I am using C#, VS 2005 and SQL 2000
My code is:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("insert into dummy(name,amount)values");
foreach (Control ctl in this.flowLayoutPanel1.Controls)
if (ctl.Name.Contains("tb") && ctl is TextBox)
foreach(Control bbl in this.flowLayoutPanel1.Contro...
I have table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test] (
[name] nvarchar(max) NULL,
[date] datetime NULL
And records on it:
a 2010-09-02 12:00:00
a 2010-09-02 11:00:00
b 2010-09-02 12:00:00
b 2010-09-02 11:00:00
And i want to get all name with the newest date:
I may do:
select t.[name] from test t
group by t.[name]
having max(date)...
Hi everybody,
How can I find out if a datetime column in my table is in a specific hour interval (e.g 13:07 - 15:15) and in a specific day (e.g Thursdays) in a SQL select statement?
Hi, in my procedure, I try to run itself recursively when some conditions appear
(I simplified the code just to find out how to do the recursion)
Firstly I created the procedure with commented the BEGIN..END body, and then:
alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[insert_new_customer_task]
@TaskTypeID decimal,
@TaskName nvarchar(1000),
I have a field with birthday as either '7/08/1986' or '07/08/1986'.
I want to convert the value to like this '1986/08/07'. Simply converting from DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY/MM/DD. Kindly note down this is all in SQL Server 2005.
Additionally, if the date is in single digit means still the output shd be shown in double digit like '07' not '7'.
i have to delete a large amount of data. truncate is not possible because of relations.
And I don't wanna drop the table because of views.
I am using code below but is there better idea?
delete from table
DELETE top (1000000) from table
IF @@rowcount < 1000000 BREAK
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00:010'
I have a situation where I have a Select with 6 fields but I only want to group by 3 fields.
As you know this looks not possible.
What do you do in these situations?
Thanks for any feedback
is this possible using T-SQL?
How do i join the below tables
TableA TableB TableC TableD
ID ID_C ID ID_A Value ID ID ID_C Value
1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a
2 1 b 2 1 b
in order to get the Result like
ID ID_B Value ID_C ID_D ...
I have the following tables with their columns (only the relevant columns are listed):
EntryID (int/auto-inc)
EmployeeNumber (int)
JustifyDate (datetime)
EntryDate (datetime)
EmployeeNumber (int)
CoreHourID (int)
WorkingFromHome (bit/bool)
EntryID (int)
InHour (datetime)
OutHour (...
I have a column of type 'nvarchar(max)' that should now hold XML information instead of just a string.
Say: col1 has value 'abc'
Now it has values, with additional info:
Storing the information to the column is fine, since it can still be pushed in as a string.
However, extracting the same...
I want to know which of the 2 queries below is faster :-
Select s.*,
from tblStudent s
Inner Join (SELECT studentId,SUM(marks) As Sum
from tblStudentsMarks
Group By studentId) as sm on s.StudentID = sm.StudentID;
Select s.studentId,
From tblStudent s...
Hi All,
The following sql snippet below is a subselect of a parent sql.
Is there a way to say, "If customer doesn't exist I want to run a different sql"?
select orderdate,
(select contactname from customers where customerID = 'ALFKI' or select 'No Customer') as contactname
from orders
I know this can be solved with a join but...
I have two temp tables, both populated by TSQL queries.
Temp Table A containing a Location, an Item, and a total inventory count.
Temp Table B containing a Location, an Item, a Sales Order Number, and negative inventory count.
I would like to loop through each item in Table B and subtract the negative inventory count from table A wher...
Hi guys,
I am retreiving all users from DB ordered by number of followers for each user DESC
with TH_Users as
,dbo.GetUserFollowers(ID) AS Followers
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by ID ) AS 'RowNumber'
from dbo.TH_Users
Where CultureID = @cultureID
Select ...
I've changed the table names but I found this FROM statement in a SP I'm optimizing and I'm wondering the how this could come into being, why would you ever do anything like this, and why does it still work.
FROM tblPezFill pf
RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblWolveLocation stfl
So in my PHP code, I do timezone selection for the user, where I have a table of timezones and their hour-shift values from GMT. I then use that to add to the DATETIME column values whenever the user picks his timezone in the SETTINGS.
So I have two functionalities: reading from DATETIME column in the database, and WRITING to the DATETI...
So, I've got an 'A' server and a 'B' server. We are using SQL Service Broker to perform replication. An application we have will need to write data to either the 'A' server, or the 'B' server. (one may be down, and the other one should take over)
Data is written to the database only within stored procedures, which are wrapped in a ...
Let's say I have 2 tables. I want join them so that for every account I get 1 row where the account's information is there PLUS the primaryContact's information appended to the table.
Is this possible? ID's are unique keys.
accountid | name | income | primaryContact
123456789 Jack Johnson 1...
I'm trying to use a stored procedure to do an insert on a main table, then also insert that data into a historical data table. I don't want to use a trigger, but rather just do a simple insert of all columns into the history table. I am getting this error, however.
"An explicit value for the identity column in table 'ipaudittrail' can...