
Save a camera photo with an overlayed image - iphone SDK

I think this should be simple but I am having some difficulty implementing it. I take a photo from the camera, the user can then move and scale it. They then choose "use" and they get a preview of their image. Now what I want to do is overlay an image on top of this preview image - which is also ok. But the part I am having diffic...

imagePickerController won't return camera photo. Will return album photo.

i'm loading photos from my library just fine, but photos coming from he camera don't display in the imageView. I've set allowsImageEditing = YES. I've also used CFShow(info) and the data from the camera is not nil... - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info { ...

Stack A scroll view onto UIImagePickerController

I'd like to first say I'm a little new to anything but tutorial examples, so sorry if this is a daft question. I have modified some sample code ever so slightly so that instead of closing a UIImagePickerController once the user has picked an image it processes it in the background. This seems to work quite well, but once the user has...

UIImagePickerController Causes my app to crash!

In my app, a user can select an image, change the picture of a UIImageView to the new imge, and save the image to NSUserDefaults using NSKeyedArchiver. When the user selects the image and the - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info is called, the app immediately ...

UIImagePickerController bottom gets cut off when I add an overlay View

Hello people, Need some help on an issue that is consuming my time. It's probably something really simple and I must be forgeting something. Here it go: I have an UIImagePickerController in which I add a cameraOverlayView (just an ImageView). The problem is that the bottom bar gets cropped by some pixels. When I remove the overlay it w...

UIImagePickerController dismissModalViewController

I am trying to invoke UIImagePickerController to select a movie on iPhone 3GS and when the movie is selected, i just dismiss it and present MyViewController modally with a configured delay of 1.0 seconds. What I notice is 10% of the times, presentModalViewController on MyViewController does nothing whereas it works 90% of the times. I wa...

UIImagepickerController strange bug

Hi, I'm doing something with UIImagePickerController. It works fine and the Picture browser does open, however, I get this message. "Failed to save the videos metadata to the filesystem. Maybe the information did not conform to a plist." What could be causing that? That is caused by this line [self presentModalViewController:self.imgP...

UIImagePickerController doesn't fill screen

I'm adding a custom overlay to the UIImagePickerController and there is a persistant black bar at the bottom of the view. Here is my code to instantiate the controller. - (UIImagePickerController *)imagePicker { if (_imagePicker) { return _imagePicker; } _imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; _...

UIImagePickerController can not select picture

I have some problem when i work with UIImagePickerController .when I presentModalViewController,and the picker pops up right,but i can not select a picture! when i touch on the picture list, the list can only scroll up and down,but can not select! how about this? thanks. ...

UIImagePickerController reloads view after its dismissed?!

I create the picker: UIImagePickerController *imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; imagePicker.delegate = self; imagePicker.allowsEditing = NO; [self presentModalViewController:imagePicker animated:YES]; and I handle the didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: ...

How to reduce the crop image box size in iphone?

Hi, In my application I m using UIImagePickerControllerCropRect to crop the image but I want to reduce the size of that cropping box of iphone which comes automatically so that my image crop to its perfect size which I want.I m using the following code for that:-- -(IBAction) getPhoto:(id) sender { UIImagePickerController * picker ...

How to se UIImagePickerController (Camera source) inside UITabBarController

Hi I want to set UIImagePickerController inside my UITabBarController but I want it to be from source: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera How can I set this? I added a controller to UITabBarController and set it as UIImagePickerController, but I cannot find a option to set it to be the Camera In Interface Builder. I just found Pho...

Weird in my UIImagePickerController with camera

Hi everyone: I met a problem on using camera by scratch on iphone. Other people's code just run fine on my 3GS. But my code doesn't. When I implemented a UIViewController controller, and I add the following code in viewdidload: UIImagePickerController *picker = [UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.source = UIImagePickerContro...

grab image displayed on the UIImagePickerController without the overlay

I'm using UIImagePickerController with the camera as the sourceType. I am also drawing a custom overlay on the picker using the built-in overlay functionality(picker.overlay = myOverlay). How can I get an UIImage of the camera, excluding my overlay?. I tried using UIGetScreenImage() but that captures my overlay as well. ...

Select videos using UIImagePickerController in 2G/3G

Hi, I am facing a problem where-in I cannot select videos from the photo album in iPhone 2G/3G device. The default photos application does show videos and is capable of playing them, which in turn means that UIImagePickerController should clearly be capable of showing videos in photo album and selecting them. I have coded this to deter...

Can I load a UIImage from a URL?

I have a URL for an image (got it from UIImagePickerController) but I no longer have the image in memory (the URL was saved from a previous run of the app). Can I reload the UIImage from the URL again? I see that UIImage has a imageWithContentsOfFile: but I have a URL. Can I use NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL: to read the URL? ----...

Getting exposure values from iPhone camera

Exposure values from camera can be acquired when you take picture (without saving it to SavedPhotos). A light meter application on iPhone does this. What is the appropriate way to get these values? The aforementioned application does this on iPhone 3GS only, so I guess it may be somehow related to EXIF data which is populated with this...

Ipad UIImagePickerController and UIPopoverController error

Hi, I am using this code to open a popover with imagepicker -(IBAction)photosAction:(id)sender { // dismiss any left over popovers here UIImagePickerController* picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; picker.delegate = self; UIPopoverController *popover = ...

How to allow tap-to-focus on the camera using an overlay

The standard 3GS iPhone camera includes tap-to-focus (I can tap to the region I want to focus on). However when I use a custom overlay using the UIImagePickerController class, the tap to focus does not seem to work. Everything else in terms of capturing images programmatically etc is working btw. Note that my overlay view is only a smal...

Configuring UIImagePickerController so that the user can "Add a caption" in the Preview Screen

Some apps display an "Add a caption" in the Preview Screen after taking/selecting an Image using UIImagePickerController. How do you do that? ...