
Does the placement of a try-catch block affect performance?

Does the placement of a try-catch block affect performance? EXAMPLE 1: try-catch block inside of the while-loop while (true) { try { // ... read from a file } catch (EOFException e) { break; } } EXAMPLE 2: try-catch block surrounds the while-loop try { while (true) { // ... read from a file ...

How can I force TransactionScope to use the same connection across Database calls?

Good Morning All, I have code similar to the following try{ using(var tx = new TransactionScope()){ var Xupdated = someDao.DoSomeUpdateQuery(); //this dao uses MS Data ApplicationBlock var Yupdated = someDao.DoSomeOtherUpdateQuery(); //this dao also uses MS Data ApplicationBlock if(Xupdated && Yupdated) ...

try statement tripping debugger (as3)

Trying a try-catch sequence that works fine in release version, but running it in debugger causes errors to be displayed. Obviously there errors, that's why I'm using this stuff inside try, but I'm wondering if there's any way I can get debugger to stop stopping. While I don't even mind the error message, the app no longer executes prope...

VB.NET, Castle ActiveRecord and MySQL: Duplicate entry in a unique field

Hi. When user inserts a duplicate entry in a unique field, Castle ActiveRecord throws the following exception: Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.ActiveRecordException was unhandled Message="Could not perform Save for SerieNotaFiscal" Source="Castle.ActiveRecord" StackTrace: at Castle.ActiveRecord.ActiveRecordBase.InternalSave(O...

newbie: throw new exception - can we change exception name?

Hello all, I'm trying to work with exceptions. So I have something like: If something bad occurs: throw new CreateContactException($codigo, $result->msg); Later on, I will, try and if not ok, catch: try { createContact(); } catch(CreateContactException $e) { $error .= 'An error occurred with the code:'.$e->getCode().' and ...

catch a custom exception - do we need to require or include the CustomException class?

Hello all, To throw an exception we need to include a CustomException class. include_once("CustomException.class.php"); Ok. On another file, when we use the try/catch blocks, do we need to require or include, our CustomException class again? Thanks in advance, MEM ...

Handling Exceptions - Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'EppCommandsExceptions' with message 'Command syntax error'

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'EppCommandsExceptions' with message 'Required parameter missing' The line in question: throw new EppCommandsExceptions($result->msg, $codigo); Why am I having this error on this line? On EppCommandsExceptions.class.php I have this class that extends Exception: class EppCommandsExceptions ex...

Is there a way to catch all exceptions of a certain type in a static class in C#?

I know that general or "across the board" exception handling is a big no-no, however I believe that it is okay in this case. Consider some custom wrapper around BinaryWriter/BinaryReader operations. (Yes, I know of .NET serialization) In all of the methods in this class, there would be the potential to have certain exceptions, like pas...

How to catch all elisp function calls that require user interaction?

I want to write a function that will call a list of functions in emacs (specifically, kill-buffer-query-functions), but if any of them require user interaction, I want to have them simply return nil instead, so that the whole thing will run non-interactively. I am thinking of using defadvice to modify every function that would normally p...

Handling a class that doesn't throw exception in c#

I've got some UI code that looks like this: try { SomeClass classInstance = new SomeClass(someId); } catch (Exception exception) { // Content wasn't created, show a message, stop processing return; } It seems the try catch was added because the constructor for SomeClass would bomb out if the someId it receives isn't valid,...

How do I bubble up and Exception to my UI.

Hi All, I have an aspx page that, on a button click, creates an instance of a serviceRefernece object. In the code behind for my page I have the call wrapped in a try/catch. try { var client = GetClient(); var request = new ActiveVerificationRequestDC(); var response = client.GetActiveVeri...

Database Error Handling problem in CodeIngniter

Hi, I use CodeIgniter as my web application framework. I used a simple Try/Catch and I sent a sample value to test it, and it failed! I know I can use $this->db->escape() function to solve my data problem but I just want to know: Why TRY/CATCH can not catch this error! Controler code: $this->load->model('user_model'); $result...

try catch problem

Hello, What is the problem with this code? It doesn't catch the exception thrown by insertChild() method.; try { childDbOps.insertChild(child); } catch (SQLiteException exception) { Log.i("error la inserare child", "on the next line"); exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { childDb...

Eclipse addon to temporarily disable/remove catch blocks.

I've seen questions answering this with Visual Studio vs-2008-addon-to-temporarily-disable-remove-all-catch-block how-to-temporarily-deactivate-all-try-catch-blocks but can't find anything regarding either Java or Eclipse. Does this feature exist, or is there some type of workaround I can use instead? ...

In flash AS3 How to put single try catch code, in order to catch any errors in whole class?

Hi all, In Flash AS3 i wanna write the single try catch block in order to catch any errors in whole class. For ex, i have a lot of functions in I don'w wanna write in each function try catch blocks in order to catch errors in this function. Is there any methods to do this? Thank you ...

Try Catch Statement doesn't work on Simulator (but works on iPhone!!!)

Hi I have an Exception catching statement in my code, like the following: @try { for(NSDictionary* s in users) { do something .... } } @catch (NSException * exception) { NSLog(@"APIRequesetBase readUserInfo: Caught %@: %@", [exception name], [exception reason]); } @finally { } So this try stat...

How javascript try...catch statement works

I am trying to test in browsermob if certain input field work or not. I am attempting to use a try...catch statement which I have never used before. I know that the form is: try { //some code } catch (){ //some error code }; What exactly is supposed to be put in the parenthesis after the catch statement? When I try to use the statemen...

php try catch error reporting

I have an application which relies on a soap server to produce content. Additionally authentication to the site is based on a seperate LDAP server. Obviously if either of these are down or not responding the site is down. I am trying to lay out a design such that I can have error reporting for site admins and also give a nice messag...

Erlang Error Handling , X unsafe in 'try'

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this bit of code spits back that the X is unsafe in 'try', well I know why, but more so how to fix it. try X = lists:append(lists:zipwith3(fun(X, Y, Z) -> [X, Y, Z] end, Data1, Data2, Data3)) of MP -> X catch K -> (X = 0) end. %MP = [lists:zipwith3(X, Y, Z...

How to use try/catch when save two entitys as one transaction?

I have two entitys: User and UserRole. It is realized as tables in DB and classes with the same names. If I create new user I must create userrole for him. If there is exception during user creation or userrole creation user musn't be created. Question is that I don't know how to set try catch blockes. I have some alternatives: 1) try...