
Resource for C++

Hello, It has been a long time since I've used C++. I want to start programming in C++ again but I am looking for a particular resource and wondering if anyone here has any good references. I am looking for a book, web tutorial, video...whatever that teaches you C++ while you're building an application. So, for example, a book might sta...

Java and J2EE code examples for 3-tier apps

Do you know a site that offers a tutorial with sample source code for a 3-tier application (the usual data access layer, business layer and UI layer)? The simple, readable and intuitive the source code. Best practices that are applied to the code are welcome as well. ...

Any good introductions and resources for gettext?

I'm looking into frameworks for translation, and have been considering gettext. Because it's supposedly quite good, and lots of projects use it. Now I read part of the official manual, but it sucked. I kind of have an idea how it works now, but I have no idea where to get started. In particular my project spans C++, Lua and Javascript, ...

I need a tutorial to make a tutorial

Has anyone seen a good tutorial on writing a good tutorial? It sounds silly but it's a serious question. I'd like to write a tutorial but I'm not sure whether my concerns would be the same as my audience's concerns. Or do I just write it for me and pretend someone else is listening? What's an example of a perfectly executed tutorial? Or ...

Tutorial on JPA mapping file

Is there a great tutorial on how to use JPA mapping file? Accompanying related source code for the mapping file would be great also. ...

beginner tutorials for Excel Programming in C#

i'm having 3 years of exp working with excel vba. Now i want to port to excel programming using .net and C#, where can i find learning resources to get up to speed with the equivalent way in C#? thanks ...

Qt PDF Tutorial?

Where can I find a Qt tutorial in PDF format. I have looked all over google but can't find one. I need to be able to read it offline as I can't always be on the internet. Thanks! ...

PHP developer learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails

I have been interested in learning Rails for some time now and feel now is as good as time as ever to dip in and actually get my hands dirty. I've spent the past week reading every free ebook on Ruby and Ruby on Rails I can find. I just finished reading Ruby Essentials. I have also been playing with http://tryruby.hobix.com/ I have ins...

Which Software products do you use to create programming tutorials or books?

I want to write an tutorial which I want to publish as PDF. I love Apple Pages, but unfortunately I don't see how it would support Programming Code Listings. I am sure here are a few book authors who can tell us what tools they used to create their programming books. Well actually I think it would just be enough to have an box where I c...

Where can I find some good tutorials to learn object orientated programming particularly for php?

I've been looking to improve my programming habits and I heard that OO is the way to go. Also I'd much prefer online tutorials over books. ...

Fortran 90 Resources?

I'm taking Fortran 90 class, and I'm looking for any good websites about Fortran. Does anyone know any? ...

Fastest way to learn Python?

I have an interview for a Python job tomorrow through a personal connection. The thing is, I don't actually know Python although I've written a few programs and hacked around with Django and some other Python frameworks without really knowing what I was doing. An interview is a different matter. I'm planning on learning Python today even...

Video tutorial showing code editing

I'm working on a video tutorial (and accompanying text) for installing a program in Mac OS X (http://forum.codelain.com is where the program is downloaded). I'm almost done, but I've run into a problem that I don't really know how to show in the video. For the most part, the videos are just showing the user what to click, which command...

Java tutorial for C# developer

I worked on C# for a few years now move to Java. Is there a good Java tutorial for C# developers? thanks! ...

Anyone started developing java web application using the google app engine?

what kind of application you all developing? And what is the best way to get started? ...

Databases from scratch

How do I create a database management system from scratch? Are there any books, sites and tutorials with great quality? With great quality I mean that it should be simple to use and straight forward in explaining the concepts. Here are examples of caliber quality resources that I'm looking for: If I were to create an operating syste...

Is the xxm step by step install tutorial clear enough?

I know the xxm install guide is a lot to read and doesn't get you up and running as fast and easily as it would when you've seen it done. So I've installed xxm on a clean Windows install, and made screenshots at every step. I haven't made much tutorials before, and wouldn't even know where to start to make one of those walk-through vide...

Python: Good place to learn about `multiprocessing.Manager`?

I want to learn to use multiprocessing.Manager. I looked at the documentation but it's not easy enough for me. Anyone knows of a good tutorial or something like that? ...

Good Documentation for Learning Clucene?

Is there a good book or tutorial for setting up and using Cluence for beginners? ...

Good Tutorial for Interop.Excel.PivotTable

Hi, does anyone know if there's any good online tutorial for building pivot tables using Interop.Excel.PivotTable? These are the only two I can find: http://blogs.msdn.com/andreww/archive/2008/07/25/creating-a-pivottable-programmatically.aspx http://www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet1217.htm And I'm looking for more complicated example...