
php class identification for IDEs

Hello, Let's say i have a function that returns an object of type SomeClass. And i have code like this: $test = function_to_return_someclass(); Now i want to use the $test variable in an IDE, but i want it to understand that $test is of type SomeClass. I can do it easily with class variables by using the /** @var */ comment, but this...

What is the difference between casting and conversion?

Eric Lippert's comments in this question have left me thoroughly confused. What is the difference between casting and conversion in C#? ...

Scala - how to explicitly choose which overloaded method to use when one arg must be null?

All, I'm doing some image manipulation in Scala by making use of BufferedImages and Raster objects. I am attempting to get all the pixels in the buffered image with the following code. val raster = f.getRaster() // Preallocating the array causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException .. http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5297789 // R...

Casting Early bound object type into Late bound object type

I've got a piece of code in a project (MyProject) that contains early bound object from a referenced assembly (We'll call it CommonAssembly): Dim myObject As CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType now I have another assembly that is dynamically loaded because it is not present in all projects: Dim myLateBoundObject As Object = AppDomain.Cu...

Is it safe to call casted function pointers?

In particular, will the following ever not work as expected: typedef void(*func_p)(void*); void foo(int* data) { printf("%i\n",*data); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { func_p bar; int x = 42; bar = foo; bar((void*)&x); return 0; } ie, can I rely on data pointers (void*, int*, struct baz*,...

AS3 - What's the difference between MyClass(instance) and (instance as MyClass)

You can upcast or downcast an instance (to a superclass or subclass) using this syntax: var i:MyClass = MyClass(instance); But what does the as keyword do? var i:MyClass = (instance as MyClass); Are they equivalent? or am I missing something here... ...

Casting to a custom user class

While I was trying to build a Number subclass in AS3 I noticed I cannot extend the Number/int/etc. classes --- they are final. The next best thing was casting. Still, I also don't think this is possible but since I've been asking myself this for a while I said I'd ask here to find out. Can you create custom casting for a class you crea...

Why syntax error occurs when a void function is checked in IF statement.

What will be the output if I write In C++ if(5) will be executed without any problem but not in C# same way will it be able to run. if(func()){} //in C# it doesn't runs Why how does C# treats void and how in Turbo C++ void func() { return; } if(null==null){}//runs in C# EDIT if(printf("Hi"){} //will run and enter into if statemen...

C++ type casting

Possible Duplicate: When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? Until a few days ago, I've always used C style type casting in C++ because it seemed to work good. I recently found out that using C in C++ is very bad.. I've never really used C++ casting before, so I'm wondering if someone could tell me ...

how to write a cast-to-reference-to-array operator for a class?

I have following class: template <size_t size> class Araye{ public: Araye(int input[]){ for (int i=0;i<size;i++) araye[i]=input[i]; } int araye[size]; }; How should I write a cast-to-reference-to-array operator for this class so that following works: int adad[3]={1,2,3}; Araye<3> araye(adad); int (&reference)[3]=araye; ...

SQL Type-casting

I'm dividing some integers x & y in MS SQL, and I wan the result to be in a floating-point form. 5/2 should equal 2.5. When I simply do SELECT 5/2 I get 2, which doesn't suprise me, since it's creating an int from two ints. I know I can force it to a float by doing: SELECT CAST(5 AS FLOAT)/CAST(2 AS FLOAT); but that seems like ...

Any Difference Between (int) 1 and 1 in PHP?

I was reading some code that a consultant provided us. It's a bit convoluted, and at the end of a function, it reads: return (int) 1; Instead of: return 1; PHP has a lot of magic in it; is this as bone-headed as it looks, or is there a valid reason to cast an integer as an integer? ...

Type casting of class variables in PHP/Symfony/Netbeans

Hello! Whenever I need to use the intelligence of Netbeans to show properties/methods, I explicitly declare a new object and then re-reference it. Something like.. $moo = new Cow(); $moo = Cow::getById(1); $hasMilk = $moo->hasMilk(); Is there a way I can avoid this by type-casting the variable when getting it? Or atleast a...

C++ char * to string

Possible Duplicate: how to copy char * into a string and vice-versa I have to pass a value into a method that required a char * MyMethod(char * parameter) { // code } However, the parameter I need to feed it is currently a std::string. How do I convert the std::string to a char *? std::string myStringParameter = //what...

Alternate way of computing size of a type using pointer arithmetic

Is the following code 100% portable? int a=10; size_t size_of_int = (char *)(&a+1)-(char*)(&a); // No problem here? std::cout<<size_of_int;// or printf("%zu",size_of_int); P.S: The question is only for learning purpose. So please don't give answers like Use sizeof() etc ...

Efficiently typecast elements of a vector in Java

Is there a more efficient way (preferably O(1) rather than O(n) but at least faster to type) to typecast the elements of a vector than this? public Vector<String> typecastVector(Vector<Object> objects){ Vector<String> strings = new Vector<String>(); for(Object o : objects) strings.add((String) o); return strings; } ...

Why isn't this function caught by the compiler, and what does it do?

I found in some legacy code I'm dealing with this function (in C++) Vec3d Minimum() { if(this->valid) { return minBB; } else { return NULL; } } where Vec3d is a object that is basically a struct with x,y,z and some operators overloaded (code below). AFAIK, you can't return a 0 for a user define...

Polymorphic QSharedPointer

I'm trying to use QSharedPointer in my polymorphic stucture, but I couldn't find right syntax to convert pointer of base class to pointer of derived class. struct Switch : State { int a; }; QSharedPointer <State> myState=QSharedPointer <State>(new Switch); QSharedPointer <Switch> mySwitchTest= ??? myState; What should I put in th...

casting an object to base interface

Hello, I have got a problem on casting an object to one of it's base interfaces living in another library. Here is the code for it: BaseSDK.dll public interface IPlugin { void Run(); } CustomPlugin.Definition.dll: public interface ICustomPlugin { void DoCustomStuff(); } CustomPlugin.dll (has reference to BaseSDK.dll and Cu...

Is it possible to cast in a MongoDB-Query?

When I have two MongoDB documents like this... db.test.insert( {"value" : "10123"} ); db.test.insert( {"value" : "160"} ); The result of a query like: db.test.find({"value" :{$gt : "12"} }); is.. { "_id" : ObjectId("4c6d1b92304326161b678b89"), "value" : "160" } It's obvious, that a string comparison is made, so that my first va...