
Problem in using tab bar controller with navigation controller.

Hi I am working on a navigation based application. I am using navigation controller for this purpose. I want to use tab bar on one of the screens and i am not able to find any way of doing this. As far as i have read, it is not possible to add tab bar controller when you are using navigation controller. Is it right? One solution was to m...

How to changed the selected tab items in the Tabbar in iphone?

Hi friends, I have created tab bar programmatically in the view controller. In my application, Initially displayed the tabbar and it has five tab bar items in the view.Using tab bar, Initially first tab item is selected. Now i want to change the selected items like, fourth item is initially selected.(See the image) How do i achieve this...

Mimicking "normal" view transtion when changing UITabBar's selected tab

Hello For reasons too boring to describe, I am programatically changing my application's tab bar to move to a different view. Unfortunately that is instant and we would like the normal snazy load effect you get when you would do a pushViewController on a navigation controller. I am very inexperienced with using animations in objc c, I ...

didSelectViewController not being called when switching tabs manually

Hi - I have a tab bar interface with three tabs. I would like them to animate when I switch between them. I implemented didSelectViewController (and all the associated delegate stuff) which is called when I press the tabs but not when I switch tabs programmatically. The docs say as much, "In iOS v3.0 and later, the tab bar controll...

Changing UINavigationController from UItabBarController

Hello!, I have a tabBarController with 4 tabs. In the fist one I need to show an UINavigationController which has a UIView in it. When the user presses a button inside that view I need to display another UINavigationController in tab 1 replacing the old one. Is this possible? I tried using this code with no luck UINavigationController ...

iphone tab bar design dilemma

Hi, I have to make an app for client where there are functionalities best defined by tab bar interface. I am no UI designer but I have done some basic research and read the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple. Another point is that app deals extensively with Web Services and user has to login before using any of the features of the app....

How to customize tab bar button and tab bar selected color?

I want customize tab bar..Not a gray color..How to customize tab bar ? How to change tab bar selected background color (default: blue color)? ...

Problems with Interface Orientation and UITabBarController

Hello there dudes. Quick problem: I have an UITabBarController with 2 navigation controllers [lets call them Left and Right Controller] On the default selected Left Controller I can push a new View Controller that detects interface orientation. On the Right Controller I can push the same View Controller but it won't detect interface ...

iPhoneDev, UITabBarController SelectedIndex Problems

I am trying to programmatically switch the tab bar item. The following code works fine, but I can't get it to work in certain situations: self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 0; Here is the problem: I have a tab bar controller with two UIViewController classes. In the second tab, I have the code above placed inside an if statement...

How to present a Modal View over a Tab Bar Application?

Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to iPhone programming but have read my way through a hefty book already. I want to build a Tabbed Application where in one of the tabs I can push a button that presents a modal view over the screen. I have built demo apps that utilize UITabBarController and the ModalView system, but I can't figure out ...

UITableViewController numberOfRowsInSection doesn't affect the actual number of rows!

Hello everyone. I'm a beginner, so please excuse me if I'm missing something obvious :-) The title says it all. The table I'm having problem with is pushed from another table controller, and there is only one section in this table, and I'm using custom cells. Here is the code for numberOfRowsInSection: - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableVi...

How to add a badge to a UITabBar that is customizable?

I am adding a badge to my UITabBarController's UITabBar as such: UITabBarItem *tbi = (UITabBarItem *)[stTabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:1]; tbi.badgeValue = @"2"; However, my UITabBarController is customizeable, so the index may change. How can I make sure the badge gets applied to the correct UITabBarItem? ...

UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController with several views in the navigation controller

I've got a UINavigationController that has a UITableViewController as it's root view. The UINavigationController is inside a UITabBarController. In the UITableViewController (*viewOne), if I click a cell a the following code runs UIViewController *newView = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"newView" bundle:nil]; [self.navig...

sharing NSManagedObjectContext and other service classes between iphone/ipad tabs

Hi geniuses out there, I am well into building a Core Data tab-based iPad application. I am passing in my NSManagedObjectContext to my root view using the following in my app delegate class. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.rootViewController.man...

Switch UIViewController in a Tab Bar Controller Type Application

Hi, Pardon the simple question, but I am pulling my hair out trying to get a grip around navigation in the iPhone. So, I have a Tab Bar Controller type application with UITabBar and 3 UITabBarItems. I have the 1st Tab Bar Item loading a kind of "Home Screen/Welcome", on the Home Screen, there is a button. When the user clicks the but...

Number pad above tool bar

I want to place a number pad for entering digits above a tab bar (like the builtin dialer in MobilePhone.app). The default behavior is to overlay the tab bar, which not only looks ugly, but also makes it impossible to leave the page. Is it possible (and allowed) to move the keyboard somehow? Or do I need to roll my own keypad control? ...

How do I set a view programatically for my tabBarController?

I have a tabBarController xib. I've set the first item's class to a view controller I made (.h and .m files, no .xib). When I try to push the tabBarController, I get a warning saying the tabBarController "view outlet was not set". I'm not sure how to set the view outlet, since I am loading from another view. I'm expecting the default gr...

How to remove a UITabBar badge after the user clicks another tab?

I want to remove a badge as soon as the user clicks another tab. I am trying to do: - (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidDisappear:animated]; UITabBarItem *tbi = (UITabBarItem *)self.tabController.selectedViewController.tabBarItem; tbi.badgeValue = nil; } But it doesn't work. ...

Non-Modal view without NavigationController

I have an app built from the UITabBarController starter project. The first tab is part of the main.xib that contains the tab bar. I would like to slide a view up from the bottom on top of that tab's view that only covers part of the screen. My understanding is that you can only cover part of the screen if you make the top view non-mod...

How can I determine UITabBarItem position?

How can I determine if a UITabBarItem has the title "Hello" and is in position 0? ...