
jQuery datepicker changing input value automatically

So I'm building an application where data is coming back from a database where the date could be in many different formats, ie '2008', '05/22/99', '8/20/2004'. And lets say, for example, a user wants to edit a date (2009) by clicking the "Edit" button. Well in the edit window it SHOULD show an input box with the year '2009' already prese...

jQuery ui.datepicker on 'select' element

I have a select element with a couple of dates but I also want to give the possibility of picking a date from the datepicker so I have the following code that displays a calendar icon next to the select field. <select name="birthday" > <option value="${merge0.birthday}">${merge0.birthday}</option> <option value="${merge1.birth...

jquery datepicker, dates range count

Hello, i am trying to sum up or deduct dates in selected range using jquery datepicker, here is how i am doing it right now but without any luck. function test(){ var sundayCheck = 0; var saturdayCheck = 0; var totalDays = 0; sundayCheck = new Date($("#onlySunday").datepicker("getDate")); saturdayCheck = new Date(...

Simple jQuery UI DatePicker question

Maybe I'm asking a really stupid question here but how do I update an input field with a date if the datepicker is attached to a div. Don't want to use the altField function as I want to use this to display a user friendly output to the site user. Thanks ...

thickbox and jquery ui datepicker

hi, i am using thickbox with jquery ui datepicker in one of my asp.net page, the datepicker is not visible , i changed the z index of the datepicker also but nothing is coming out, what should i do ...

jQuery UI Datepicker and Timezones

I use the datepicker to gererate a requested delivery date on my site. Same day delivery is available until 3pm GMT, so I run a script to move the calendars current selection on by 1 day at that time. The 3pm is generated on the server and not the client machine to ensure the correct time. I would like to overcome this problem: Australi...

How to disable AM/PM in UIDatePicker

How to disable or hide AM/PM in UIDatePicker from code / interface builder? I want to have 24 hours time picker mode in UIDatePicker. Please help ...

How can I add a UIDatePicker Subview with working user interaction

I have a view based application which has some textboxes that I'm trying to populate with some pickers. For example, one of them will be for date selection. I'm using the following to add a new view to the bottom of my current view, then scroll the entire view upwards: - (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField { if(...

Comparing an NSDate to [NSDate date]

I am trying to force a user to select a date in the future with a date picker. I obviously used the compare: method, however, when I do the following code, even if it's the same date as [NSDate date], it tells the executes the if statement. Here is my code: if ([datePicker.date compare:[NSDate date]] == NSOrderedAscending) // If the...

jQuery UI Datepicker and Google Chrome not working

Hi, I'm having some problems with jQueryUI Datepicker and Google Chrome. My datepicker is working as expected with IE8, Firefox and Safari. The problem is when clicking the datepicker connected textbox in Chrome. It gives me a crash page, "Oops, an error occurred...". On my page there's textbox with a datepicker. The datepicker is langu...

Setting an delegate for the UIDatePicker animation?

If I had a date picker within an action sheet and called the following line: [datePicker setDate:newDate animated:YES]; And then my app hides the action sheet the date picker is within, is there anyway to set up a animation delegate so that the user see's the animation of the date picker first and then hides the action sheet? I have d...

Jquery Datepicker trigger after changing month (after month renders)

I want to highlight some days in the current month. I can do this on the first month, but not on a new month after "next month" or "prev month" is clicked. I tried using onChangeMonthYear event but this executes before the new (or prev) month renders. any ideas? thanks! ...

iPhone UIDatePicker in Landscape mode?

iPhone UI Componenet UIDatePicker does not support Landscape mode? it scratches 2/3 of the width in Landscape mode only. How to make it use up full width (480px)? ...

UIDatePicker hours interval (NSCalendarUnit?)

Hi all, I'm trying to make a UIDatePicker wich is alowing to select hours only betwen 6.00 and 17.00. The other hours shall be inactive but still visible. I think it can be done with setting up the picker calendar and then use this: - (NSRange)maximumRangeOfUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit but i'm nou sure how. Maybe someone can help me. ...

multiple uipickerview and uidatapicker

i have a view with many select like checkInDate, checkOutDate (uidatepicker) and age, room(uipickerView)... i want to use showActionSheet to display the different pickerview when click diffrent tableViewCell but i got two problem: the checkInDate and theCheckOutDate can not be show the second time if i use checkOutDate.date = nowDate...

Extending the Google CDN version of jquery to add datepicker

I'm using jqueryUI solely for the datepicker feature. It's great if you can get away with using plain jquery because then you can import it from Google's CDN, which is potentially faster than your own CDN (if any) and heightens the chance the user will already have it cached, but you can't do this with jqueryUI. I'm wondering, since jque...

iPhone: UIDatePicker not Responding to -selectedRowinComponent:

Hi all, I have added both a UIPickerView and a UIDatePickerView to a single view. I set the pickerview delegate to self.view and it works fine. However, if I select the UIDatePicker first, I cannot get the value of 'selectedRowInComponent`. If I select the UIPickerView first I can. Does UIDatePickerView respond to selectedRowInCompo...

jqgrid uidatepicker

I'm having a problem with the DatePicker implementção with jqGrid. I got it using editoptions:{dataInit:functiondate} for the DatePicker is instantiated. User clicks on the field and called datepicker and perfectly. When the datepicker is appearing and click directly on the close button of the form. The form closes and the datepicker w...

UIDatePicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode: how to get/set the hours and minutes via code?

Hello, guys. How to get/set the hours and minutes via code from a UIDatePicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode? The situation: I have an interface in that a user selects just hours and minutes. Then, he saves the information (so, I have to get the hours and minutes from UIDatePicker via code to save in a DB). When the user is ...

problem when cloning jQuery UI datepicker

I have a div in which there is a datepicker. I use something like this to clone it: mydiv = $('#someDiv'); // works fine so far mydiv.find('input.datefield').datepicker(); // clone without the events and insert newDiv = myDiv.clone(false).insertAfter(myDiv); // datepicker won't re-init if this class is present newDiv.find('.hadDatepi...