
How do you create a form in MS Access and use it to insert a records into a table?

How can I create a form in MS Access, and how can I get it to add records to a table? Where would I find a good tutorial to learn to do this? ...

learning to program Windows drivers

what would you recommend for a resource on learning to program drivers. i am working my way through Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model, but i was wondering if any of the examples are vista compatible. additionally, the book is more of a reference of the kernel functions so far. is their a resource that will take the beginner ...

Easy way to get started with JSF?

Does anyone know of a good way to get started with JSF for a servlets/JSP person? I'm interested but not sure where to start! Thanks, ...

Do you have links to any tutorials on setting up MVC on Amazon EC2?

Please share links to tutorials on how to set up and run ASP.NET MVC on an Amazon EC2 virtual machine. I know that it's possible, but I'd like to follow behind someone else that's already set it up and has it running. It'd be great to know of a EC2 bundle that already has everything set up as well. ...

Where can I find some websites with VB.NET tutorials?

I am looking for a website similar to W3Schools that teaches the basics for VB.NET 2008. If none exist I would just like some good tutorials to get me started. I did some basic VB.NET a couple of years ago but I need to refresh myself, any ideas? ...

Do you know a good J2ME tutorial?

I have to create prototype application for a mobile using J2ME. I searched for good tutorial but failed to find any. Is there any good tutorial which can guide step by step what needs to be done to create a simple HelloWorld application on mobile? ...

What are some good Wireshark tutorials?

I'm trying to understand how to use Wireshark right now, but the official manual isn't a fun read at all when starting out. Its too detailed, and the details are going right over my head because of the information overloading :) What are some more didactic tutorials out there? Thanks! Edit: WireShark is a network packet sniffer, and i...

Is there a good, online tutorial for learning intermediate-to-advanced Bash programmable completion?

My current skill level with programmable completion is pretty basic — about at "complete -d cd". I'd like to significantly increase my knowledge (and use) of completion to increase my CLI productivity, but I'm having trouble finding an online resource which has much substance. The vast majority of what I'm able to dig up via Google boi...

Where can I find a good introduction on SQL locking and transaction strategies

I'm using locks and transactions a bit like a VBA excel programmer trying to write a multithreaded c++ server for the first time... I've tried to ask my coworkers for advice, but while we're all quite good (or so we think) at designing complex databases, writing fast and efficient queries, using index and constraints when it's needed, a...

COM basic sample

I've been reading Essential COM, it is a very good book, very instructive and simple to understand. Now I want to speed things up and implement a simple COM object, compile it into a .dll and finally use it from a client application. I would really appreciate if anybody could show the most basic sample of how to do that? I've been tryi...

Single best comprehensive tutorial for a language or framework

What tutorial would you say is the best, "complete" tutorial? It can be for a language (say, Python, or Lisp), a framework (Rails, Django), or even a concept or programming task (say, writing a parser) The only restrictions (or guidelines, perhaps) are: It should ideally be free (as a web-page, or PDF, or screencast). It should progr...

Which tutorial on Clojure is best?

I'm interested in learning Clojure. The Getting Started page on Clojure.net is pretty minimal. Is there a good language introduction or tutorial out there? Which would you recommend? Answer: I have watched the videos on youtube called Intro to Clojure. I don't recommend those. They are a little too brief and don't give a lot of back...

Ajax / Json How to run an INSERT/UPDATE into mysql

Again related with my weekend project, I'm trying to learn a bit more of web-development. So I'm putting in the list of features i want to implement, some stuff i absolutely have no idea how to do. I've been reading tutorials on how to use ajax, but i can't find a simple one, that i can copy-paste (with one or two changes) to see it wor...

Sample Flex with Pojo on Server

I just started a new project and my boss wants us to change IDE from NetBeans to Eclipse, RichFaces to Flex. I have never worked with Eclipse and Flex before. Today I tried to make hello word with it on Eclipse but had no luck. Can some one post or give me link to Flex->BlazeDS->Pojo on Eclipse for Beginner (Dummy) :D Thanks Update: For...

Winsock: Windows networking programming in C++

I need books that truely explian sockets in windows in C++ ive been looking at tutorials but they dont tell what anything means they dont go into great detail so i need come books on Winsock in C++ for windows ...

Tutorial on NOT using Interface Builder for iPhone GUI design?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on iPhone GUI design using just code and not Interface Builder? I am new to iPhone development, and I wanted to better understand what is going on behind the scenes. ...

What are some sites with good free video tutorials on ASP.NET (C#)?

Besides www.asp.net/learn/, what other sites have good free video tutorials for ASP.net(c#) and everything related to asp.net and the Visual Studio IDE. ...

What is a good wiki software for programming tutorials?

I've noticed that there are awvully few programming tutorials in my native language (Latvian). And one of the best ones seems to have gone permanently offline recently. As such I'm ever more inclined to start writing my own programming tutorial. Since I'm no writer and free time is scarce, I thought of making this a wiki-thing. This way...

What is a good beginner's online resource for ASP.NET MVC?

I have 3 days to learn the basics of ASP.NET MVC and create a very small PoC web application with it. What are currently the best online resources for: Learning the basics in a tutorial-like way Reference material regarding ASP.NET MVC Best practices regarding the use of ASP.NET MVC I am not looking for general info about the MVC p...

Where can I find the best documented, most reliable Perl examples?

Update: Thank you all for chiming in. It's tough to pick a winner, so I went with the highest voted with the most information. I'll check out perlmonks and I'll look into some of the books mentioned as well. End Update Let's say I'm looking for help with Perl. (I am. I'm just getting into it.) Compared to PHP, I'm really disappointe...