
How can you tell MYSQL to TRIM the X number of characters, beginning from the Back?

How do I write the following in MYSQL? SELECT SUBSTRING(value - (1 TRAILING CHARACTER)) FROM table; Basically substring(value, 2) trims the first letters. But I need to trim the last letters. I can't use substring(value, -4, 3) because I don't know the length of the value. Here's another example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE SUBSTRING(va...

trim last "," delimiter of a string in

this is my code - With ad.Tables(2) For i As Integer = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1 If .Rows(i)("name") & "" <> "" Then temp &= .Rows(i)("name") & ", " End If Next End With temp = temp.Trim(",") testing &= "&Name="...

What is the fastest way to trim blank lines from beginning and end of array?

This script: <?php $lines[] = ''; $lines[] = 'first line '; $lines[] = 'second line '; $lines[] = ''; $lines[] = 'fourth line'; $lines[] = ''; $lines[] = ''; $lineCount = 1; foreach($lines as $line) { echo $lineCount . ': [' . trim($line) . ']<br/>'; $lineCount++; } ?> produces this output: 1: [] 2: [first line] 3: [sec...

Should a Trim method generally in the Data Access Layer or with in the Domain Layer?

I'm dealing with a database that contains data with inconsistencies such as white leading and trailing white space. In general I see a lot of developers practice defensive coding by trimming almost all strings that come from the database that may have been entered by a user at some point. In my oppinoin it is better to do such formatin...

How to trim all columns in all rows in all tables of type string?

Hi folks, In Oracle 10g, is there a way to do the following in PL/SQL? for each table in database for each row in table for each column in row if column is of type 'varchar2' column = trim(column) Thanks! ...

How can I trim certain characters from a string in sql?

I would like to trim all special characters from a string in SQL. I've seen a bunch of people who use substring methods to remove a certain amount of characters, but in this case the length on each side of the string is unknown. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Matt ...

Why does Safari not like the .trim() in JQUERY?

This works fine in FireFox: $("#listname").val().trim() But in safari it errors: $("#listname").val().trim() while this does work, $("#listname").val() Why is that? ...

Need to trim a string till end after a particular combination of characters

Hi all, I need help in trimming everything in my string till end after it encounters the first "\0" So: "test\1\2\3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0_asdfgh_qwerty_blah_blah_blah" becomes "test\1\2\3" I am using c#. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

how to remove trailing and leading whitespace for user-provided input in a batch file?

I know how to do this when the variable is pre-defined. However, when asking for the user to enter in some kind of input, how do I trim leading and trailing whitespace? This is what I have so far: @echo off set /p input=: echo. The input is %input% before ::trim left whitespace for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("%input%") do set inpu...

sqlplus remove \r \n \t from spool

Hi all, Is there any sql*plus command to remove \r \n and\t from the result set that's going out to the spool file? That is, "trim" every record? We've used set trim on in the past, but it doesn't seem to bue what we need right now. I'm trying to avoid calling oracle's translate, chr functions in the sql query. For example, set term...

Trim function in C, to trim in place (without returning the string)

I can't figure out what to do to make this work. Here's my code: char* testStr = " trim this "; char** pTestStr = &testStr; trim(pTestStr); int trim(char** pStr) { char* str = *pStr; while(isspace(*str)) { (*pStr)++; str++; } if(*str == 0) { return 0; } char *end = str + strlen(str) - 1; while(end > s...

How to trim text using PHP

How to trim some word in php? Example like pid="5" OR pid="3" OR I want to remove the last OR ...

Cutting down a length of a PHP string and inserting an ellipses

I want to turn a long string like reallyreallyreallyreallyreallylongfilename into something like reallyreallyre...yreallyreally. Basically, find the middle of the string and replace everything there until the length of the string is < 30 characters including an ellipses to signify there has been parts of the string replaced. This is my...

Oracle 8, SQL: RTRIM for string manipulation is not working as expected

Oracle 8 SQL: I do have data like "VTR 564-31 / V16 H12 W08 E19 L14" from which I want to trim the second part => "VTR 564-31" According to this website I can use the rtrim function rtrim('123000', '0'); would return '123' like this it works, but adapted to my use case, the following one does not trim at all? Do I have to escap...

How to remove a ^M character java

Problem: If String ends with \r, remove \r I started with something like this if (masterValue.endsWith(CARRIAGE_RETURN_STR)) { masterValue = masterValue.replace(CARRIAGE_RETURN_STR, ""); } where public static final String CARRIAGE_RETURN_STR = (Character.toString(Constants.CARRIAGE_RETURN)); public static final char CARRIAGE_RETU...

Php how to remove any last commas

Example output 1. test,test,test,test,test, 2. test,test,test,, 3. test,test,,, 4. test,,,,, I tried use implode according to my previous question but It's trim only last comma. How to remove any last commas? ...

PostgreSQL 8.4, TRIM mistake

I have function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."GetSoilCod" ( "cod1" integer = 0, "cod2" integer = 0, "cod3" integer = 0, "cod4" integer = 0, "cod5" integer = 0, "cod6" integer = 0, "cod7" integer = 0 ) RETURNS varchar AS $body$ declare result varchar; BEGIN result = cast($1 as varchar(2)) || '.' || ...

Map with Split & Trim in Perl

How do I use map with the split function to trim the constituents: $a, $b, $c and $d; of $line? my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = split(/\t/, $line); # Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } ...

Cocoa - Trim all leading whitespace from NSString

Hi all, (have searched, but not been able to find a simple solution to this one either here, or in Cocoa docs) Q. How can I trim all leading whitespace only from an NSString? (i.e. leaving any other whitespace intact.) Unfortunately, for my purposes, NSString's stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet method works on both leading and trailing...

Remove extra zeros when converting a double to a string in Objective C

So when I convert a double to a string using something like this: double number = 1.1; text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f", number]; The variable text ends up printing something like this: 1.100000. I realize that this is because of the way the computer stores the value however I need an easy way to remove those extra zeros ...