
Embedding a YUI Treeview inside a menu

Hi, I want to have a website navigation menu, where whenever someone clicks on it, a treeview with checkboxes appears, where they can select nodes in the tree. Is this possible with YUI Treeview ( ) or will I have to make it myself? ...

How to add Icons to Treeview in WPF?

I would like to add some icons to my treeview. Is there a way to do it within the XAML? <TreeView Height="200" Name="treeView1" Width="120"> <TreeViewItem Header="Topic1" IsExpanded="True"> <TreeViewItem Header="Subtopic2" /> <TreeViewItem Header="Subtopic3" /> </TreeViewItem> </TreeView> ... Treeview and XML arrays

I am binding a Treeview to an XMLDataSource, The databindings are being generated automaticaly, The XML looks like this:- <Passengers> <Passenger> <PassengerName>Name1</PassengerName> </Passenger> <Passenger> <PassengerName>Name2</PassengerName> </Passenger> <Passenger> <PassengerName>Name3</PassengerName> </Pass...

The Big Tree: When to Release Data in an RIA

This question is about a Java JTree or a Window .Net Tree (Winforms) or an Adobe Flex Tree. In a client-server application (for Flex it's Web, really), I have a tree with hierarchical data (in a Windows Explorer type interface). Right now I lazily load up the tree as the user requests more data from the server. This is fine and will wor...

Better TreeView for Windows Forms - .NET 3.5

Is there a better free TreeView control that exists for Visual Studio 2008 / .NET 3.5? I believe I need something a little more powerful than the out-of-the box version. I'm not exactly sure for what yet but I thought I'd ask quickly before I get too far in to my project... Thank you! Best Regards, Frank ...

C1HierarchicalDataTemplate / C1TreeView Problem

Hi! I've a problem building up a ComponentOne TreeView in Silverlight (C1TreeView) with a C1HierarchicalDataTemplate. In detail the Tree only shows 2 levels (H1 and H2), although 3 levels are defined through HierarchicalDataTemplates like: <c1:C1HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="H3Template"> <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="...

c# Treeview Node with formatted text e.g. tabs & new lines

Is it possible (by using the stock c# TreeView) to have Multiline TreeNodes? Also, is it possible to add control characters to TreeNode's text e.g. '\t'? This same effect could also be achieved by adding columns to the TreeNode. is this possible? ...

best treeview control?

Hi, i'm looking at yui's treeview control, any others you guys recommend? I don't want to support the codebase, so hopefully it is something 'tried and true' :) ...

Filling up a TreeView control

OK this is going to sound hilarious but still I have a class like so class TermNode { public string Name; public string Definition; public List<TermNode> Children } So this is a N-Ary non sorted in any way Tree. A node can have 0-N children OK so given this data structure how will you fill up a tree View with it Assume you ...

Maintain scroll position of treeview

How can I maintain the scroll position of a treeview control in .NET application? For example, I have a treeview control and go through a process of adding various nodes to it tacking them on to the bottom. During this process, I can scroll through the treeview and view different nodes. The problem is when the process completes, the tree...

How to build a tree view with PHP / SQL?

What's the best way to: Get the data from the db using a single query Loop through the results building e.g. a nested unordered list My table has id, name and parent_id columns. ...

Shorten URL value as Javascript variable

I'm using the jQuery Treeview plugin for navigation on a site with nested levels of categories. In each category there are then products, each of which have one or more information types. So my URLs can be either: Trouble is, the navigation for th...

Populate TreeView from DataBase

Hi, I have a database table (named Topics) which includes these fields : topicId name parentId and by using them I wanna populate a TreeView in c#. How can I do that ? Thanks in advance... ...

CATIA-CAA CATNavigBox Resize

Is it possible to change the size of the treeview window after it has been visualized? My code looks like this: _p2DNavViewer = NULL; _p2DNavViewer = new CATNavigation2DViewer(this, "", CATDlgFraNoTitle | CATDlgWndNoDecoration |CATDlgWndChildMDI |CATDlgFraNoFrame, _width, _height); _pNavigBox = new CATNavigBox(this, "", NULL, Ind...

WPF TreeView with horizontal orientation?

What would be the bast way to change the orientation of the WPF treeview. I would like to work the expand-collapse-functionality to work left to right instead of top to down. I.e. when I click on on the expand button of a treenode I would its subnode to appear right of the parent and the indent should work top-down instead. Also the vert...

ASP.NET TreeView auto expand?

Does anyone know how to show a asp:TreeView always expanded to the leaves? So if I have a 2-level tree, I want it to be expanded at all times. Is there a property on TreeView that does this or could you show the code snippet on how to do this? Thank you very much! Ray. ...

How could I implement this strange WPF TreeListDataGridView?

As you can see in the image below I have a tree datamodel consisting of groups that can contain other groups plus an arbitary number of items wich again can hold Parameters. The Parameters itself are defined globally and just reoccur in the items. Only the parameter's actual value may differ from parameter usage to parameter usage in the...

Dynamic Context Menu on Treeview Nodes

Duplicate Of : I've got a context menu on a Treeview, when the user right clicks it supposed to change based on the currently right clicked node's tag object. Currently I'm updating the context menu in after_select event, however this doesn't work when user right clicks t...

Silverlight Databinding - Binding a ValueConverter to a property on a view-model

Let's pretend I have the following xaml... <UserControl.Resources> <local:ViewModel x:Name="viewModel" /> <local:LoadChildrenValueConverter x:Name="valueConverter" /> </UserControl.Resources> <UserControl.DataContext> <Binding Source="{StaticResource viewModel}" /> </UserControl.DataContext> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Bac...

How do you databind to a System.Windows.Forms.Treeview control?

I'm looking at this control, and it seems to be lacking the standard .net "datasource" and "datamember" properties for databinding. Is this control not bindable? I can write some custom function that populates the treeview from a given data source, I suppose, and embed data objects as necessary, but is that the 'best practice'? Or doe...