
UIViewController and UISplitViewController in UITabBarController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation

Hello Guys, i have some Problems with my iPad Code. I have a UITabBarController which holds some UIViewController and a UISplitViewController. The problem is that the UIViewController and even the UISplitViewController dont recognize orientation Changes correctly. i have set shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation on my TabBarController...

Modifying code to add a home button.

Currently the code I need to modify uses a tabBarController with a single selection inside it which takes the user back to the root view, but because it is a tabBar then the whole of the tab is selectable and I need it so only the button positioned in the middle of the tab bar is selected. I am fairly new to this but know it is not a ta...

UIView being double-drawn in device, but not simulator

I have a view with buttons. This view sits in a tabbarcontroller. I have just gotten an issue which appears in the device, but not in simulator. If I switch to another tab and back again the view is redrawn and my buttons come out doubled. I know this because the borders are thicker and the buttons with variable text overwrite each other...

UITabBarController in the middle of an app causing some difficulties

Hi - I have an an iPhone app I'm building. The first two screens are navigation controllers but starting from the third screen on, I want a UITabBarController with three navigation controllers inside. I'm able to code the UITabBarController by hand (not using interface builder) and all works fine except that when I transition to the U...

UIToolBar on top of UITabBar?

When in the Camera Roll section of the Photos app, you can click the top right button to edit the photos. This replaces the bottom tab bar with three new buttons which are in a UIToolBar. I would like to do something similar, but I cannot get my UIToolBar to be on TOP of the tab bar. Is there a way to specify the layer order? Or do I...

Display tabs below while showing ModalViewController + iPad

Hi all, I am developing a tab based iPad application in which I have show a 'Modal view' at some point of my application. Now when that 'Modal view' is displayed all of the tabs below are hidden as 'Modal view' covers the entire screen. Now I want to know is thre any way to show tabs at the bottom of the application while also showing '...

How to save tab bar order when app is terminated?

The following example: http://www.raddonline.com/blogs/geek-journal/iphone-sdk-uitabbarcontroller-how-to-save-user-customized-tab-order/ Doesn't work in iOS4. I would like to be able to save the order of my tabs when the application is shut down. ...

iPhone Objective-C: Disable the popping of the stack when clicking the tab with a navigation controller

Let's say I have a Tab Bar Controller with a tab A. A has a navigation controller, which lets me push new views onto the stack. Right now, if I tap A on the Tab Bar, all of the elements in A's stack will pop. Is there a nice way to disable this? I have a sequence of views that are displayed with the navigation controller that takes use...

ViewWill Appear method dosent seems to respond while using tab bar and navigation controllers together

hello all I am using Tab bar + navigation based application and I have 4 tab bars when I navigate from one view-controller to other view-controller, viewWillAppear method doesn't seems to respond and I am being forced to call it manually by creating the object of next view-controller. So my question is that I dint want to call viewWill...

Tabbar control View Change

I am using a tabbar control in my application. I have three tabs and would like to know if below is possible if i do a event in tab two (like a UIButton Touch Down) can i change the view to first tab view. ...

Add view to a navigation controller on app launch

I have an app that has a UITabBarController, one of the tabs of which is configured for a navigation controller. Based on certain logic I need to attach a different root view to the navigation controller inside the tab at application launch time. This is easily done in interface builder however, because I need to figure out what view t...

Complex View Hierarchy

Hi I have to create the following View Hierarchy in my app: RootViewController will be a simple View Controller with some buttons you can click that gets you to the FirstViewController: This code will insert the RootViewController with the buttons onscreen: appDelegate: UIViewController *rootViewController = [[RootViewController allo...

Determining the currently selected TabBarItem from within a tableViewController on the iPhone?

I have 2 tabs in my TabBar. They both hold instances of the same UITableViewController. The hierarchy goes UITabbarController > UINavigationController > UITableViewController From within the tableViewController I'd like to determine which tab is currently selected. I know I can use the selectedIndex property of the UITabBarController...

UITabbarController:Is there any way to Switch Tabbar Item(s) of Tabbar

Hi Huys, The senario is, I a TabbarViewController, which contains Tab {A, B, C, D}. After User clicked Tab:B, instead Tab {A, B, C, D}, I want show {E, F, G} as the Tabbar item on the Tabbar. Is there any way to switch Tabbar Item Set? I'm a newbie to iOS. Thanks! EDIT: I've also tried to modify self.tabbarcontroller.tabbar.items, but...

How do I correctly set a UIViewController's navigationController title?

I am trying the following code: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { Thing *sub = [[subscriptions objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] retain]; StoriesViewController *thing = [[StoriesViewController alloc] initWithThing:sub]; thing.navigationController.title = sub.title; [self.navigat...

UIView Background Image with a Tab Bar & Navigation Bar

In my iPhone application I have the a Default.png image that appears when the app is loading. When my app is loaded the first view that appears is embedded in a Tab Bar Controller and a Navigation controller. I have an UIImageView on the first view that you see - basically I would like to keep it that the ImageView image stays in the exa...

UITabBarController and switching from one tab to another through code

Hi I have a UITabBarController that controls two tabs, Main and Settings. Now I would like, under certain conditions, to switch from the Main tab to the Settings tab (like if there is a setting the user have to do before he can use the App). I know I can do this from the AppDelegate, but my condition could occur when I'm running in th...

Hidden UITabBarController covers Button

I have a hidden UITabBarController but it seems to cover up the buttons that I'd like to place at the bottom edge of the screen in the home view. // hide the tabBar for the home screen - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { self.tabBarController.tabBar.hidden = YES; } Is there a way around this? The tab bar will be shown for the...

How to Prevent Multiple UIAlertView Alerts from Popping Up at Once?

My tabbar application has three tabs, each with its own navigational structure. Several of the views throughout my app load data via web service calls. These views register this notification in order to know when the app becomes active, so that they can reload the data: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self ...

removing the current view from the tabbarcontroller

hi how to remove the current view displayed on tabbar controller. the view is added using [self.tabBarController.view addSubview:myView.view]. What should be done in myView to remove this view. ...