need to get the XML response from the ASHX handler and use it as a data source for my ASPX page. If I point the XMLDataSource to a static XML file on the server, the treeview populates as expected. However, if I point the XMLDataSource to the ASHX handl...

Can I control which nodes are selectable in a WPF TreeView?

I have a two-level hierarchy displayed in a WPF TreeView, but I only want the child nodes to be selectable - basically the top level nodes are for categorisation but shouldn't be selectable by themselves. Can I achieve this? Thanks... ...

How do I add icons next to the nodes in a WPF TreeView?

I have a WPF TreeView with just 1 level of items. The TreeView is data bound to an ObservableCollection of strings. How can I ensure that the same icon appears to the left of each node in the TreeView? ...

Help with winform treeview isSelected weirdness.

In the NodeMouseClick event I'm trying to load some objects from the Node.Tag. Before I do so I check e.Node.IsSelected. When run regularly IsSelected is false....if I stick a break point around there and check e.node.Isselected, the value changes on me and becomes true. Why? ...

How do I set an image for some but not all nodes in a TreeView?

I have a TreeView windows forms control with an ImageList, and I want some of the nodes to display images, but I want the others to not have images. I don't want a blank space where the image should be. I don't want an image that looks like the lines that the TreeView would draw if it didn't have an ImageList. How do I get it to draw ...

Cleaning up .NET HTML generation

I am looking to clean up some of the HTML generated by a .NET 2.0 TreeView controller. Switching to another version/model is not an available option. My first crack yielded an extended TreeView, with an overridden Render that Regex'd out the text I didn't need and output to the page. The problem was when I tried to collapse/expanded n...

How to trigger rendering of JQuery treeview

Hi, I use Jquery tree plugin ( to render hierarchical data. I have coded additional functions which would allow user to interact with this data (like adding/deleting nodes, swapping nodes, etc...) Currently this plugin supports that whenever you want to add any node, you can call following method...