
Erlang: What is most-wrong with this trie implementation?

Over the holidays, my family loves to play Boggle. Problem is, I'm terrible at Boggle. So I did what any good programmer would do: wrote a program to play for me. At the core of the algorithm is a simple prefix trie, where each node is a dict of references to the next letters. This is the trie:add implementation: add([], Trie) -> ...

adding words to a Trie structure in C

Hi I am trying to create a trie structure for an english to spanish word dictionary. Here's what I have so far: struct s_trie_node { char * translation; /* NULL if node not a word */ char * word; /* pointer array to child nodes */ struct s_trie_node * children[UCHAR_MAX+1]; }; int add_word(const char * word, char * tr...

Need memory efficient way to store tons of strings (was: HAT-Trie implementation in java)

I am working with a large set (5-20 million) of String keys (average length 10 chars) which I need to store in an in memory data structure that supports the following operation in constant time or near constant time: // Returns true if the input is present in the container, false otherwise public boolean contains(String input) Java's ...

Trie implementation

I am attempting to implement a very simple Trie in Java that supports 3 operations. I'd like it to have an insert method, a has method (ie is a certain word in the trie), and a toString method to return the trie in string form. I believe I have insertion working properly, but has and toString are proving to be difficult. Here's what I...

Trie implementation - Inserting elements into a trie

I am developing a Trie data-structure where each node represents a word. So words st, stack, stackoverflow and overflow will be arranged as root --st ---stack -----stackoverflow --overflow My Trie uses a HashTable internally so all node lookup will take constant time. Following is the algorithm I came up to insert an item into the tr...

Confusion in finding the order of the data structure

Hi, Today I attended a written test conducted by a company. The overall test was focussed on data structures. I got a problem which I thought I solved. But I had a tough time in calculating the Big O function for the data structure. I will provide the question and the answer I came up with. Given a document you need to store and the...

Implementing a Patricia Trie for use as a dictionary

I'm attempting to implement a Patricia Trie with the methods addWord(), isWord(), and isPrefix() as a means to store a large dictionary of words for quick retrieval (including prefix search). I've read up on the concepts but they just aren't clarifying into an implementation. I want to know (in Java or Python code) how to implement the T...

Trie VS Suffix Tree VS Suffix Array

Hello everyone, Which one is the structure that provides best performance results? Trie, Suffix Tree or Suffix Array? There are other equivalent structures? What are good Java implementations of these structures? Thanks for your answers. EDIT: In this case I want to make string matching between a large dictionary of names and a large...

Need dictionary database

Hi, I am planning to work in TRIE data structure for which I need a dictionary database or a text or word file containing the entire list of english words. It doesnt matter if the size is huge. Larger the better. ...

Persisting a trie to a file - C

I have a trie which I am using to do some string processing. I have a simple compiler which generates trie from some data. Once generated, my trie won't change at run time. I am looking for an approach where I can persist the trie in a file and load it effectively. I have looked at sqllite to understand how they are persisting b-treebu...

java Getting a list of words from a Trie

I'm looking to use the following code to not check whether there is a word matching in the Trie but to return a list all words beginning with the prefix inputted by the user. Can someone point me in the right direction? I can't get it working at all..... public boolean search(String s) { Node current = root; System.out.println("...

How can I store data in a table as a trie? (SQL Server)

Hi, To make things easier, the table contains all the words in the English dictionary. What I would like to do is be able to store the data as a trie. This way I can traverse the different branches of the trie and return the most relevant result. First, how do I store the data in the table as a trie? Second, how do I traverse the tr...

What is a good algorithm to traverse a Trie to check for spelling suggestions?

Assuming that a general Trie of dictionary words is built, what would be the best method to check for the 4 cases of spelling mistakes - substitution, deletion, transposition and insertion during traversal? One method is to figure out all the words within n edit distances of a given word and then checking for them in the Trie. This isn'...

Optimizing Trie implementation

For no reason other than fun I implemented a Trie today. At the moment it supports add() and search(), remove() should also be implemented but I think that's fairly straight forward. It is fully functional, but filling the Trie with data takes a little too much for my taste. I'm using this list as datasource:

Tries and Suffix Trees implementation......

Hi, I have studied Tries and Suffix Trees and wanted to implement the same.... Please share some weblinks where in i can get an idea about the structure and basic idea of implementation to start with....... Any good examplee, if included... would be a pluss... Implementation in C....... Thankss.. ...

Asymptotically Fast Associative Array with Low Memory Requirements

Ok, tries have been around for a while. A typical implementation should give you O(m) lookup, insert and delete operations independently of the size n of the data set, where m is the message length. However, this same implementation takes up 256 words per input byte, in the worst case. Other data structures, notably hashing, give you ex...

HAT-trie in ANSI C implementation?

Hello. I am looking for ANSI C HAT-trie implementation released under some free license. I have not found one. Can you point me to some standalone implementation or a program that uses HAT-tries to get at least slight idea how to implement it the roght way, please? The original paper on HAT-trie can be found here:

Need some help with C++ Trie data structures

Hi, I am trying to write a C++ function that matches whether a string is present in a dictionary . It can be a partial string or a complete string. SO I read each and every line into a trie trie< std::string, int > dict; dict.insert(make_pair(line,i++)); // when i search for a string it always returns ...

What would be a sensible way to implement a Trie in .NET?

I get the concept behind a trie. But I get a little confused when it comes to implementation. The most obvious way I could think to structure a Trie type would be to have a Trie maintain an internal Dictionary<char, Trie>. I have in fact written one this way, and it works, but... this seems like overkill. My impression is that a trie sh...

Implementing a Trie in a non-OO way

Any idea how could I implement a Trie in a non-OO way, i.e. only using arrays? The idea is that it would store some good amount of elements, and the OO approach would be too heavy for my case as it is to be used in a J2ME app, where memory is a concern. Thanks! ...