
Broadcasting UDP message to all the available network cards.

I need to send a UDP message to specific IP and Port. Since there are 3 network cards, 10.1.x.x 10.2.x.x 10.4.x.x when i send a UDP message,i am receiving the message only in one network adapter...the rest of the ip's are not receiving. I want to check for the network adapter while sending the message. How can I do that? Curren...

Problem Trying to unicast packets to available networks.

Trying to unicast packets to available networks. There are totally 3 networks. Managed to get packets in only one network.But i am not able to receive the packets in different networks. using this code.. foreach (var i in System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { foreach (v...

What is the largest Safe UDP Packet Size on the Internet.

I've read a number of articles about UDP packet sizes but have been unable to come to a conclusion on whats correct. A number of services restrict the largest UDP packet to 512 bytes (like dns) Given the minimum MTU on the internet is 576 , and the size of the IPv4 header is 20 bytes, and the UDP header 8 bytes. This leaves 548 bytes...

When is it appropriate to use UDP instead of TCP?

Since TCP guarantees packet delivery and thus can be considered "reliable", whereas UDP doesn't guarantee anything and packets can be lost, what would the advantage be of transmitting data using UDP in an application rather than over a TCP stream? In what kind of situations would UDP be the better choice, and why? I'm assuming that UDP ...

Adding SSL support to existing TCP & UDP code?

Here's my question. Right now I have a Linux server application (written using C++ - gcc) that communicates with a Windows C++ client application (Visual Studio 9, Qt 4.5.) What is the very easiest way to add SSL support to both sides in order to secure the communication, without completely gutting the existing protocol? It's a VOIP...

"Sliding Window" - Is it possible to add reliability to a protocol and avoid flow control Implementation?

As a part of a personal project, I am making an application level protocol (encapsulated in UDP) which is reliable. For the implementation of reliability, I have to keep track of which packets i send, and which packets are received at the other receiver end. This is done with the help of a sliding window, and it also maintains the flow-...

How to send UDP multicast packets through Silverlight?

Hi, I'm trying to find a way to send a udp broadcast packets through a silverlight application. Most of the research i've done lists that this is not possible through silverlight due to the support for sockets being limited to tcp only. But is there some other way to send a broadcast packet for example through javascript or something ...

How do you interrupt a socket.ReceiveFrom call?

I have a udp client that is listening for multicast messages. When it gets a message the message is parsed and the client resumes listening. If the application is shutdown while the socket.ReceiveFrom method is blocking, how can I interrupt this process and continue? I have the socket running on a different thread and I've tried to iss...

C# UDP broadcast client/server does not work

I'm using .NET 2.0 and have created a fairly simple udp broadcast app and udp listener. Listener code: Socket listener = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp ); IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Any, 11000 ); listener.Bind( localEndPoint ); EndPoint ep = (EndPoint)iep; Console....

Why UDP socket subscribed to a multicast group is picking up a non-multicast message?

Overview: I have set up a server and a client, where both attempt discovery of each other using UDP. When the server starts up it sends a multicast message ( that it is alive. When the client starts up it sends a multicast message ( that it is alive. Both server and client are subscribed to each other's multicast mess...

P2P network games/apps: Good choice for a "battle.net"-like matching server

I'm making a network game (1v1) where in-game its p2p - no need for a game server. However, for players to be able to "find each other", without the need to coordinate in another medium and enter IP addresses (similar to the modem days of network games), I need to have a coordination/matching server. I can't use regular web hosting bec...

Programmatically verify if a UDP port is bound in C/C++

Without attempting to bind it ...

How to enumerate bound UDP / TCP sockets on Windows in C

Assuming that you do not have access to the SOCKET handlers. ...

How to enable syslogd to receive UDP logs from routers in OSX

Occasionally a router goes bad and I would like to get the router logs. While some routers have built-in log viewers, some do not. Most routers seem to have a facility to send logs to another host using syslog. How do I get OSX (client) to receive these logs? OSX has a syslogd, but the instructions are opaque at best. Perhaps a diff...

Boost asio async vs blocking reads, udp speed/quality

I have a quick and dirty proof of concept app that I wrote in C# that reads high data rate multicast UDP packets from the network. For various reasons the full implementation will be written in C++ and I am considering using boost asio. The C# version used a thread to receive the data using blocking reads. I had some problems with dro...

Create a Windows (win32) service discoverable across the network

In short: How to reliably discover a server running somewhere on a (presumably multi-segmented) local area network with zero client configuration My client application has to locate the server application without knowing the server IP address. It has to work on a local LAN that may be split into segments with hubs or other switching dev...

Why do I receive twice the data sent over UDP broadcast?

Hello, I have a problem with the code below. What it does is send the current date/time using UDP broadcast and listens to this message. My current use of this code is local, I use the Send and Receive in the same application, on the same computer. I didn't try it between 2 computers yet. public class Agent { public static int Port...

Why is UDP + a software reliable ordering system faster than TCP?

Some games today use a network system that transmits messages over UDP, and ensures that the messages are reliable and ordered. For example, RakNet is a popular game network engine. It uses only UDP for its connections, and has a whole system to ensure that packets can be reliable and ordered if you so choose. My basic question is, wha...

UDP Server Discovery - Should clients send multicasts to find server or should server send regular beacon?

I have clients that need to all connect to a single server process. I am using UDP discovery for the clients to find the server. I have the client and server exchange IP address and port number, so that a TCP/IP connection can be established after completion of the discovery. This way the packet size is kept small. I see that this could ...

Problems with SO_BINDTODEVICE Linux socket option

Hello network experts, I have a pc with two network cards. One (eth0) is for LAN/internet and the other for UDP communication with one microcontroller (mc) device. The mc has an IP( and a MAC address. The second pc network adapter (eth1) has The mc has a very simple IP stack, so the easiest way for the mc to sen...