
401 accessing no-auth required Twitter user timeline

according to the twitter api documentation accessing the current logged in users timeline does not require auth. But i'm getting a basic auth not supported response and a 401 when I debug in javascript. anybody have experience getting the current users info?

How do you embed a Tweet This button in a Tumblr Blog

I found the post for adding a Tweet This Button on Wordpress but can't find it for Tumblr. I'm having a hard time figuring out where to paste this into the Tumblr Customize page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you think it will help to check out my blog, here it is: thanks, Scott ...

twitter oauth :geting undefined index: oauth_token_secret in

Hi am trying to post tweets using oauth (PHP) i created the application in my twitter account , i executed some open source script but that produce the below error, Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token_secret in How to fix this issue my snippet require_once('twitterOAuth/twitterOAuth.php'); require_once('twitterOAuth/OAuth.php')...

Ensuring data is in date order using 2 paged lists

I have a 2 streams of data both of which contain date information. I get 10 items from the first which is a SQL database and 10 items from the second which is a Twitter feed. When a request comes in to get more data it then retrieves the next 10 items from each source. The problem I have spotted is that second set of 10 items from t...

Is Zend_Service_Twitter usable/updated?

I found that many functions thats documented in Zend_Service_Twitter seem to be no longer working, or maybe i did the wrong thing. Zend_Debug::dump($twitter->account->verifyCredentials()); returned object(Zend_Rest_Client_Result)#50 (2) { ["_sxml":protected] => object(SimpleXMLElement)#55 (2) { ["request"] => string(33) "/1/a...

adding a windows form object to listbox

Hi! I'm creating a twitter client in C#. I want to put every tweet as an element of a listbox. I created a windows form that represents a tweet(it has a picture, and labels). My problem is that when i can't see the tweets when i add them to the listbox. After adding 3 tweets(windows form objects), the listbox has 3 blank elements in t...

Why are some geo tagged tweets null? (Twitter Streaming API)

Hi, I'm using the twitter streaming api to gather tweet locations from around the world. I'm receiving plenty of live tweets but some of the geo tags are null. I'm using the statuses/filter api with the following url:,-90,180,90 This url returns tweets, some of the ge...

Twitter Retweet count of a Tweet

I want to get count of all Retweets for a specific Tweet from Twitter. I used Twitterizer ...

Integrating twitter,facebook and other services in one single site

Hi all, I need to develop an application which should help me in getting all the status,messages from different servers like Twitter,facebook etc in my application and also when i post a message it should gets updated in all the services. I am using authlogic for authentication. Can anyone suggest me what gems/plug-ins i can use.. I n...

Format tweet on the client side with javascript?

To document some recent events I saved all tweets including a special hashtag. Now I have about 50.000 tweets which I want to publish. To save bandwidth and server load I want just want to send the raw tweet text to the client and then render it with javascript (linking hashtags, useranames and urls). Is there already javascript library...

Twitter for software development (java)?

I'm wondering if twitter is of any use to stay up to date with themes of current software development activities. Primarily I'm interested in java. Are there any tweets that you would recommend? ...

How can I automate the login to Twitter using Oauth?

Assumedly, I can use curl to send vars to All of the libraries I'm trying have the same behavior: I instantiate the object and then I'm directed to the Twitter login screen at This is not going to work for me because my users should never know the username...

Is there a javascript event when items are added to or removed from the DOM?

I'm trying to build a Chrome browser extension, that should enhance the way the twitter website behaves in Google Chrome. I want to mark the top tweet that gets moved down when new tweets are loaded, and scroll to it. I'm able to fetch the top tweet before the click by hooking the mousedown event using .live(). After that, I have to wai...

Including Twitter Widgets.js via HTTPS

Hey all I'm having a minor problem with Mixed-content on HTTPS served pages on our site, when we include the Apparently Twitter doesn't have a valid certificate -- but hopefully I am mistaken. Do any of you have a solution to the problem. I've searched here and on google for a related problem, an...

Twitter library for App Engine Python?

I am looking for an Python library which is compatible with app engine and provides an interface to the Twitter API. I found the python-twitter project - has anyone has used it on app engine? ...

How do I display my own tweets using new OAuth?

I had a twitter timeline displayed on my site using basic authorization. Now it stopped working. I need to make it work again. What should I do? I've gone through some tutorials and they all were like "how to display timeline from USER THAT ACCESSED YOUR WEB" or "let people tweet from you app", but none of them shows simple scenario li...

how can I fetch private tweets using a PHP application

Hi, I want to show my latest tweet in a web page. My tweets are private for some reason and I should login to Twitter. I know that the basic HTTP authentication was deprecated in August 2010. How can I provide authentication in my PHP code to fetch private tweets (or userTimeline if I'm not mistaken)? I've searched but unfortunately di...

Twitter Oauth via PHP WITHOUT cURL

My server does not support cURL. I want to update my status via php. How to do that without cURL? Again: WITHOUT CURL! ...

Twitter API - get_statusesHome_timeline()

hi i am using EpiTwitter to get users tweets, but i can work out, how I get the latest updates. I am using get_statusesHome_timeline() to get the tweets from there home_timeline which works, but how would I get updates when their friends tweet? I know it has to be sense something but not sure. If someone can help that would be great ...

In layman's term: social APIs and their limits

I want to utilize Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and Yelp in my own social web app (PHP/MySQL), specifically to tap into users' details and trends. How do I use those social APIs and what are the main limitations I need to worry about? ...