
Converting pdf files to txt files with php

There's this program, pdftotext, that can convert a pdf file to a text file. To use it directly on the linux console: pdftotext file.pdf and it will generate a file.txt on the same directory as the pdf file. I was looking for a way to do it from inside a php program, and after some googling i ended with two commands that should work f...

vim: would like it to turn settings on only for certain file types

I've looked at this but it wasn't too much help. Maybe I didn't read it too well. Basically what I want is when I open a .txt file the settings: set wrap set linebreak are turned on. How might I go about doing that? Thanks in advance. Also, I'm using XP. ...

Incorporating text files in applications ?

Is there anyway I can incorporate a pretty large text file (about 700KBs) into the program itself, so I don't have to ship the text files together in the application directory ? This is the first time I'm trying to do something like this, and I have no idea where to start from. Help is greatly appreciated (: ...

How to display data from txt file in specific format

I have a text file input which contains data as below. How can I display data from the text file into specific format? Monday Jessy Walking 20 minutes Matthew Run 20 minutes Karen Jogging 40 minutes Jessica Run 12 minutes Tuesday Messia Walking 10 minutes Matthew Run 20 minutes Pete Run 10 minutes Carol Walking 30 minutes I want to dis...

Storing data in txt file in specific format

Hi, my question is related to my previous question (How to display data from txt file in specific format). I was wondering if it is possible at the first place, to store data on txt file in specific format rather than store it first and then retreived it again and display it in specific format? e.g. instead of store data on txt file li...

How do I sort records in a text file using Java?

Some amendment of the data in txt file. I have tried the suggested code but Im not successfully write it again in the txt file with this format.I've tried the collection.sort but it write the data in long line. My txt file contain these data: Monday Jessica Run 20mins Alba Walk 20mins Amy Jogging 40mins Bobby Run...

Maintaining a database externally in a text file

hi all, What is the simplest way of maintaining a txt based database file that allows the program the write in new or edit existing entry during execution time. to be specific, the program must be capable of storing a client, ip and port when it logs in, and remove accordingly when the client logs out, without using "internal" approac...

Parse a .txt file

Hello everybody , I have a .txt file like: Symbols from __ctype_tab.o: Name Value Class Type Size Line Section __ctype |00000000| D | OBJECT |00000004| |.data __ctype_tab |00000000| r | OBJECT |00000101| |.rodata Symbols from _ashldi3.o: Name ...

How can I make this declaration work?

EDIT: I also got an answer to make sector a vector of vectors: vector<vector<char>>sector; and that gets rid of the rest of my errors. EDIT: I've made sector an array of pointers as someone suggested, and still get three errors: EDIT: I have edited the program, but it has not fixed all of the errors: I have this section of a progra...

How to read large text file on windows?

Hi there, I have a large server log file (~750meg) which I can't open with either Notepad or Notepad++ (they both say the file is too large). Can anyone suggest a program (for windows) that will only read a small part of the file into memory at a time? Or do I need to write my own app to parse this file? ...

Looking for a .txt word frequency list to test a program.

I'd like a file of the 200-1000 or so most frequently used words in the English language. I've been able to find ridiculous lists of 200,000 words or whatever, but nothing with a smaller set of the more frequently used words. Preferably the words would be one per line but if it's not then I can format it. THANKS! ...

Display text from .txt file in batch file

Hello, I'm scripting a big batch file. It records the date to a log.txt file: @echo off echo %date%, %time% >> log.txt echo Current date/time is %date%, %time%. @pause exit It can record it several times, on serveral lines. Now what I want to do is that the batch file file shows the last recorded date/time from the log.txt file. Ho...

batch file which checks an entered text with text from a .txt file

I like to have a batch file which checks if an entered text in a .txt file is the same. Something like this...: @echo off Set pass= set /p pass=Enter your password: ...... ...... the .txt file is pass.txt and it should look something like this: p2342ddd3 So what i want it to do, that an user have to type in the text from the p...

Batch file which deletes a file which last modification was not today

I just wanna know: How can i delete 'log.txt' if the last modification was not today? With a batch file. I'm just talking here about 1 FILE! ...

display contents of .txt file using php

using this code <?php foreach (glob("*.txt") as $filename) { $file = $filename; $contents = file($file); $string = implode($contents); echo $string; echo "<br></br>"; } ?> i can display the contants of any txt file in the folder the problem is all the formating and so on from the txt file is skipped the txt f...

Set= log.txt in batch

I have like a log.txt file which contains: MyName My batch: @echo off set name= [log.txt] in the [log.txt] part, it should read 'MyName' from the log.txt file, to set it as 'name'. How? ...

Java based OCR SDK/API

Are there any good OCR (optical character recognition) SDK or APIs in Java which will be able to convert TIFF files to txt files (or even html is good enough) with some sort of format retention? The challenge is to read a typical news magazine article and know that it has a header and certain number of paragraphs and pictures. I am Ok w...

Is it posible, to modify or edit txt file, if the file's permission is set as 606 ?

Is it posible, to modify or edit txt file, if the file's permission is set as 606 , via WEB browser , by normal users ? I mean I make a txt file named "1.txt" The first original contents of the txt file is "PAX is great man" and then ,I upload this file to server. I set the permission of the file as 606. so the general users can n...

Why isn't this password thing not working -- Batch

Hello i have this in a batch: :passw022 title batch :: Password if exist util2.txt del util2.txt cls echo Please enter your name: echo. Set name= set /p name=Name: echo %name%>> util.txt echo. echo Please enter a password you like to have: echo. Set passw= <nul: set /p passw=Password: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('cscript /nologo mask.vbs...

How can I get uploaded file full path in C# 3.0?

Hi everyone! In my ASP.NET MVC website, I have to read a txt file with some names and emails separeted by ';'. After that, I have to save each line of this txt file to database. Googling around, I've found some snippets, but in all of them I have to use the txt file path. But, how can I get this path? This file could be anywhere in a ...