
php function foo(array $arg = NULL) -- why the array and NULL?

I've seen the following a few times lately: function foo(array $arg = NULL) { ... } My question being why make the default of $arg NULL when it will be just cast into an array? Why not do: function foo(array $arg = array()) { ... } I know it doesn't really make much difference--it's mostly just reading code--but why encourage PHP...

C++ Void non-pointer

I was wondering, why can't there be a void data type that is not a pointer? Surely you could get past the whole determined size thing by having void4 void8 void32 And then only being allowed to 'cast' a void data type to another class if its size is equal or under to the classes size. Is there something that I'm missing, or does the...

Type casting, c language problem.

Hello! I'm not able to understand some typecasting syntaxes. For eg. float f=7.0; short s=*(short *)&f; What's happening here short s=*(short *)&f? Looks like we're casting something as a pointer to a short and then initializing s to value stored in the address pointed to by something. Now, this something looks like the address of va...

comparing int with size_t

If i have a int and a size_t variable,can i compare them like: int i=1; size_t y=2; if(i==y) do something.. or i have to type-cast one of them? ...

Arbitrary pointer to unknown class function - invalid type conversion

I have a hack program; it injects some functions into a target process to control it. The program is written in C++ with inline assembly. class GameProcMain { // this just a class }; GameProcMain* mainproc; // there is no problem I can do =(GameProcMain*)0xC1EA90 Now I want to define a class function (which set ecx to class pointer)...

Type casting error and constructor

I have two classes public class A { public A() { } } public class B:A { public B() { } } and it the code in Main is as follows A oa = new B(); B ob = new A(); Here line 1 compiles successfully while line 2 displays typecasting error. Why this happens. ...

Autoboxing/widening occurs in Short a=3 but not in Float a=3;

I understand that the following code won't work Float a=3 because its translated as Float a=Integer.valueOf(3). We'll have a Float reference on the LHS and an Integer object on the RHS, which is incompatible. But : 1. `Short a=3;` This works, though here again, we'll have a Short reference on the LHS and an Integer object on ...

Typecasting an integer to a character pointer in C

I have a function uint8_t EE_Write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t len, uint8_t * buf) that takes a pointer to some data that it will write to memory, and a uint16_t myword that I want to give it. The basic EE_Write(0,sizeof(myword),&myword); gives me the compiler warning "Indirection to different types ('unsigned int *const ' instead of 'unsi...

Infinite loop using static_cast on this pointer

Hi everybody. Suppose I have two classed Base and Derived, i.e.: #include <iostream> class Base { public: Base () : m_name("Base") { } virtual ~Base () { } virtual void method (std::ostream & out) const { out << m_name << std::endl; ...

When do I need to typecast in C?

I understand typecasting...but only in retrospect. My process to figure out what requires typecasting in expressions is usually retroactive because I can't predict when it will be required because I don't know how the compiler steps through them. A somewhat trite example: int8_t x = -50; uint16_t y = 50; int32_t z = x * y; On my 8-b...

C++ overloading typecast operator for pointers

I have a conversion like this: Class1 *p1; Class2 *p2 = new Class2(); p1 = (Class1 *) p2; Can I override the typecast operator above to return a custom Class1 object pointer? If yes how? EDIT: My exact problem is that I have code like this: if (*$1 == ArrayType(AnyType())) { $$ = ((ArrayType *) $1)->getElementsType(); } Operat...

How to determine the represented type of enum value?

Consider the following two enums: enum MyEnum1 { Value1 = 1, Value2 = 2, Value3 = 3 } enum MyEnum2 { Value1 = 'a', Value2 = 'b', Value3 = 'c' } I can retrieve the physical value represented by these enum values through explicit casting, ((int)MyEnum1.Value2) == 2 or ((char)MyEnum2.Value2) == 'b', but what i...

C++ virtual inheritace and typecasting/copy constructor confusion

I have the code below: class A { }; class B: public virtual A { public: B() { cerr << "B()"; } B(const A& a) { cerr << "B(const A&)"; } }; class C: public B { }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { B *b = new B(C()); } To my surprise B(const A& a) isn't called. Why is that? ...

How can an UIntPtr object be converted to IntPtr in C#?

I need to convert an UIntPtr object to that of IntPtr in my C# .NET 2.0 application. How can this be accomplished? I don't suppose it's as simple as this: UIntPtr _myUIntPtr = /* Some initializer value. */ object _myObject = (object)_myUIntPtr; IntPtr _myIntPtr = (IntPtr)_myObject; Thanks. ...

Casting one struct pointer to other - C

Please consider the following code. enum type {CONS, ATOM, FUNC, LAMBDA}; typedef struct{ enum type type; } object; typedef struct { enum type type; object *car; object *cdr; } cons_object; object *cons (object *first, object *second) { cons_object *ptr = (cons_object *) malloc (sizeof (cons_object)); ptr->type = CONS; ...

Difference between typecasting and parsing?

What is the big difference between parsing and typecasting? I try to use type casting to a string and it gives me error. Something like this: string str = "10"; int i = (int) str; ...

id type to NSString

is there any way by which I can change an id type to NSString object? note the following line of my code. NSString *value = [appDelegate.bird_arr objectAtIndex:rowClicked] ; in this appDelegate is object of my AppDelegate class in a navigation based program and bird_arr is object of NSMutableArray. I want to use the string written in ...

c++ factory and casting issue

I have a project where I have a lot of related Info classes and I was considering putting up a hierarchy by having a AbstractInfo class and then a bunch of derived classes, overriding the implementations of AbstractInfo as necessary. However it turns out that in C++ using the AbstractInfo class to then create one of the derived objects ...

Typecasting to void pointer & back

I have a function: void *findPos(void *param) { int origPos=(int)param; ... } Which I am calling as a thread runner: pthread_create( &threadIdArray[i], NULL, findPos, (void *)i ); Now, this way, I get the value of origPos as the typecasted void pointer param, ie. i. This feels like a dirty hack to get around the limitation of...

PHP: Cannot cast string to int?

For a fun project I wanted to make a binary clock in PHP, so basically for simplicity's sake I used date("H:m:s"); to get the time in string format, then used str_split(); to separate each string letter into an array. My code is here to work with it: $time = str_split($time); //I tried $time = array_map(intval, $time); here but no dice...