I have an SQL Server 2008 database with many tables. I've been using the now lame datetime datatype and want to use the new and better datetime2. In most places where I have a datetime field, the corresponding column name is Timestamp. Is there anywhere to do a bulk change from datatime to datetime2?
In the following:
(running a query on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer, which uses an SQL Azure implementation of OData. The FAQ says it supports most of the TSQL commands):
DECLARE @MinPosts int = ##MinNumberOfPosts##
Id AS [User Link],
FROM posts
WHERE posts.OwnerUserId = Users.I...
I want to pass 2 parameters to SQL stored procedure and use "like" statement as so:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1
@project varchar(max)
@group varchar(50)
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Projectname = @project and Resource_ID like '%' + @group + '%'
It says that there is incorrect syntax near @group a...
I have a Table that I want to search its title(nvarchar(max)) column.
But I am getting an error when I create an index over the title column so I can enable Full Text search on it.
I am going to use the Contains keyword to do the job.
Any ideas?
I have a stored proc select statement that lookes like that:
p.Title AS Title,
p.Text AS Text,
p.CategoryID AS CategoryID,
p.PostDate AS PostDate,
p.Author AS Author,
p.AuthorID AS AuthorID,
p.IsApproved AS IsApproved,
p.Rating AS Rating,
p.RatesCount AS RatesCount,
t.Text A...
How can I select table from sys.tables where table name does not containt special word (which pass in parameters).
I want to select all tables where its contains word 'customer' but not those who ends with 'old'
in name.
TableName In DB
Output Wanted
I have a table in SQL Server 2005 that looks like
1 | bob | joined
2 | bob | left
3 | john | joined
4 | steve | joined
5 | andy | joined
6 | kyle | joined
What I want is to give someone the ability to pull up the activity of 5 random users (showing their latest activity)
ex: I want to return results 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 - or - 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
Hello everyone,
I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise. I am using the following code to return a part of data for a query to implement paging (i.e. page up/down to show a part of result at each page, like Google search result paging) on my web application (I use pageCount as number of results showed on ...
I have the below SQL Query
select Count(emailID) as ViewsThatMonth,
Day(entry_date) as day,
Month(entry_date) as month,
Year(entry_date) as year
from email_views
where emailID = 110197
Group By Day(entry_date), Month(entry_date), Year(entry_date)
select Count(emailID) as ViewsThatMon...
Hello Experts i have A Sp , which Contains lot of if/else Condition
Please help me how to use Switch Case in T-SQL In where Clause.
here is my Query
if (@Form ='page.aspx')
DST.Code from Table DT
join Table2 DST
DT.code = 'XX1'
and DT.CDID = @cdid
I'm trying to increase the time between dates by a set amount. For example, I want to add two months to the time between date 1,2 and 3. I'm having trouble incrementing my 'date counter'...
DECLARE @monthDiff int
SET @monthDiff = 1;
UPDATE [Table1]
SET [Date] = DATEADD(MONTH, (SET @monthDiff = @monthDiff + 1), [Date])
Hi people,
please help me with this one,
i want to convert a value from Bigint to datetime.
For example im reading HISTORY table of teamcity server, on the field *build_start_time_server* i have this value on one record 1283174502729.
How can i convert to datetime value???
Is it a good practice to create an index to every foreing key in my database?
this should be a fairly simple question but I know very little about SQL. I have a database which has the following fields:
client_id, scheduled_amount, deposit_amount, message_code_id, note_text, system_date
now I wish to select all the records that are less than 1 year old from when the sql statement is run. I know I should u...
In my database application, when I try to attach a page to a site, I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Can't perform Create, Update or Delete operations on 'Table(Junc_Page_Site)' because it has no primary key.
I intend a page to be able to be added to multiple sites - by using a junction table.
Below is the ...
I need to be able to return a list of all children given a parent Id at all levels using SQL.
The table looks something like this:
ID ParentId Name
1 null Root
2 1 Child of Root
3 2 Child of Child of Root
Give an Id of '1', how would I return the entire...
Possible Duplicate:
Need help with a SQL query that combines adjacent rows into a single row
So this is how my table looks.
..and I need to write a query to get the output like this:
This is not a homework question.
I would need to make a DB select that will behave differently when number or text is entered, just different condition should be used. I think it should be done but not quite sure with the syntax (MSSQL). Thank you
I would need:
WHERE (IF value passed is numeric = "ID" ELSE "NAME") = Value //ID or Name are columns
When a table having following value
Say TableA
**Grp Value**
Grp1 2
Grp1 5
Grp1 3
Grp2 3
Grp2 -5
Grp2 -2
Grp3 4
Grp3 0
Grp3 1
Grp4 -2
Grp4 -4
Grp5 7
Grp7 -1
Grp7 ...
Hi I'm migrating a few databases from sql 2000 to sql 2008.
while running upgrade advisor I got a message that says that there are objects with the Dump/Load sintax. that is not on use anymore.
So I found the following text in a proc
Dump DataBase @name to @path With Init
Further investigating I discovered that this was a backup and...