
TTNavigator not opening URLs when clicking on links in TTStyledTextLabels

Trying to make a simple link clicking activity work. I think I understand TTNavigator and TTStyledLabel, but can't get it to work. Code: @interface SomeVc : UIViewController <TTNavigatorDelegate> { IBOutlet TTStyledTextLabel *styledTextLabel; } @end @implementation SomeVc - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; navig...

TTNavigator three20 openURLAction

I'm new to three20 and trying to find my way through the TTNavigator class. I try to push to a new view via the URL system. So I used openURL: animated: method which works just fine, but it's deprecated, and I know that I should use openURLAction instead, but this has no animated: parameter. Am I missing something? ...

Problem with TTWebController… alternative view controller template for UIWebView?

I have a UIWebView with content populated from a API call. This content contains links, many of which are handled by parsing info from the URL in: - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)aWbView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType; …and passing that info on to appropr...

iphone Three20 TTNavigator UITabbarController

Not sure if what I want to do makes sense, but I want to take advantage of the UITabBarController and the TTNavigator from Three20. Any tutorials around that demonstrate how this can be done? I understand how to add view controllers to the navigator using the TTURLMap, but do I need to add a navigator for each tabbar item? I'm lost. ...

TTNavigator from Three20 is crashing

Hi Experts, I'm using a TTTableSubtitleItem and want that on a touch a function is called. TTURLMap *map = navigator.URLMap; [map from:@"*" toObject:self selector:@selector(calledFunction)]; but if I' using it its throwing this error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSInvocation...

objC three20 example ttnavigator menu controller page instance declaration

Hi, I tried to understand the three20 ttnavigator example code, and in the MenuController.h file, it is as follows: typedef enum { MenuPageNone, MenuPageBreakfast, MenuPageLunch, MenuPageDinner, MenuPageDessert, MenuPageAbout, } MenuPage; @interface MenuController : TTTableViewController { MenuPage _page; } @property(non...

After relaunch, application hides navigation bar in three20

Hi everyone, i've got a small problem: i've written a small project which is using tabBarController, implementation file have only this methood: - (void)viewDidLoad { [self setTabURLs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"tt://tableWithShadow", @"tt://launcher", @"tt://characterList", @"tt://mapViewController", nil]]; } in appD...