
ASP.Net MVC and jQuery DatePicker ViewModel

I have a DatePicker working on a View which also has a ViewModel associated with it. When I execute the Post action back to the controller the ViewModel is instantiated again and some of the values are not available from the View. The Controller Action is: public ActionResult Search() { ProjectSearchViewModel viewModel ...

UIDatePicker vs. UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification

I'm handling UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification in my app and all the other screens in the app are gracefully refreshed when midnight comes. The one I have trouble with is with UIDatePicker. UIPickerView has refreshAllComponents method which I use in another screen to make an update on midnight change. I would like to have th...

can we hide/invisible UIPicker/DatePicker on iPhone view ?

I have tried with setting properties of UIPicker as SetHidden:False and SetVisible:NO , but they are still visible. ...

jQuery DatePicker with Multiple Months Side-By-Side Layout Issue

We are trying to get two months showing side by side on a standard jQuery DatePicker control using jQuery UI 1.7.2 and jQuery 1.3.2. Unfortunately, the calendars will only stack vertically, and as a side effect are twice as wied as they should be (ugly!) Here is the code we are using to call it: $('#element').datepicker({numberOfMonth...

Must I retain the date from a UIDatePicker Modal View?

I'm getting crashes from my UIDatePicker view and I think it's because I'm not retaining the pickers selected date. Can anyone tell me if this could be correct? I have a modal view for selecting a toDate and a fromDate range. These values are passed into the modal view and grabbed out of the view when it's dismissed. The view has one UI...

UIDatePicker questions regarding displaying

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the minute interval of a UIDatePicker after it's been added to a UIView? Is it possible to show and hide 2 different datePickers? I want change the minuteInterval of the UIDatePicker to 5 and 30 when I click a button. Any sample code would be appreciated. ...

UIPickerView disable row selection.

I want to disable the selection of certain rows in my UIPickerView. Like in the Coundown timer, where you try to choose 0, it doesnt let you and slips back up to 1. Or how you can limit the date in the Date Picker... How do a disable rows in a UIPickerView? ...

UIDatePicker and UITextView

Hi Sorry if i did wrong english typing I want to show a text in UITextView depend on the date, some thing like "in This Day App", I have this code in action -(void)changingText:(id)sender{ NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; df.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterMediumStyle; label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%...

jQuery datepicker doesn't work

Hi, I can't get the jQuery datepicker to work. I have followed everything from the jQuery UI manual. Can you please check my code below? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt;&lt;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="C...

UIDatePicker and previous view

As with the settings page, I have a UI that displays a list of parameters, one of which is a date. When the user presses the row containing the date, a controller displaying a UIDatePicker is pushed. What is the best way to update the table row with the selected value of the UIDatePicker when the user presses the back button to go back...

Custom Wrapper Class for UIDatePickerView on iPhone

Hi I'll be using a datePicker several places in my app. I don't want to "clutter" up each and every viewController with the delegation methods for the UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerDatasource, plus I would be doing the same delegation methods over and over again. Every time the datePicker is in play it's sole purpose is to slide half...

jquery autocomplete and datepicker compatability issue?

Hi, I have a form that is constructed using ZendX_JQuery_Form, the form contains 2 auto complete inputs and 4 datepickers. The datepickers all worked absolutely fine until I added in the autocomplete fields as well, the autocomplete fields (linking to a backend php action in zend framework) work fine as well but they seem to break the d...

iPhone Date Picker rolls over to 2010 on December 27th?

So I implemented a UIDatepicker in one of my applications for scheduling and autodialing teleconferences... everything is pretty much ready to go except, while testing I noticed that when the date rolls over from December 26th to December 27th, the year changes to 2010. I even rolled it forward to 2011... and it changes when December 2...

how to increment jquery ui datepicker programtically

Basically I want to take date from one field and then increment day and set it to another date field. This is kind of psuedo-code: var date1 = $( '#date1' ).datepicker( 'getDate' ); var incrementDate = date1 + 1 //increment day $( '#date2' ).datepicker('setDate', incrementDate ); Any help appreciated... ...

How to control positioning of jQueryUI datepicker

The datepicker in jQueryUI renders with a dynamic position. It renders according to its css if there's enough room for it, but if there isn't enough window space it tries to render on screen. I need it to stay put and render in the same place every time, independent of the screen position or other circumstances. How can this be done with...

Strange Problem with UIDatePicker in ActionSheet - Below that Selection indicator I can't select anything, It's become like disabled

Hi, I am implementing datepicker with Action Sheet with the following code : -(void)popupActionSheetWithDatePicker { UIActionSheet *sheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"Done",nil]; UIDatePicker *picker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init]; self.dat...

How can I show a UIDatePicker instead of a keyboard when a user selects a UITextField?

I have a nice clean UI within a table view which has a few text fields for the user to fill out. One of the fields is for the user's birthday. I'd like to have it so that when the user selects the birthday field, a view containing a UIDatePicker would come up as, just like the different keyboards do when selecting a text field. Can thi...

How can I make it so that all dates in a UIDatePicker are the same color?

By default, UIDatePicker displays today's date in a blue font and the rest of the dates in black. How can I make it so that all the dates are black? ...

how to get event/Occassion name from date picker?

I want to know that it is possible to get event name from datepicker like if i select 25 december and get christmas as event name etc. ...

Why jQuery UI datepicker can't works in jQuery dialog modal ?

Hi, I want to use jQuery UI datepicker in one of my text inputs. This one is in a dialog modal. In fact, I can call datepicker in the normal document text inputs and i got my calender normally but I can't do that in dialog modal text inputs (after clinking inside modal text input I got nothing without any JavaScript error). This is my...