
C# Stop a Treeview selecting one or more TreeNodes

I have a TreeView control showing multiple TreeNodes in an organised heirarchy. I want to stop the user selecting the highest level Nodes (this was achieved by using the BeforeSelect Event). I also want to stop the TreeView from highlighting the top level nodes if the user selects them i.e. stop the TreeView from changing the background ...

Has anyone got a solution for the problem <asp:treeview /> != <ul><li></li></ul>

I'm using the asp:TreeView and would really rather just output it to a standard nested <HTML> list using <ul> and <li>, at the moment it produces some pretty ugly code using <div>s and <table>s. Has anyone got a decent workaround? I'm using <asp:XmlDataSource> to populate the TreeView This explains the current situation very well. ...

How to add nodes to a WPF treelist using (2008)

I need to create a wpf treeviewlist to look something like this: AAAA BBBB ....CCCC ....DDDD .......EEEE FFFFF (where the dots above are indents) I need to do this from (2008) code. I've spent an embarrassingly long amount of time trying to figure this out, and so far all I’ve got is: Dim tvi1, tvi2 As TreeView...

C# TreeView Child Node Count .. Like Outlook

In C# 2.0 does anyone know how to display the count of children nodes like Outlook does with unread emails. Also, if the count displayed can be in a different color to the node text. Has anyone achieved this with "Safe" code? ...

ASP.NET TreeView javascript before postback

Hi, I'm trying to code what I think is a fairly routine AJAX pattern using TreeViews and UpdatePanels. My situation is this: I have a TreeView within an UpdatePanel. I have a Literal within another UpdatePanel. When the user clicks on a node within the TreeView, the contents of the Literal are updated. Now, since the whole thing is asy...

Expanding a node in ASP.Net TreeView through XML Attribute

I have a ASP.Net TreeView control that I am binding to an XML data source. I'm wanting to be able to control which nodes are expanded and which ones are collapsed in the XML definition file. The Expanded='' doesn't work for me though. In the following simple example, I want Node 2 to be fully expanded. ASP Page... <asp:XmlDataSource ID...

Sort TreeView Automatically Upon Adding Nodes

Is there an easy way to add nodes to a WinForms .NET TreeView control where the new nodes being added are inserted at the correct index so the entire list of nodes is sorted alphabetically? Pretty much having the same result as TreeView.Sort(). I have a TreeView that continually grows to a couple hundred nodes. The user can view this Tr...

WPF design question involving treeview

I have a hierarchy that looks like this - Factory>machines>components>controls where ">" can be read as "contains a list of". This fits very nicely into a TreeView using HierarchicalDataTemplates. Now say I want to add checkboxes to the tree, so that the user can create "views" of the tree that require controlling. Currently my templat...

Where to get User Interface Components as seen in Acrobat, Photoshop etc

Does anyone know if you can obtain the following user interface components as seen in various adobe products for use in ones own product? Treeview (Adobe Acrobat) Collapsable Toolbars (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) ...

WPF HierarchicalDataTemplate doesn't update ItemsSource on property changed

Here is some XAML <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type data:FolderEntity}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=FolderEntities,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"> <Label Content="{Binding FolderName}"/> </HierarchicalDataTemplate> <TreeView/> data:FolderEntity is a LINQ to SQL data class which implements the INotifyPropertyChangi...

How can I use ASP.NET TreeView to display informations

I´m trying to use the ASP.NET TreeView control to display informations like some sites do. For example: The site of the link above have some code snippets that can be collapsed or expandend, showing a rectangle with the code snippets. The first question is: Is this a TreeVi...

generate treeview nodes programmatically

How can I generate treeview nodes programmatically for this collection node id parent node id ------- -------------- 100 null //this is the root node 101 100 123 101 124 101 126 101 103 100 104 ...

How to programmatically select an item in a WPF TreeView?

How is it possible to programmatically select an item in a WPF TreeView? The ItemsControl model seems to prevent it. ...

How do I hook into BeforeNodeExpand and AfterNodeExpand for a WPF Treeview?

Intention: To display the busy/Wait cursor for the duration that the children of the node are populated. Seems to be hidden in WPF. I remember having some kind of event in Winforms Tree Control where you could subscribe to - to achieve this. Currently I have a TreeView which has a number of listviews tied to its SelectedItem. All contr...

TreeView Update

Hi, I have a treeview control on an aspx page. The data comes from database and I bind it to treeview control programmatically. (Parent-Child relationship in database of course) Well and I added a textbox which I use to add new child under the selected node and it works also good but so as to see the new added node, I have to refresh a...

Why is my WPF Treeview bound to LinqToSql classes being a memory hog?

I have a WPF App which is grinding to a halt after running out of memory... It is basically a TreeView displaying nodes, which are instances of Linq To Sql OR Generated class ICTemplates.Segment. There around 20 tables indirectly linked via associations to this class in the OR designer. <TreeView Grid.Column="0" x:Name="tvwSegments" ...

How to get the currently focused node in a yui TreeView

I need to store which node currently has focus in a yui TreeView component. I thought that there would be a method to find which node has focus at any one time but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know if such a method exists or otherwise suggest a way to do this? thanks in advance, ...

How to add node into TreeView Control with Javascript

Hi guys, I just wanna learn how to add a node to TreeView control (which takes its data from database with a parent-child relationship). Of course when I select a node the new node I wanna add should be added under the selected one and after adding it into the selected node then I wanna add the new node into database too. I can handle t...

the level of a treeview in WPF?

In a WinForms application, the level of a treeview is given by node.level What is the corresponding one in WPF? Thanks! ...

C# treeview threadsafe operations

Hello, I am looking for information on using a treeview in safethread manner. Does any one have experance with this or know of some online links to research. Thanks ...