
UdpClient, Receive() right after Send() does not work?

Hi, Consider the following code: client.Send(data, data.Length, endpoint); byte[] response = client.Receive(ref endpoint); While, according to WireShark (network sniffer), the remote host does reply with data, the application here just waits for data forever... it does not receive the answer from the remote host for some reason. Any...

Is there a way cast an object back to it original type without specifing every case?

I have an array of different type objects and I use a BinaryWriter to convert each item to its binary equivalent so I can send the structure over the network. I currently do something like for ( i=0;i<tmpArrayList.Count;i++) { object x=tmpArrayList[i]; if (x.GetType() == typeof(byte)) { wrt.Write((byte)x); } .......

Receiving datagrams using Udp connection

In order to receive datagrams through an UDP connection I have created an object of type UDPClient. receivedNotificationSock = new UdpClient(); However once done and on using the receive method: receivedHostNameBuffer=receivedNotificationSock.Receive(ref receivedNotificationIP); I am getting an exception saying that I must call t...

How to get UdpClient to react to DNS updates

I am using a UdpClient to send packets to a server. I am initializing the UdpClient upon construction of my Sender object, using the (hostname, port) constructor. When constructed in this manner, the UdpClient resolves the hostname to an IP address. Subsequent calls to the UdpClient object use the IP address. Unfortunately, if the DNS a...

Broadcasting UDP message to all the available network cards.

I need to send a UDP message to specific IP and Port. Since there are 3 network cards, 10.1.x.x 10.2.x.x 10.4.x.x when i send a UDP message,i am receiving the message only in one network adapter...the rest of the ip's are not receiving. I want to check for the network adapter while sending the message. How can I do that? Curren...

Problem Trying to unicast packets to available networks.

Trying to unicast packets to available networks. There are totally 3 networks. Managed to get packets in only one network.But i am not able to receive the packets in different networks. using this code.. foreach (var i in System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { foreach (v...

How do I find the port number assigned to a UDP client (in .net/C#)?

If I create a socket using var socket = new UdpClient(0,AddressFamily.InterNetwork); How do I then find the port of the socket? I'm probably being daft, but I'm not having luck in MSDN/Google (probably because it is 4:42 on a Friday and the sun is shining). Background: What I want to do is find an open port, and then report to an...

UDP request from a Windows Gadget

How can I make a UDP request from a Windows Gadget? This gadget is very, very similar to what I want to make, but I'd like to make a gadget that gets game information from TF2 servers by making a UDP request. I took a look at the code for the afrementioned gadget and I really couldn't make heads or tails of it - I was trained in Java, an...

Does a "UDP Client For the TIME Service" need to check the length of the read data before converting?

I'm in the middle of of reading Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol III, by Comer. I am looking at a some sample code for a "TIME" client for UDP. The code gets to the point where it does the read of the response, and it takes what should be a 4 bytes and converts it to a 32 bit unsigned integer, so it can be converted to UNIX time. "n" i...

ASP.NET UDP socket code works in development, but not in production on IIS.

I have the following UDP broadcast listener running as a static component in a seperate thread on an ASP.NET web application. Why I would do this is really, unimportant, but the reason why this wont work when deployed baffles me. I do have several console applications sending UDP broadcasts, and I've coded tested and confirmed this thr...

ASP.NET Multicast UdpClient problems

I'm trying to have my ASP.NET app listen for multicast UDP broadcasts. Unfortunately, I seem to be stuck in a bind due to permissions/api issues. The problem is that I need to allow multiple instances of an application to listen to the same IP/Port since multiple spin-ups of the ASP.NET application will occur. To do this, the SocketOpti...

Vb.net UDPclient class Checksum set to zero ..

I wrote a program of udp send and receive . I works with applications written in the vb.net but when I tried to send that udp to another GPRS device it don't work. Dim sock as new udpclient(3030) sock.send(Buffer,ep) And Wireshark also gives error that BED UDP HEADER CHECK SUM ... Can I set UDP checksum in UDP packet ?? Any other way...

UDP Broadcast Reception Problems with Ubuntu 9.04 but not 8.04

Updates 01-27ter: rp_filter information added 01-27bis: Note that the 9.04 box works on a different interface. 01-27: Added interface configuration information and analysis of a packet. Original Post I've got two extremely similar hardware configurations (SuperMicro 1U systems with dual Xeon CPUs and two Ethernet ports on board), on...

Can I set the timeout for UdpClient in C#?

Hello All. I am wondering whether I can set a timeout value for UdpClient receive method. I want to use block mode, but because sometimes udp will lost packet, my program udpClient.receive will hang there forever. any good ideas how I can manage that? ...

UDPClient Receive method not working in a service

I've been experimenting the UDP sending and receiving in C# and have a strange issue. The code works fine in a console app, but the client.Receive method is blocked when I try to use the exact same code in a Service. The Service runs normally and doesn't abort, and I have logging writing to a text file, so I know it gets to the Receive...

The performance (or other) differences between raw Socket and UdpClient?

Hello All. As we know .Net has UdpClient for simple Socket usage for UDP. Blockquote From MSDN. If you are writing a relatively simple application and do not require maximum performance, consider using TcpClient, TcpListener, and UdpClient. These classes provide a simpler and more user-friendly interface to Socket communications....

Error receiving in UDP: Connection refused

i am trying to send a string HI to a server over UDP in a particular port and trying to receive a response. however, after i try to get the response using recvfrom() i was stuck in blocking state. i tried using connected udp but i got Error receiving in UDP: Connection refused what could be the reasons for this. the server i not i...

How to set ReceiveBufferSize for UDPClient? or Does it make sense to set? C#

Hello all. I am implementing a UDP data transfer thing. I have several questions about UDP buffer. I am using UDPClient to do the UDP send / receive. and my broadband bandwidth is 150KB/s (bytes/s, not bps). I send out a 500B datagram out to 27 hosts 27 hosts send back 10KB datagram back if they receive. So, I should receive 27 respo...

[C#] UDPClient First Time Using -- What's Wrong?

Wanted to test the UDPClient class out while I was at school. I am connected to the school's wireless which has a strict firewall. This code seems pretty solid when compared to this example. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.udpclient.aspx) But when I open up wireshark I don't see any of my packets (when I am f...

Use UdpClient with IPv4 and IPv6?

A little while ago I created a class to deal with my LAN networking programs. I recently upgraded one of my laptops to windows 7 and relized that windows 7 (or at least the way I have it set up) only supports IPv6, but my desktop is still back in the Windows xp days, and only uses IPv4. The class I created uses the UdpClient class, and...