
Fastest way to remove first char in a string

Say we have the following string string data= "/temp string"; If we want to remove the first character / we can do by alot of ways such as : data.Remove(0,1); data.TrimStart('/'); data.Substring(1); But .. really I don't know which one have the best algorithm and doing that faster .. Is there a one that is the best or all are the...

Iterate through Object's own Strings & Trim each

I have multiple large objects which each have about 60 strings. I have to trim all those strings, and I'd like to do so without having to go this.mystring = this.mystring.Trim(). Instead, I'm looking for a way to automatically have each object discover its own strings and then perform the operation. I know a little bit about reflection,...

Trim() a list of strings using dynamic query language to produce a trimmed IQueryable<string>

Is this possible, or am I just trying to way overly shorten my code? I thought it might be something like: IQueryable<string> trimmedStrs = untrimmedStrsArr.AsQueryable<string>().All(s => s.Trim()); But that's no good :( ...

How to sort in SQL, ignoring articles ('the", "a', "an" etc)

This comes up a lot, and I can see it's come up on StackOverflow for XSLT, Ruby and Drupal but I don't see it specifically for SQL. So the question is, how do you sort titles correctly when they begin with "The", "A", or "An"? One way is simply to TRIM() those strings: ORDER BY TRIM( LEADING 'a ' FROM TRIM( LEADING 'an ' FR...

ATA TRIM Specification?

Hi, Anyone know where I'd find an ATA reference that details the protocol for triggering a TRIM? I'm looking to discover what sort of structure/object/data I'd need to send in a raw IOCTL to get an ATA device to trigger a TRIM (assuming appropriate hardware/firmware support, obviously). Thanks. ...

WPF TextBlock custom wrapping : on the left and after a "."

Hello everybody, I'm trying to display a text that would be wrapped on the left and only after special characters in the string. I Hope the first part could be done in XAML, and I'm pretty sure the second part cannot. The aim is to wrap a text this way : - Original text : "Object1.Object2.Object3.Property1" - Wrapped text could be (d...

ASP.NET MVC2 - Trim of whitespace on all fields in a model?

Hi, I have data coming in and out of an ASP.NET MVC2 Controller/View set-up. Unfortunety, all data that comes from the view has MASSIVE amounts of whitespace at the end. I'm using the TryUpdateModel to save all form data to the Db after it passes validation, passing a FormCollection as a parameter(eg. form.toValueProvider). Is there ...

TSQL 2008 Using LTrim(RTrim and still have spaces in the data

I have data I cleaning up in an old data table prior to moving it to a new one. One of the fields has spaces in the column, right & left. I wrote the following code to address this and still have leading spaces?? The bulk of the data is clean when using this code but for some reason there are spaces prior to RT addresses... Has anyone ...

trim in javascript ? what this code is doing?

I was looking for a trim function in JavaScript which doesn't exist and some code on Goggling suggests that use: function trimStr(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } I want to know how str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') works. I understand that this is some form of regular expression but dont know what it is doing. ...

Are there user agents that add whitespace to text sent over HTTP?

This is more of a technical question than a help question. I'm not interested in knowing if I should trim() my input. Are there any user agents (browsers) that add whitespace to text sent over HTTP? I'm wondering in some cases if trim() is necessary (aside from users adding whitespace) because I've never actually seen a browser add anyt...

PHP: Trim every element in an object and if empty, set to N/A

I have an object: stdClass Object ( [Color] => Red [Shape] => Round [Taste] => Sweet ) I want to trim each of the elements in the object and if that element is empty, set it to 'N/A' So this object: stdClass Object ( [Color] => Red [Shape] => [Taste] => Sweet ) Would become this: stdClass Object ( [Co...

TSQL syntax issue with LTRIM(RTRIM not working correctly

What is wrong with this statement that it is still giving me spaces after the field. This makes me think that the syntax combining the when statements is off. My boss wants them combined in one statement can someone help me understand what I am doing wrong? Case WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(cSHortName))= '' Then NULL WHEN cShortname is NOT NU...

Android .NET Trim function in Java?

In an Android app, I am looking for the functionality of the .NET string function [Trim('aaa')] which will trim off the text "aaa" off a string. I don't think this is natively available in Java and I haven't seen that functionality in Android Java textutil library. Is there an easy way to have a Java app trim a set of characters from th...

IE8 and JQuery's trim()

Hello all, I am making use of trim() like so: if($('#group_field').val().trim()!=''){ Where group_field is an input element of type text. This works in Firefox but when I try it on IE8 it gives me this error: Message: Object doesn't support this property or method When I remove the trim(), it works fine on IE8. I thought the way I...

error during addslashes() function in php

html form code- <td width="75"> <input name="txtQty[]" type="text" id="txtQty[]" size="5" value="<?php echo $ct_qty; ?>" class="box" onKeyUp="checkNumber(this);"> when I submit form I calls following script- if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (isset($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = trim(add...

How can I extract the columns of data with Perl?

I have strings of this kind NAME1 NAME2 DEPTNAME POSITION JONH MILLER ROBERT JIM CS ASST GENERAL MANAGER I want the output to be name1 name2 and position how can i do it using split/regex/trim/etc and without using CPAN modules? ...

Trimming in SQL Management Studio 2008

Hi, I'm trying to trim some info from a table. The column has a number and then a word (e.g. 5 Apples). I just need the number so that I can sum the total of apples. I can't use count because I need to go by the value (e.g. 5 Apples for one, 3 Apples for the other) and count will just return that there are 2 entries and not pull the 5...

python list trim.

I have this: Lt = [('ABC', ), ('Abc', ), ('xyz', ), ('ABC', ), ('Abc', )] I want this: Lt = ('Abc', 'Abc', 'xyz', 'ABC', 'ABc') remove the extra "(",")" and ",".... How do i do this. ...

PHP: what method to use when trimming a string to certain amount of chars?

hey guys, if (strlen($filename) > 70) { //trim the string to 70 chars //delete chars from the beginning! } what method do i use. regards matt ...

Remove first and last char from string

I have this: $dataList = "*one*two*three*"; $list = explode("*", $dataList); echo"<pre>";print_r($list);echo"</pre>"; which outputs: > Array ( > [0] => > [1] => one > [2] => two > [3] => three > [4] => ) How do I strip the fist and last * in the string before exploding? ...