
Iphone create uibarbutton without interface builder

Hi , i want creating uibarbutton without interface builder = (whit code) and this button is style camera please help me ...

How to initalize a button using editButtonItem

I have a table view , within that tableview I'm setting up a section header, which I want to contain an edit button. I know there is a built in support for something like that if my viewcontroller is part of a navigation chain, but is there a way to do it without it, or the only option is to set a button manualy and trigger an action tha...

UIBarButton Problem

Hello! I am having one problem with UIBarButtons in xCode iOS 4 with Objective-C. I am following several examples and the error says that the addButtonPressed method was not defined - even though I have the function created before hand like this: - (void)addButtonPressed { NSLog(@"Addbutton pressed", @""); } It is also defined in t...

Adding BarButtonItem to a Modal Navigation View Controller

I am presenting a modal navigation bar controller initialized with a root controller (which is a UITableViewController). When I, initialize the UINavigationBarController to present it modally, I am also adding a "Submit" button as a right bar button item. Everything is working fine (loading with root view and Modal presentation) However,...

iphone UIBarButtonItem initWithImage - doesn't highlight when tapped

I can create a button like this, and the action works fine: UIBarButtonItem *myBtn = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(myMethod:)]; However, when tapping the button on screen, no Down state highlight is displayed. I've tried everythi...

how to re add removed items from tool bar

i hav removed items from tool bar,but i want to re add it at particular time ... how to do it.. i dont have images for them.... NSMutableArray *itemsToReplaceOldOnes=[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:self.toolbar.items]; [itemsToReplaceOldOnes removeObjectAtIndex:2]; //remove UIBarButtonItems you want to remove [self.toolbar setItem...

How do I make NavigationItem UIBarButtonItems visually acknowledge a touch?

I have a UINavigationController where I initialize the NavigationBar as such (using MonoTouch): NavigationBar.BarStyle = UIBarStyle.Black; NavigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.Black; On a UIViewController that I subsequently push onto the navigation controller, I add a button as such: NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonI...

UINavigationController Toolbar : problem setting UIBarButtonItems

-(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { //setup toolbar [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:NO]; self.navigationController.toolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent; self.navigationController.toolbar.alpha = .8; self.navigationController.toolbar.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:6.0/255.0 green:95.0/255.0 blue:163.0/255....

how to create fixed space and flexible space bar button items programmatically

i want to create bar button items programmatically to place these fixed space buttons between buttons.... ...

Bar Button on navigation based app

I want to add a Bar button to the Navigation bar on a Navigation based app, the bar however is on the MainWindow and has no code behind so I Can't connect it to an IBAction. how do i go about connecting it to an action ? ...

How to make a UIBarButtonItem look like a UINavigationBarItem

I have an iPad application with screen flows which don't map neatly to the navigation controller model, but still have the concept of "Back". I'd like to manage my own toolbar and have a "Back" button where I decide where it goes. Is there a way to make a toolbar button have the look of a back button as in UINavigationBarItem? Thanks ...

UIBarButton does not have a 'press' animation

I have a UIView that I am loading and it has a navigation bar with a 'Done' barButton. When I leave the navigation bar the default color, everything is fine. When I make it have a black tint, the 'Done' button works fine but it does not have the pressing animation that buttons usually have. It doesn't look as thought the button is bei...

iOS custom button similar to barbutton

I would like to place buttons in various places (not in the nav bar), which have dynamic text. I want them to look similar to black nav bar button items (with the gray and black gradient). How would I go about creating these? They need to be dynamic width based on the text of the button. I know I could create png files and stretch them,...

Add button on UINavigationController

Hi, i'm trying to develop my first iphone apps. I'm using a navigationController with three views: main->first view ->second view. I would like to add a button only on the first view, i tried like this: self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; but nothing appear. If I add the button on the main view it appears afte...

Setting the tintColor for 2 buttons in an iPhone app Nav-Bar

I've created a UINavigationBar in IB. But don't see any way to set the button colors... so I do this with code: for(id subView in navBar.subviews) if( [subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]] ) { UIBarButtonItem *b = (UIBarButtonItem *)subView; if( [b.title isEqualToString:@"Cancel"] ) [b setTintColor:[UICo...

How to avoid multiple touch in Bar Button item in iPhone?

Hi frieds, I have created tool bar and set the UIBarbuttonItem in that tool bar.When i clicks the bar button, i have just removed one custom view. I want to avoid the multiple touches of the bar button items, because sometimes the user clicks the bar button items more than one.( It happens some time only). Here my sample code, UI...

Is it possible to change a bar button background image while we click on it?

I have a barbuttonitem which i have customised using a custom button with an image. I want to change this image everytime after I click it. Like on and off. Once I click it it will show OFF image. Then again it will go ON image. Is it possible? ...

Transform (rotate) a UIBarButtonItem

Hello, Does anybody know how to transform a UIBarButtonItem ? I tried this but with no results :( It's not working on both UIBarButtonItem and its customview. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:5.0f]; CGAffineTransform myTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2); UIBarButtonItem * currentI...

Replace UIBarButtonItem with UIActivityIndicatorView not working

I want to replace refresh button with activity indicator when the user press the refresh button and after the tableview is refreshed, i want to change it back to refresh button. But when I press the refresh button, it didn't change to activity indicator but the refresh button is highlighted until the data reloading is finished. the cod...

How to have a UIBarButtonItem with both image and text

When I try to use an image for a UIBarButtonItem, the text isn't shown. Is there a way to show both the text and the image? ...