
Adding back button to navigation bar

I've added a navigation bar to a UIViewController. It is displayed from another UIViewController only. I'd like to have a left side back button that is shaped similar to an arrow, just like the normal navigation bar back button. It seems I can only add a bar button through IB. I'm guessing the back button needs to be added programmat...

iPhone - Separated UINavigation Bar Items

Is there an existing API for this kind of separated controls for the UINavigationbar seen in Mail.app? More specifically this up and down arrows shown in the picture. ...

Modifying UINavigation Bar Buttons in SubViews

I'm having trouble trying to modify the navigation bar in the subview portion of my application. self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemDone target:self action:@selector(add_Clicked:)] autorelease]; I have no issues modifying the navigation bar in any of my...

Detect and handle, or override, clicks on a navigation bar

I have an app where I've pushed two items onto the navigation bar. The top item, which ends up as a 'back' button, should have the function to jump all the way back to the start page, which is a list of web news. The other one simply displays a logo. The boss wants a navigation bar look and feel but with a simple function, so the user ca...

Can the UIBarButtonSystemItemDone be used outside the scope of a UINavigationItem?

Hi I would like to add a UIBarButton of style UIBarButtonSystemItemDone to a UIView, instead of setting it as a property of a UINavigationItem. I present a modalViewController that has a top-bar view that looks like a navigationBar, I need for the user to have a way to dismiss the modalViewController. It would be practical to add a, we...

need help about add navigationItem

according to my picture the upper picture is an original create automatically when navigation controller is push if i try to create like this one it will appear like bottom picture. how can i programmatic to create Back Button like upper picture? here is my code to create Done button self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarB...

UINavigationController back button problem in landscape mode?

Hi, my iphone application supports portrait mode earlier, now i want to support land scape mode also. everything is working fine in my application except the navigation controller back button. i have used tableviews in navigaton conroller, when i click back button in landscape mode view is getting poped and its loading its previous vie...

UINavigationItem titleView position

I'm using UINavigationItem's titleView property to set a custom UILabel with my desired font size/color. Here's my code: self.headerLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 44.0)]; self.headerLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; self.headerLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; self.headerLabel.f...

Hidding UINavigationItem

Hi All, Is there a possible way to hide UINavigationItem , that is leftBarButtonItem and rightBarButtonItem. I know we can hide back button, but wanned to hide UINavigationItem. Any alternate ways, to do this. ...

Next and previous button like mail application in iPhone

Hi All, How to create next and previous button in navigation bar like in mail application in iphone. ...

Changing title of UINavigationBar Created in Interface builder and General UINavigationBar logistics

Hey all, the issue is that I have created a UINavigationBar in interface builder and I want to change the title. The Navigation bar is not hooked up to my UINavigation controller. Is there any way I can accomplish this with the Navigation Bar as a stand alone from my Nib? The second part of my question is more a general understanding of...

How can I set font style as navigation buttons for uibutton lable in Objective-c?

Hi Guys, i am setting the Left bar button to the navigation bar. So I need same font as default bar buttons have. backButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5, 5, 100, 30)]; [backButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"backbutton_100.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; [backButton addTarget:self action:@selector...

UINavigationController not popping UINavigationBar items on iPad

I'm having a very strange problem with the UINavigationController. I found a very similar question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542040/uinavigationcontroller-not-popping-uinavigationbar-items but the solution there had to do with the fact that the guy had added a category to NSMutableArray, and I'm not doing anything like t...

Make a button rightBarButtonItem STATIC in iPhone

Hi, I want to make a rightBarButtonItem on NavigationBar static, such that on every navigation bar that single instance of button appears. Right now, I am initializing the button for each and every viewController. I want that it should be a single instance should call a single method, from whichever view is gets tapped. And If I change t...

iPhone/UIViewController: when navigating away from a view, what is the best way to handle data entries

I should know this by now, but I am still a bit confused. When my app navigates from one view controller to the next (via the navigation controller) I want to "finalize" the data for the current VC before going to the next VC. The only way I see to intercept the "page swap" is in the [old view viewWillDisappear] -> [newView viewWillAppea...

UINavigationController change child view with another

Hi, I have the following structure in Navigation Controller RootViewController | |--FirstViewController | |--SecondViewController How can I jump directly from FirstViewController to SecondViewController without showing RootViewController. I would like to put a button to the FirstViewController's N...

How to hide/disable only the first uinavigationbar ?

I've been wandering how to hide / remove / disable only the main or first navigation bar in the navigation controller so that I could put an image as a whole background screen but I couldn't find any solution. Did try hide the titleview in viewdidLoad of the main navigation controller but didn't work. Tried using navigationBarHidden bu...

Back Navigation Button Not Showing up in Pushed View Controller

I have a problem where I can successfully push a new view controller from my root view controller (using the Navigation-based application using Core Data template), but the detail view, which is a separate xib file from the root view controller, doesn't display the back navigation button. I'm certain that I've done all of the proper conn...

Back button Navigation bar transition.

I created a uibutton that when the user taps it, it performs this action -(IBAction) showMyViewController:(id) sender { MyViewController *mvc = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]; [UIView beginAnimations:@"animation" context:nil]; [self.navigationController pushViewController: bmvc animat...

iphone - pushing view controller onto the stack hides bar button items in the nav bar

I have a nav bar with bar button items on the left and right of the title. When I push a new view controller onto the stack, the bar buttons on the left get replaced by a "back" button, and the bar buttons on the right disappear altogether. How can you override this behavior and keep the bar buttons from going away? ...