
Become UIScrollViewDelegate delegate for UITableView

I have a UITableView instance variable. I want to be able to register my view controller to be the UIScrollViewDelegate for my UITableView controller. I have already tried tableView.delegate = self; But when scrolling, my methods - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView - (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UISc...

How to use UIScrollView to switch between UIViews

How would I build multiple UIViews with multiple subviews and switch between them using a UIScrollView? I would appreciate anyone who can upload some code. I am a complete noob withe the iPhone. ...

UIScroll View Delegate not calling ScrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation

i have implemented scrollviewdelegate protocol in my .h file and i have implemented (void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method in my .m class. when the scrolling is done in my table view other delegate method of scrollview are getting called but when scrolling ends the scroll view did end scrolling is no...

iPhone: How to Tell Which Scrollview Calls the Delegate Methods?

The answer to this is probably right under my nose, but I am not seeing it. Maybe someone here could help. I have a scrollView that allows for vertical scrolling. I set it up: [clefScrollView addSubview:clefView]; [clefScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(clefView.frame.size.width, clefView.frame.size.height)]; clefScrollView.showsVe...

UIScrollView frame size issue in Landscape Mode

I'm trying to make UIScrollView auto-resize and appear correctly in Landscape mode. Portrait mode works fine. Here's my code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; //=== load all the custom view NSMutableArray *controllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; int page = 0; [controllers addObject:[self loadScrollView:[[Page1ViewContr...

UIScrollView notifications

Hi, I'm coding an app that works much like Apple's Weather.app: There's a UIPageControl at the bottom and a UIScrollView in the middle of the screen. In my code, I implemented the - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method to figure out when the user did move to a new page. If they move to a new page, I load ...

iPhone SDK UIScrollView doesn't get touch events after moving it

Hi! I'm subclassing UIScrollView and on the start I fill this ShowsScrollView with some items. After filling it, I setup frame and contentSize to this ShowsScrollView. Everything works fine for now, i get touches events, scrolling is working.. But after rotation to landscape, I change x and y coordinates of ShowsScrollView frame, to m...

UIScrollView bounce test

How can I test if the scroll view is bouncing? Is there a notification or something when the bounce ends? Thanks in advance! ...

How much contentOffset changes in UIScrollview for zooming?

Hi, In UIScrollview, when I scroll/drag, I got changes in scrollview contentOffset which represent how much I had scrolled/dragged in the scrollview. By this way, I have updated the subview of scrollview for scrolling. But, when I zoom the scrollview (using pinch zooming), the contentOffsets of the scrollview is also changed. I do not ...

UITableView/UIScrollView scrollToItemAtIndex

I'm trying to call [tableView scrollToItemAtIndex: [tableView indexForCell: firstVisibleCell] atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES]; To force my table to 'snap' to the first visible item. This works fine, but I only get a call to - (void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView When scrol...

UIButton inside UIScrollView, inside UIScrollview

Hello, Controller A's view contains a UIScrollview which contains a UIButton. The content scrolls vertically and the button works fine. Controller B's view contains a UIScrollview for paging left and right. When I place my Controller A view inside the scroll view of Controller B's the UIButton stops working. I can't 'de-nest' the scr...

Can a UIViewController conform to a UIScrollViewDelegate and then lead to the next view where there are pages to be scrolled ?

Hello all, I am trying to develop a program wherein which the first screen contains a button and after the click of the button, it should take me to a scroll view and a page control. I have successfully developed these two modules separately. But I am facing problems in integrating them. The first module lets me click and takes me to my...

Cannot create a view with a UIScrollView. Please Help.

Hello All, I am looking for some help for a program I am developing. Basically, it contains two views. The first view has a button and a action related to it leads me to my next view where there is a scroll view for three pages ( as in the PageControl sample given by apple.) I am using navigation controller to push the view from the fir...

App crashes when tab bar item is selected.

I have a tab bar item with a UIScrollView and all the code works. I link the UIScrollView IBOutlet in IB to a UIScrollView I placed in my View. When I run the app and select the tab bar item I get the following error. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this cla...

UIScrollView doesn't remember the position

Has anyone ever had the problem that a UIScrollView, which gets moved by [UIScrollView setContentOffset:...] doesn't "remember" it's new position? It however does, if the user scrolls via touch-and-drag. Symptoms: If the UIScrollView doesn't remember the new position, it "flips" back to the original position it last remembers (which is ...

Zooming multiple UIImageViews in a scrollView without affecting other imageviews..

Hi, I downloaded images from ftp server and placed them on UIImageViews which is on a scrollview .I want to zoom each image on the UIImageView without disturbing other UIImageViews. ...

UIScrollView: recreating content view in scrollViewDidEndZooming

Hi All, I would like to ask, is it correct to recreate content view in scrollViewDidEndZooming method? Is there any potential problems with this? I use the following code: - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale { [self.contentView removeFromSuperview]; self.content...

In iOS 4.0, why does UIScrollView zoomToRect:animated: not trigger the scrollViewDidScroll or scrollViewDidZoom delegates while animating?

I need to closely monitor the scale of the scroll view so that I can update the content view's elements (a subview managing multiple CALayers) according to the scroll view's animated zoom. On iOS 3.1, overything works as expected, I use zoomToRect:animated: and the scrollViewDidScroll: message of the UIScrollViewDelegate gets called rep...

Get direction UIWebView is scrolling

Hey! I need to find a way to keep my page's bounce scrolling looking good. Here's what I need: When the user scroll past a UIWebViews scrollable area (top), the background color of the view should be set to [UIColor colorWithRed:0.839 green:0.871 blue:0.871 alpha:1.000] and when the scrollable area is drug too far on the bottom, the c...