
Twitter Top Tweets like jQuery Plugin

I'm looking for a JavaScript or a jQuery plugin has an effect like the twitter top tweets. Thanks in advance. ...

Problems with Twitter+OAuth+iPhone. Kids are Crying

This case is really strange, i've spent 2 whole days to get Twitter Oauth working with the iPhone and i failed over and over again. Its strange since most of the people don't seem to have the same problem as me. First of all, the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret is okay, i tried with 2 OAuth apps (Twitter) with every possible configurat...

Post Twitter message from iPhone app with OAuth

Hi, How can I post a message on Twitter from my app using OAuth authentication? I'd like to post an invariable message with a variable link... How can I do this? Any source? Any tutorials? Thanks a lot! ...

Hoverable tooltips with AJAX-pulled content on Prototype/Scriptaculous (to act like Twitter's)`

Twitter recently added hoverable multi-media "tooltips" -- when you hover over a username or avatar on your feed, it pops up (in-place) more details on the user (tweets sent/received, location, last tweet). It also includes a "Follow" button. There's a 'more-info' link which will load some more details on-demand. I'd like to emulate ho...

Twitter integration and authentication

I am writing an app using WPF 3.5 and I need twitter integration. I know that there are many API's for C# and most of them seem to be on the right track. But one, painfully annoying (seemingly 100% required) step of the twitter posting is that you need to redirect the user to the twitter website, in which they need to login and click "...

Twitter Trends on iPhone app - iPhone Developer

Hi everyone, I am trying to display trends from twitter on a certain topic in my iphone app such that users can see what people really say about a topic on my app. Has anyone tried this before? Is this possible. I found twitter widgets that can do this but only for websites. Praveen ...

Is Twitter still running on Rails?

I know Twitter initially ran on the Ruby on Rails platform. Is this true today? ...

How to show all tweets from twitter website

I m using twitter home page using twitter Api in my local website in which tweets send by own is shown but all the tweets send by any other person are not visible... how can i see all the tweets in my website in local machine... ...

Twitter API, Linked In API in PHP

I am looking for a simple script that I can use to send some text to Twitter, and Linked in. The objective is to be able to have a simple sample PHP script that looks something like this: <html> <head> <title>Twitter and Linked In API</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"> </head> <body> <?php $dummy_tx...

Retweeting with ColdFusion and Twitter4j

I'm trying to update the status of a user and then immediately retweet it. I can't figure out how to get the ID of the status I just submitted though. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Twitter URL for returning /user_timeline Searches

I may be completely overlooking something but I can't seem to filter the user_timeline results by keyword in the REST api. example: returns all the results, not the ones filtered by the word 'pumpkin'. ...

jQuery: How can I match text with a RegEx pattern and wrap the results in an anchor tag?

I have a bunch of tweets that are returned as plain text that I would like to go through and assign proper links tags to based on RegEx matches. As an example here is a tweet where I would like @Bundlehunt to become <a href=""&gt;@Bundlehunt&lt;/a&gt; and the should become <a href="http...

Twitter stream backup

I follow around 400 people on twitter and I would like to have a backup of all of their tweets. I see that most of the desktop applications has a limit to the twitter stream to show only last xx tweets. Is it possible that I can use the Twitter API to save my twitter stream in a local database? Is there any ready made code available? T...

Displaying information from Twitter and Database in DateTime order

I am working on a ASP.Net MVC website and I am querying Twitter's API to return data. I also have a database backend which returns posts for a blog. How can I put this data in date order and parse it to the view? At the moment I am using which puts data into a div via jQuery however I now have this added n...

Deserializing twitter stream json string F#, how to define 'null' as a proper value ?

Hello, I leave the below in case anybody wants the record types, but my question can be asked as following. Suppose one needs to write to a file a record type that can be null, what is the best way to achieve that, considering the below yields: "The type 'Basic' does not have 'null' as a proper value": type Basic = {Toto:string} let...

Searchbar just like twitter app in android

I wounder if there some example on how to create a searchbar just like twitter app in android? and also I wounder about the popup. are there any samples? ...

Twitter API Issue: OAuth Request Token using GET works, POST fails

Hi, I am using the Twitter API for OAuth. I have gotten the Request Token operation to work without any issues using GET. However, when I do the exact same thing using POST, it gives me the error 'Failed to validate oauth signature'. Here are the various curl options I am using: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''.$url_post_str.''); cu...

Is twitter still on Rails?

Is twitter still on Rails? ...

Need Help finding out howto use Twitter's @anywhere isFollowing/isFollowedBy methods

I am trying to check via the Twitter Javascript Api (see here) if a logged in user is following me on twitter. If not, i will display a followbutton. Right now i can't seem to find out how the command isFollowing/isFollowedBy works (see doc). Code so far: twttr.anywhere( function (T) { if(T.User.find('mashable').isFollowing){ ...

IE 6 7 Privacy report

I am working on a site that is triggering the privacy report symbol to appear in IE. I am using a twitter plugin that displays some of my latest tweets. website link I think it is this code that is triggering it, but not sure. (This code is in @ line 311) function build_url() { var proto = ('https:' == document.l...