
Animate the enabling of a UIBarButtonItem?

Is there a way to animate enabling or disabling a button? I've tried the following with no success. I'm guessing at this point that the enabled property cannot be animated like opacity can – but I hope I'm wrong. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0f]; theButton.enabled = YES; [UIView setAnimati...

UISlider in UIBarButtonItem impacts animation behavior

Hi all In IB, I set a view MyView with an UIToolBar and I drop an UISlider on it. IB automatically embeds it in an UIBarButtonItem and sets its view with the UISlider. I display this MyView in a navigation controller with animation. UIViewController *myVC = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyView" bundle:nil]; [self.navigat...

Can I have a UIBarButtonItem with a colored image?

I have an image that I want to display on a UIBarButtonItem, but for some reason it only shows the outline of it and the rest is all white. How can I have it actually display the image? Thanks! ...

Mobile Safari-style back button for UIWebView?

I haven't been able to find any sort UIBarButtonSystemItem representing tha "Back" button in Mobile Safari. I want my UIWebView's controls to look just like the ones in Mobile Safari so it makes sense. Would the best solution be to just screenshot UIBarButtonSystemItemPlay (same image as the Forward button) and flip it? Thanks. ...

NSArray of UIBarButtonItem Tag (i.e. NSInteger)

Is it true that you can't have an NSMutableArray of NSIntegers? When I try to add the values to the array and then print them out they're huge numbers (when if I print out the tag to NSLog they're 0,1,2,3 etc.). I'm trying to create an array of my UITabBarItem's tags so I can save the order and retrieve it later. Am I forced to do some ...

App Store Buttons

How does the App Store create the "Top Paid" "Top Free" and "Release Date" buttons? They look like UIBarButtonItems in a UIToolbar but with a catch. The buttons merge together into one longer button. If it is a UIToolbar, I'm not sure how they connect the buttons so that they appear together like a tab bar ... ...

iPhone SDK: set animated loading (gear) image to UIBarButtonItem

Is there any way to set an animated image like the Apple spinning gear to an UIBarButtonItem? I have tried this line of code but the animated gif image wont play: myButton.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"spinningGear.gif"]; Solution found here: How to use a custom UIBarButtonItem to display a UIActivityIndicatorView ...

trying to programatically create rightBarButtonItem

Hi, This doesn't seem to be working. What am i doing wrong? -(void)awakeFromNib{ UIBarButtonItem *rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd target:self action:@selector(showNewEventViewController)]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightBarButtonItem; NSLog(@"awaked"); [...

In IB why can you not add multiple Bar Button Items?

In Interface builder, create a UIView, then a UINavigationBar and then attempt to add multiple UIBarButtomItems to that Navigation Bar. The resulting hierarchy should be: - View - Navigation Bar - Navigation Item (Title) - Bar Button Item - Bar Buttom Item I can never seem to add the second Bar Button Item. I know...

initWithBarButtonItem change from UIBarButtonSystemItemPause to UIBarButtonSystemItemPlay?

My application has a UIBarButtonItem with a UIBarButtonItemPause icon in the upper right corner of the screen on a UINavigationBar. I'm looking to have it so that when I press the button it changes the icon to a play button, and back to a pause button when it is unpaused (similar to the way in which iTunes, Quicktime, or iPhone's integra...

Custom UIBarButtonItem with quartz

Hi! How can I draw a button with quartz that has exactly the same style as a UIBarButtonItem. The button should be able to show different colors. I downloaded the Three20 project, but this project is really complex, you'd need a lot of time to overlook the whole framework. I just want to draw a custom UIBarButtonItem. Thanks for help. ...

iPhone SDK: Add UIBarButtonItem action programmaticly

Hello, I have several UIBarButtonItems, and I want to set the action when you press it programmaticly. How can I do this? Please give in-depth instructions since i just started to work with the SDK. EDIT: if it would be possible non-programmaticly, please also reply :) The action is going to Google.com, and the button is the search bu...

UIBarButtonItem : selected / unselected an item

I have a favorite image to display on a UIBarButtonItem, on an toolbar. How do you do to change it when this item is unselected/selected like this screenshost http://i50.tinypic.com/10gzehi.jpg ? Thanks! ...

[iphone] UINavigationBar UIBarButtonItems much larger click area than required

hey guys- hopefully someone can help me out- iv'e scoured the net for the answer and cannot find one- the UIBarButtonItems added to UINavigationBar have a much larger click area than required- for example, open up any project you have a nav bar with buttons on- click anywhere between the end of the button and the title of the nav bar- ...

How can I manage a method after touching leftBarButtonItem in UINavigationController ?

Hi all~. I was using simple UINavigationController. but If I come from sub viewController, I want to occur a some custom event. For example, If rootViewController is AA and subviewController of AA is BB. and then enter the BB (by pushViewController). and then, BB->AA. this time, I want to manage a event. currently, I made it view UIB...

UIBarButton ignores "setEnabled:YES"

Hey, I ran into a problem. I can't image why that happens, probably you guys can. I've created a UIBarButtonItem in IB and linked it correctly. A set the property and synthesized it. At the beginning I set the btn disabled (viewWillAppear). Then I try to add an entry to my mysql db: NSString *URLStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http...

How can a disabled button gets touches ?

Hello all, I was just wondering how can this happen !! In my iPhone application during a http request loading I am disabling a button in the navigation bar . But when I am touches the button three or four times the action method gets called after the loading is completed this means that though the button is disabled the touches are de...

iPhone : making UIBarButtonItem that is arrow shaped

Hi there, I have a UIBarButtonItem on a navigation bar. I'd like to make it arrow shaped. By that I mean I want it to be square except for a pointy side. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

How to set target and action for UIBarButtonItem at runtime

Tried this but only works for UIButton: [btn setTarget:self action:@selector(btnClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; ...

iPhone UIBarButtonItem setCustomView: method?

Hi, I want to customize a UIBarButtonItem's background. Here's the code I use: UIButton *button = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] retain]; [button setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"ButtonBackground.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [editButton setCustomView:button]; // editButton is the UIBarButtonItem U...