
typecasting objects from same dll loaded in different load context...

I asked a question recently regarding a http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3863657/peculiar-behavior-of-immediate-window-in-vs-2008 peculiar behavior that I observed in the immediate window. After some debugging I found the issue the following example can reproduce the same. // SimpleClassLib.dll namespace SimpleClassLib { ...

How to Cast to Generic Parameter in C#?

I'm trying to write a generic method for fetching an XElement value in a strongly-typed fashion. Here's what I have: public static class XElementExtensions { public static XElement GetElement(this XElement xElement, string elementName) { // Calls xElement.Element(elementName) and returns that xElement (with some validati...

static_cast vs const_cast

Possible Duplicate: When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? what is the difference between those two casts, const_cast<const A&> and static_cast<const A&> what do You usually use in your practice? thanks in advance ...

upcast at runtime. (Morph from Base Class to derive Class)

class B{ private: int a; } class D: public B{ private: int b; } B* b = new B; Now for some reason I want turn b into a D* Type of Object. e.g. retain the information of B and become D with extra Informations required. What I am currently thinking of is. static_cast to do the upcasting. the additional attributes will be se...

How to restrict a anonymous function's boundary?

I saw a below code: Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two") map _._1 this return a Iterable[Int], but if I want to do nothing with map, how to do it? I want to do something like below, but the below code can't compile, I know because it a object instance not a function, but how to create a function to do x => x and use placeholder: Map(1 -> "on...

Warning-free Templating in C

Transitioning from C++, I am now learning the dark art of C and have developed the following code to replace my need for templating. In the bottom example, I have implemented your garden-variety Node structure in such a way that it can be used to store any data type. Consider the following... // vptr.c #include <stdio.h> struct Node {...

How to create generic method

Hi All, I want to create a method which will take some base type as a parameter and compares and check if it is derived type and return the derived type based on that. For Example: Class A : IBase Class B : IBase My method: Public IBase GetData(IBase type) { If type is A then { //do smthing return A } If type is B { ...

What's the principle of type casting?

Quoted from here: CMediaType mymt; AM_MEDIA_TYPE pmt = (AM_MEDIA_TYPE*)&mymt; Why can a CMediaType object be cast to AM_MEDIA_TYPE? Is such feature available in c? UPDATE Can someone answer it seriously what's the principle behind cast subclasses to their base classes, can I do it the other way around? UPDATE2 AM_MEDIA_TYPE/C...

How to initialize a pointer to a specific memory address in C++

Possible Duplicate: pointer to a specific fixed address An interesting discussion about this started here but no one have been able to provide the C++ way of doing: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int* address = (int *)0x604769; printf("Memory address is: 0x%p\n", address); *address = 0xdead; printf("Content o...

Casting boolean to Boolean in java

i have a code as public class BooleanTest { public BooleanTest() { super(); } public static void main(String args[]){ BooleanTest bt = new BooleanTest(); bt.doProcess(); } private boolean method() { return false; } private void doProcess() { Boolean obj = (Boolean)method...

Sending a C++ struct over UDP in Java

Hi all, I'm a C++ programmer and have a need to set up some UDP communications between a java android app and the C++ server running on a PC. I have structure that I need to receive on the PC that consists of the following: int int float Unfortunately I'm totally at a loss as to how I can do this with Java. I need to create a Datag...

Java: how to implement `toArray` for `Collection`

Right now, I have: public <T> T[] toArray(T[] old) { T[] arr = Arrays.copyOf(old, old.length + size()); int i = old.length; for(E obj : this) { arr[i] = old.getClass().getComponentType().cast(obj); ++i; } return arr; } (Note that this does not follow the contract ...

When an object is cast to a base class, how does it remember what it really is?

This is a beginner's question, but I am interested in learning what's going on here. My question is, what goes on behind the scenes when you down-cast an object? Does it maintain some sort of metadata about what it originally was? Here's what I mean: Suppose I have a method called "ClockIn" that accepts a parameter of type "Employee": ...

why do we type-cast?

If I do: int i=3, j=10; float f; f=(i+j)/2; so f won't get value 6.5 but 6. But, f=(i+(float)j)/10;//edited would be f=6.5. What is the place where this temporary values are stored and why do we need to type-cast? ...

C->C++ Automatically cast void pointer into Type pointer in C++ in #define in case of type is not given (C-style) [MSVS]

Hi! I've used the following C macro, But in C++ it can't automatically cast void* to type*. #define MALLOC_SAFE(var, size) { \ var = malloc(size); \ if (!var) goto error; \ } I know, I can do something like this: #define MALLOC_SAFE_CPP(var, type, size) { \ var = (type)malloc(size); \ if (!var) goto error; \ } But ...

Converting BigDecimal to Integer

Hi, I have Hibernate method which returns me a BigDecimal. I have another API method to which I need to pass that number but it accepts Integer as parameter. I cannot change return types or variable types of both methods. Now how to convert the BigDecimal into Integer and pass it to second method? Is there a way out of this? ...

Typcasting vector<object> in C++?

I have two classes, obstacle and boid, boid inherits from obstacle. Now I want to write some functions that can work with objects of both classes, so that passing vector<boid> does work as well as vector<obstacle>. When I typecast like this and try to access the size of the vector I get a number of 1840700394 instead of 60: vector<boi...