
save variable as txt but not in the server

how can i save some variables in a txt file for the user? dont want to generate and store in my server, just want to generate and then the user save on his pc, nothing changes on the server btw, is this operation heavy on resources? thanks ...

libsvm model file format

According to this FAQ the model format in libsvm should be straightforward. And in fact it is, when I call just svm-train. As an example, the first SV for the a1a dataset is 1 3:1 11:1 14:1 19:1 39:1 42:1 55:1 64:1 67:1 73:1 75:1 76:1 80:1 83:1 On the other hand, if I use the easy.py script, my first SV ends up being: 512 1:-1 2:-1...

Convert Txt To JPG

Hey I am using libcurl to download file. I download the image (JPG), but I can only save it as txt file. Is there any methods that could change data (string) to JPG and save it ? Thanks Edit: How can I convert this stream ? Bitmap b = new Bitmap(data); b.Save("picture.jpg", b); <-- this gives me error ...

How do i write a txt file using Microsoft Dynamics AX ?

I want to write a txt file (just like i'd do in visual studio with c# using string writer and everything, with which i'm already very familiar) what class and method do i use? how does it work? what's the X++ syntax? ...

lseek function problem in a copy file program!

Hi ppl Got to use lseek function in this program below... Program is simply copying file (that already exist). I wanned to copy the existing file with the chars from the end of file for example: Sorce_File.txt contains:"1 2 3" after copy Target_File.txt contains:"3 2 1" I'm pretty sure it's simple problem but couldn't find out since 2...

how to convert pdf to txt in C#

i need to convert a pdf file to txt file (or doc, but i prefer txt) in c# can someone tell me how can i do it? i saw something about it when i searched i Google but i didn't understand where i should put the file. so can someone tell me what references i need to do and what files do i need to add and where and what the code for the conve...

asp.net mvc serving txt gets truncated

Hello, I'm trying to serve a txt file made from the database using an action. The action is the following: public ActionResult ATxt() { var articulos = _articulosService.ObteTotsArticles(); return File(CatalegATxt.ATxt(articulos), "text/plain"); } and the CatalegATxt class is: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; u...

C# Create multiple .txt files using strings from another file and textbox

Hello to all. I am new to programming. Is there a way to create multiple .txt files using data from another file in C#. like this: 1. we have data.txt with 100 or more strings string1 string2 string3 ... 2. we have textbox1 and textbox2 waiting for user to enter strings 3 . we need to create 100 or more files using strings from data.t...

Opening Resources in Text File Format in Notepad

Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble using resource files. In my project I'm using a bunch of bitmap files and two txt files. Bitmaps are used as backgrounds for controls, but .txt files I want to open in Notepad or WordPad. Till now I was accesing them from a file path on my machine: ControlName.backgroundimage = New Bitmap(direcory...

Export VSD (visio) to text file

I'm no programmer but I'm sure this community can help. I have thosands of VSD files in a LAN share that I want to create a simple searchable index for. I want to be able to have the contents of each VSD file in clear text for manipluation in either windows or unix shell script that could be used for searching the clear txt output. Can...

Importing txt files to excel makes linebreaks disappear

Hi everyone! I am trying to import a text file into excel (2007). The file was exported from a C# text box and it contains linebreaks. Although when I import it (with the text import wizard that comes with excel), the linebreaks disappears completely. I would prefer not to have to write a VBA file and place in an excel file to run but i...

How do I create google xml sitemap and robot.txt file?

Hi I'm a bit of a beginner at seo, Could anyone tell me how I create and xml sitemap and robots.txt file for my site. Is there some kind of generator for them? Thanks for your help Regards Judi ...

How do you sort a txt file of strings using a binsort method in java?

What methods should i be implementing? How do you individually pop off characters from the strings in the .txt file? How should i approach making the bins? ...

Android - store .txt filenames in array

Hello! I would like to store only .txt filenames from a specific dir (let's say: /sdcard/docs/) into an String array. Example: In /sdcard/docs/ there are 5 files: 'foo.txt', 'bar.jpg', 'foofoo.txt', 'loool.png' and 'foobar.txt'. I would like to get array with contents: "foo.txt", "foofoo.txt", "foobar.txt" How could I do it? Thanks...

iphone read txt file from UIWebView

I can read the data in file.txt file located in local disk. NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"file" ofType:@"txt"]; NSString* Data = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error ]; now, I upload the file.txt file into a website. how can i read the data from the txt ...

how to upload .txt files to sql database using asp.net(C#)

how to upload .txt files to sql database using asp.net(C#) ...

how to read the data from a text file stored in the database

I have a text file stored in my sql DB. in that .txt file I have certain numbers like: 99435 87889 33455 33555 34556 How to get the count of these numbers from the txtfile stored in the database? Also to read the file and fetch the number one by one in a string? I am using asp.net (C#) ...

Is there a generic class to write structured Text Files?

I have several projects that need to write structured Textfiles, some with fixed size fields, other delimited by characters. Is there a .net class that could be used for that? I know there is a "Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser" that is useful for reading textfiles, i am actually searching for a ""Microsoft.VisualBasic.File...

ISO-8859-1 and MacRoman Encoding

I've got a MySQL database table with an ISO-8859-1 encoded text field containing user names. When I export that to a text file using PHP I get a normal text file saved on the client computer. When I open it in Word or Excel on a Windows system, it looks good. When I open it on Mac using Word or Excel, the high-ascii characters are wro...

How could I use AJAX to create a Json data source .txt file?

I'm creating a form that collects standard information about customers. When the user hits save, I would like to create a .txt file that would be used to later retrieve all of the data collected from customers. I'm using DataTables which is a jQuery plugin to display the data. The .txt file would be formatted to be saved as such: { "aaD...