
how to change Text of UIDatePicker in UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer Mode

is it Possible to change Text hours and min to another? ...

How to modify the style of jQuery DatePicker's disabled dates?

Given this page: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#min-max And viewing its source: http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/css/parseTheme.css.php I can change the following line (using Chrome's inspect element feature) and see those changes reflected: .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled { opacity: .35; filter:Alpha(O...

Why Is Bottom Half of Custom UIActionSheet with UIDatePicker Disabled?

Everything seems to be working great with my UIActionSheet that contains a UIDatePicker except that the bottom half of the DatePicker is disabled. Visually there is a shadow that makes the bottom half of the picker darker than the top half. Everything in the bottom half is disabled and I can't for the life of me figure out how to enable ...

UIDatePicker, setting maximum and minimum dates based on todays date

If I have a UIDatePicker, and I wish to set the minimum and maximum date range to be between thirty years ago and thirty years in the future, how would I set that up? ...

UITableView with UIDatePicker ?

Hi, please I need some advice about design approaches in iPhone programming. I want to display a table view (with three cells that will never change) and a UIDatePicker. I don't use Interface Builder. I created a UIViewController subclass and tried to put all together in its viewDidLoad method: UITableView *myView = [[UITableView alloc...

Update multiple inputs with altField in Datepicker

Hi, Can someone please tell me the correct way to modify the following: $("#datepicker01").datepicker({ numberOfMonths: 2, minDate: dd, maxDate: '+1M +31D', hideIfNoPrevNext: true, altField: 'input#chooseDate01', altFormat: 'DD, d MM yy', beforeShowDay: noWeekendsOrHolidays }); I need to add a further 5 to the altFiel...

JQuery Datepicker for multiple .NET MVC Input Fields not working

Hello, I have simplified my work for this question but the same problem remains. I am using the Textbox HTML helper to display empty textboxes as I loop through the items in this model. <% foreach (var item in Model) { %> <tr> <td><%: item.ID %></td> <td><%: Html.TextBox("usernames", null, new { @class = "datepicker" }) %></td> <td><...

Localise UIDatePicker - in app only

Hi, I have an app in which the user can select the language for the session, so I have implemented my own localisation within the app (the app will be installed on iPads which will always be based in the UK, but users may be of different nationalities - which is why I'm not using device locale/region settings). My problem is the UIDate...

How to avoid content offset to reset when a view is superposed

Hello again to all, I hope this question doesn't get answered by MR. Marcus he is a very busy man and I feel a little ashamed when has to answer because no one can. I have this pretty much standard tableview with a bigger than normal cell at the end that holds a UITextView. When I tap inside the cell the keyboard shows up and the table...

iPhone SDK UIDatePicker Modal Popup

I need to have a modal datepicker popup like the keyboard when a textfield is pressed. I have done a lot of searching but not seen anything with a complete solution, can anyone hel please? ...

UIDatePicker is crashing on value changed.

I have created a method and connected it with value changed event of UIDatePicker, but as soon as I changed the value the app. crashes. If I remove the connection of UIDatePicker's value changed to my method in Interface builder, then app does not crash. Can I not connect value change to my own method for UIDatePicker? ...

How to avoid user selecting some date in UIDatePicker?

I have to prompt users for choosing a date from a CoCoa UIDatePicker but avoiding him to select sundays ans saturdays, since my goal is to make them select a date for an appointment The best way should be disabling that dates, in the same way of minimumDate property, but I was not able to find how to do that ...

iPhone date picker, how to access individual items

Task: Show a UIDatePicker and grab the selected date, then display the selected date in a label (in the format of Day, Month, Year). Current progress: -(IBAction)pressButton:(id)sender { NSDate *selected = [datePicker date]; NSString *message = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", selected]; date.text = message; } Thi...

grails - how to make filter recognize values from datePicker using Grails Calendar Plugin?

I was using regular datePicker from grails but I decided it was easier to use a textField with a calendar next to it and I was recommended to use Grails-UI. My problem is that now, when I click to apply the filters, they do not work. Somehow they are not being recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code for the...

Is there a way to get a UIDatePickerView without the text?

I want an empty date picker for my app's launch image. Preferrably no text at all in any of the picker views. Short of defining a custom UIPickerView to look that way, is there any way to do this? ...

How to customize a UIDatePicker in countdown mode

I want to customize the minimum time the user can pick on a UIDatePicker in countdown mode. I want it to only allow a minimum interval of 30min but the picker always displays 0 and then the subsequent intervals. If I set a 5min interval, is there any way to have the picker show {30min, 35min, 40min, ... } ? Thanks! ...

UIDatePicker will not animate

I have a view containing a segmented controller and a UIDatePicker that only shows 24-h time. I want to be able to set different times depending on what the segmented control says. So "Mon" would correspond to one time, "Tue" to another and so on. I have this working. However, I also would like to animate the picker when the user changes...

JQuery Datepicker needs to fire onclick

I need to fire the jquery datepicker from a link click. Right now if i click on the textbox the datepicker opens which is great but i have a button next to the textbox that someone can click and it needs to open the datepicker next to it. Also I would like a label instead of a textbox, is that possible. The code is below: $(document).re...

How to handle time control in iPhone programming

Hello, Any idea on how to customize the UIDatePicker with single column with list of events in it,and user should be able to select one among it ? Let me know some details about it. or example related to it. Thank You ...

Only one row in UIdatePicker

Hello, I would liketo have the use of a UIDatePicker that is just one row displayed instead of three. Three rows take up way too much real-estate! HELP!!! I am able to rotate and resize the control without any great stress, but have yet to figure out how to only display the one row. Thank you, ...