
What books or articles would you recommend about SMS and PHP?

Are there any good comprehensive PHP programming books or articles/tutorials out there that I can learn about how to integrate SMS communications with my PHP application? I've done a Google search and found some information scattered about the web but I need a comprehensive resource. I want to learn everything I can about how a PHP appl...

The tutorial that helped your programming the most in 2008

In addition to this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407448/the-application-that-helped-your-programming-the-most-in-2008 I'd like to bring up a topic which can be very useful for many programmers. Despite language; What is the 2008 years best Programming Tutorial? Only regulations here are that it's published 2008 and that ...

Console interface tutorials and tips (pdcurses)

I'm looking for tutorials on using PDCurses library. Unfortunately there is text only documentation, which is more like function reference. Are pdcurses similar enough to ncurses to use ncurses tutorials??? Any tips for making console UI's ??? PS. PDCurses - mingw32. ...

Boost Thread tutorials

Not really a question, more of a reference list: Boost.Thread was heavily modified since 1.34, to conform to upcoming C++0x standard. Thus, most tutorials I can find on the web can be considered obsolete. Today, Boost's version is 1.37, and the only links I found on the web were: Boost 1.37 Threads http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_...

What is the best resource for learning (N)ASM?

I've been wanting to learn assembly for a while now, and although I've tried a few times before, I haven't really been able to get past "Hello, world". Are there any good introductory tutorials to assembly (preferably using NASM, as I use Windows and Linux)? I do have a bit of C knowledge, but mainly code in higher-level languages such a...

Any good online C book

I've (re)started working in C after about 3 years:) And i discovered that my C language skills arent that good anymore. Can anyone recommend an online book for C? (not C++) It should cover the basic functions, plus pointers, and working with linear lists, reading from files..etc. This things are covered by basically any book for beginne...

Where to get started with APIs

I have never worked with APIs before (and have very little programming experience outside of HTML and CSS) and I am struggling to find any clear tutorials or explanations. Do APIs all work in the same way? Can you use any programming language or only a specific language or does that depend on the API? Is there a common way to work with...

What are good resources for getting started with jQuery?

jQuery and JavaScript in general are new ground for me. What are some good resources to get me up and running. I am particularly interested in page manipulation - eg moving elements about programmatically. ...

Design-Time Tutorials

I am looking for some (preferably) online tutorials on making controls with 'Rich design-time support' By Rich design time support i mean like how the menustrip works on a form and such. Any links to websites, good books or code samples (c# or vb.net) would be great. ...

Python 2 vs Python 3 and Tutorial

Hey guys. I am 12 years old and I have had a small amount of experience with BASIC. I am thinking about learning Python, but I’m not sure if I should learn the 2.6 version or the 3.0 version. I don’t really care about the support for libraries or anything along those lines quite yet. I was wondering if it is easier to code in 3.0 than 2....

What Good Tutorials/Guides Are There For Getting Started with NHibernate?

Hi All, I have finally decided to spend some time looking at using NHibernate for helping TDD my DAL code. I came across this excellent "foundations of programming" eBook from Karl Seguin and he gave some small examples on using NHibernate, and how it improves the testability of your DAL. Can anyone here offer any good resources for a...

Where can I find good Flex documentation?

I'm using the Adobe livedocs for learning and looking up on Flex development, specifically the Flex 3 Help, the Flex Language reference and the AIR developer's guide. While these provide a good starting point, the quality is not, let's say, overwhelming. There's regular mistakes in the examples, some of the texts are redundant, or too s...

Tandem(HP NonStop Server) Tutorial

Does anyone has any Tandem Tutorial? ...

Good .Net Remoting Tutorial/Guide

Does anyone have any links to a good, concise, Tutorial or guide to .Net remoting? Would be grateful! Thanks (sorry for the short post!) Edit: I am now aware of: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/XML/remotingsimpleeng.aspx ...

.Net Excel Add In Help

Hello, I am interested in creating a couple of add-ins for Office 2003 & 2007 for work and home. I see the project templates in VS2008 for creating the addins but I am un-clear as to what to do next. I also have had great difficulty finding direction online so far. I am not looking for cut and paste code but rather a finger pointing...

JDBC Wrapper tutorial - is it still relevant?

This article from IBM about a JDBC wrapper seems good and I'm tempted to use it: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jdbcwrap/index.html but it its dated 2001 - is it still relevant to today's best practices or has this been superseded by something else better? Your opinions are much appreciated. ...

What is good for SharePoint beginner user tutorials?

Ok I've been tasked with creating a wss v3.0 website for a government internal site with very little internal SharePoint experience (though it's an IT department so they're very tech literate). I'm already fairly good at SharePoint (having earned some Microsoft Certifications in SharePoint and done plenty of stuff for myself), but need ...

What is a good C# Delegates Tutorial

What is a good delegates tutorial for C#? ...

VBScript Tutorials / Reference

I'm trying to write a script in VB, but I'm not finding any good tutorials or references to start from. It's something relatively simple (playing a song whenever it reaches a certain time), but most of the stuff that I'm finding is more geared towards embedding the scripts into webpages. Do you have any suggestions for some good refere...

Is there a good, online, interactive regex tutorial?

Now, I know both SQL and regexes just fine, but a few times on this site, I came across someone working through the exercises on SQLzoo.net. As far as I could tell, this was a wonderful online resource where someone can pretty easily learn SQL by example, writing many toy queries against several toy databases. I will likely redirect pe...