
Can I catch multiple Java exceptions in the same catch clause?

In Java, I want to do something like this: try { ... } catch (IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException e) { someCode(); } ...instead of: try { ... } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { someCode(); } catch (SecurityException e) { someCode(); } catch...

Attempt to parse JSON without crashing Node.js server.

Hey, I'm developing a project using Node.js at the backed, with that I'm also using JSON to pass data to and from clients over web sockets. The problem I have is that if an invalid string was sent to the server (easily done by the user messing with the JavaScript console) then it would crash the server while trying to parse it. The cur...

try block scope

I'm unhappy with the rule about variable scope in a try block not being shared with associated catch and finally blocks. Specifically it leads to code like the following: var v: VType = null try { v = new VType() } catch { case e => // handle VType constructor failure (can reference v) } finally { // can reference v. } As oppos...

Try and catch block. Which solution is better.

It seemed a reasonable pattern for me to use: int.TryParse() and simple if, rather than: int.Parse() inside the try block. Till I found this sample in MS pattern & practices /// <summary> /// Update a setting value for our application. If the setting does not /// exist, then add the setting. /// </summary> /// ...

Try-Catch Block For C++ File-IO Errors Not Working

I'm very new to the world of C++ error handling, but I was told here: ...that the best way to checks for file existence was with a try-catch block. From my limited knowledge on the topic, this sounds like sound advice. I located this snippet of code: http://ww...

C++ re-throw an exception caught by ...

Hi, how can I re-throw an exception caught by catch(...) block? ...

C++ get description of an exception caught in catch(...) block

Hi, can I get description of an exception caught by catch(...) block? something like .what() of std::exception. ...

Using python "with" statement with try-except block

Is this the right way to use the python "with" statement in combination with a try-except block?: try: with open("file", "r") as f: line = f.readline() except IOError: <whatever> If it is, then considering the old way of doing things: try: f = open("file", "r") line = f.readline() except IOError: <whatever...

Android - Getting Exception

I am developing one application in which i am getting an exception, and i know this one is the silly or small mistake which i am doing but your help may catch me out and make my day: public class Demo extends Activity { Button btnDemo; Thread t; AlertDialog alertDialog; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle...

Try-catch exception handling practice for iPhone/Objective-C

Hi all, Apologies if this question has already been answered somewhere else, but I could not find any decisive answer when searching on it: I'm wondering when try-catch blocks are to be used in objective-c iPhone applications. Apple's "Introduction to the Objective-C Programming Language" state that exceptions are resource intensive an...

How to check if Thread code runs in try-catch block

I would like to validate our code and check if every Thread that we execute runs in try catch block. A valid sample: Thread loadDataThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoadData)); public void LoadData() { try {/*do something*/} catch(Exception ex) { /*Handle exception*/ } } Not valid sample: Thread loadDataThread = new Thread(...

Java ConcurrentHashMap not thread safe.. wth?

Hello I was using HashMap before like public Map<SocketChannel, UserProfile> clients = new HashMap<SocketChannel, UserProfile>(); now I've switched to ConcurrentHashMap to avoid synchronized blocks and now i'm experiencing problems my server is heavily loaded with 200-400 concurrent clients every second which is expected to grow...

Question about scope of variables in try/catch block

Hello, I have a piece of code that may or may not fail, which I want to try X number of times before giving up. When it fails, it throws a specific Exception, so I figured something like this would work: int retries = 0; while (retries < MAX_RETRIES) { failedFlag = false; try { // some stuff......

What's better to use, a __try/__except block or a try / catch block?

Hi, I'm wondering which is the better way to catch exceptions that I throw: is it a __try / __except block or a try / catch block? I'm writing in C++ and the program will only be used on Windows, so portability is not an issue. Thanks! ...

What is the point of using custom exception class in php?

In some libraries it is common practice to make custom Exception classes for every error condition, like: class FileNotFound_Exception extends Exception {} You can handle certain type of Exception, however you cannot read all source code of all libraries to remember each Exception class, and cannot take full advantage of using custom ...

Clean way to catch errors from Azure Table (other than string match?)

I'd like to get a list of all the Azure Table errors and figure out a clean way to handle them in a try...catch block. For example, I'd like to not have to directly code and compare the InnerException message to String.Contains("The specified entity already exists"). What is the right way to trap these errors? ...

return statement and exception in try block in java

public class Test2 { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(method()); } public static int method() { try { throw new Exception(); return 1; } catch (Exception e) { return 2; } finally { return 3; } } } in this...

How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in C#

Identical to "How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in C++", but for C#. I know that the steps below have to be performed when an exception is thrown. Find the nearest handler for the exception type; Unwind the stack up to the handler level; Call the handler; Find and call every finally blocks. How does .NET handles these opera...

ANSI C equivalent of try/catch?

I have some C code I'm working with, and I'm finding errors when the code is running but have little info about how to do a proper try/catch (as in C# or C++). For instance in C++ I'd just do: try{ //some stuff } catch(...) { //handle error } but in ANSI C I'm a bit lost. I tried some online searches but I don't see enough info abou...

What to include in the catch clause of Exception

I have a code that throws a bunch of Exceptions but each of them only contains a printStackTrace() method as shown below } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } ...