
UIBarButtonItem is not working

I change the UIBarButtonItem title at run time but it does not work if(self.toolbarItems!=nil) { NSArray *toolbaritem=self.toolbarItems; UIBarButtonItem* tmpeditButton =[toolbaritem objectAtIndex:0]; tmpeditButton.title=@"Done"; NSLog(@"log %@",tmpeditButton.title); } Log is always displays the ...

UISegmentedControl gives different background then single UIBarButtonItem

Hi, In my Ipad app i started with a single UIBarButtonItem at the right: That + picture is just white. self.switchView.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = nil; UIBarButtonItem *rightButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"add.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(insertKnoopPr...

Inactive UIBarButtonItem

Hi there Does someone know how the inactive done button in the Contacts App is done? I would like to implement something similar. So far I didn't saw any inactive property on UIBarButtonItem... ...

UIBarButtonItem Highlighted Color

I have set a custom tint color for a UINavigationBar (within a UINavigationController) which, in turn, sets an appropriate matching color for the UIBarButtonItems which are inserted into the UINavigationBar. However, when I select a UIBarButtonItem the button turns into (presumably) the highlighted state and presents a different color, w...

iphone - How can I use an UIBarButtonItem style without the UIToolBar

Hello Can I show a black style UIBarButtonItem in my view without the underneath UIToolBar? The UIToolBar always has a kind of border thing, I want the system UIBarButtonItem in black just like a black standard cancel button, but not the UIToolBar How can I do it? Thanks ...

Problem adding an image to the toolbar using UIBarButtonItem, displaying blank white box instead of image.

Im not sure what im doing wrong. The file name is correct, the style is set to plain. But Im getting a bank white box the size of my image. Im using UINavigationController. Please assist and thank you thank you in advance. **FYI I am sorta new to objective c so dont be too hard on me. ;) UIBarButtonItem *toolbarChannelGuideButton ...

UIBarButtonItem normal and pressed states switched?

I created a toolbar with a translucent black style like so: UIToolbar *toolbar = [UIToolbar new]; toolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack; toolbar.translucent = YES; I created a button item for it: UIBarButtonItem *buttonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:nil style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered ...

[iOS] UIButtonTypeInfoLight inside rounded rect?

I know, I know, it's a venial aesthetic question, but I want to insert an info button in my navigation bar not as the default info UIButton (UIButtonTypeInfoLight), but inside a rounded rect so that it appears in a uniform manner to the other UIBarButtonItem buttons. Is it possible that there is no way? Using custom UIButton with an imag...

Tint all UIBarButtonItems in my App (MFMailComposer, etc)

I created a custom Navbar for my application using a protocoll: @implementation UINavigationBar (CustomImage) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: @"navbar.png"]; [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)]; } @end this works fine. all toolbars in my app...