
passing parameter of boolean type from SSRS to PL/SQL

Hi, Could you please tell me if there is a way to pass the parameter of boolean type from reporting services to PL/SQL. I tried using data type boolean in PL/SQL that is not allowing me to create the dataset. my report is having a radio button , asking for the sort order asc or desc. i was thinking of sorting it from the procedure sid...

Would "Constrained Types" be useful in VB/C#?

Intro This question prompted by Marc Gravell's suggestion that I post new language feature suggestions to this site to gather general opinion on them. The idea is to gather if they might be helpful or maybe there is already another way to achieve what I am after. Suggestion (Constrained Types) A normal variable declaration in VB.Ne...

LINQ to Data : Clever Type Recognition.

Working on Maths problems, I'm very fond of LINQ to Data. I would like to know if LINQ is smart enough to avoid a cast like .ToArray() when the IEnumerable I work with is already an array. See example below: /// <summary> Transforms an array of timeSeries into one ModelData. </summary> public static ModelData ToModelData(this IEnumerab...

Coerce types in different namespaces with Identical layout in C#

I've started writing an interface for FedEx's webservice APIs. They have 3 different APIs that I'm interested in; Rate, Ship, and Track. I am generating the service proxies with SvcUtil.exe. The different service endpoints are each specified by FedEx in their own WSDL files. Each service endpoint has it's own xml namespace (e.g. http...

Work out the type of c# application a class contained in a DLL is being used by

Is there any way to know in C# the type of application that is running. Windows Service ASP.NET Windows Form Console I would like to react to the application type but cannot find a way to determine it. ...

GetType of int64 returning System.Nullable

I've got an object that has a type property. When the type is set to Int64, and I try and pull the type info later, I get System.Nullable. Here's the type Info {Name = "Nullable`1" FullName = "System.Nullable`1[[System.Int64, mscorlib, Version=]]"} How do I get to the System.Int64 type of this? ...

Are there compelling reasons AGAINST using the C# keyword "as"?

I find that using the following: TreeViewItem i = sender as TreeViewItem; if(i != null){ ... } is easier to write and understand than: if(sender.GetType() == typeof(TreeViewItem)){ TreeViewItem i = (TreeViewItem)sender; ... } Are there compelling reasons not to use the first construct? ...

Unpacking tuple types in Scala

I was just wondering, can I decompose a tuple type into its components' types in Scala? I mean, something like this trait Container { type Element } trait AssociativeContainer extends Container { type Element <: (Unit, Unit) def get(x : Element#First) : Element#Second } ...

I need an eVC++ data type equivalent to __int64

Is there a data type in eVC++ that is the equivalent of __int64? None of the aliases compile. And I cannot find any of the long types in Math.h. A third party library would also be acceptable. ...

return unknown Generic List<T>

Hello, and thanks for any assistance. How would I return from a method an unknown Generic.List type. public void Main() { List<A> a= GetData("A"); } public List<T> GetData(string listType) { if(listType == "A") { List<A> a= new List<A>() ... return a; } else { List<B> b = new List<B>() ...

Type parameters versus member types in Scala

I'd like to know how do the member types work in Scala, and how should I associate types. One approach is to make the associated type a type parameter. The advantages of this approach is that I can prescribe the variance of the type, and I can be sure that a subtype doesn't change the type. The disadvantages are, that I cannot infer the...

How do I treat two similar types as one?

In VB.NET, I am trying to talk to a webservice (that can't be changed) to create and update customer data. The CreateCustomer service expects an object of type ConsumerPerson and the ChangeCustomer service expects an object of type ChangeData. The properties of these two object are exactly the same, so I thought it would be wise to just...

What is a "First Class" type?

What does it mean for a type T to be a "First Class" type? ...

Does static typing mean that you have to cast a variable if you want to change its type?

Are there any other ways of changing a variable's type in a statically typed language like Java and C++, except 'casting'? I'm trying to figure out what the main difference is in practical terms between dynamic and static typing and keep finding very academic definitions. I'm wondering what it means in terms of what my code looks like. ...

"multiple types in one declaration" but no ; missing.

I tried to compile my program, with Code::Blocks (gcc compiler). And I get an error: Here is the source file it complaining about: #ifndef BOT_H #define BOT_H #include "player.h" #include "timer.h" class BOTS; // forward decalaration of BOTS class BOT : public PLAYER { public: enum BotStatus{BotMoving,BotPursue,BotChasePowerup}; ...

Twips, pixels, and points, oh my!

or "How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love measurement systems" I wanted a central spot that I can refer to later to give me a quick low-down on various units of measurement used in programming. SO seemed the best place to put it, and while I could go ahead and answer the question myself, y'all are a much smarter bunch than...

Storing a list of arbitrary objects in C++

In Java, you can have a List of Objects. You can add objects of multiple types, then retrieve them, check their type, and perform the appropriate action for that type. For example: (apologies if the code isn't exactly correct, I'm going from memory) List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>(); list.add("Hello World!"); list.add(7); li...

How can a table be returned from an Oracle function without a custom type or cursor?

I am looking to return a table of results from an Oracle function. Using a cursor would be easiest, but the application I have to work this into will not accept a cursor as a return value. The alternative is to create a type (likely wrapped in a package) to go along with this function. However, it seems somewhat superfluous to create ...

casting to multiple (unknown types) at runtime

I'm developing a viewer that will be able to open all of the custom documents that we produce via our software. All of the documents inherit from IDocument, but I'm not sure how to go about deserializing (in a good way - nested try/catch could probably work, but that would be hideous). So my method as it is now looks like this: public...

What's the best way to find the closest matching type to an existing type?

I've got a registry of classes and types in Python 2.5, like so: class ClassA(object): pass class ClassB(ClassA): pass MY_TYPES = { basestring : 'A string', int : 'An integer', ClassA : 'This is ClassA or a subclass', } I'd like to be able to pass types to a function, and have it look up the closest matching typ...