
iPhone View doesn't update with UITabBarController when changing tabs programatically...

Setup a new iPhone window based project with a UITabBarController and connect everything up in IB. Using self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1; you should be able to switch tabs programmatically. But, it only seems to work in certain circumstances. If you tie it to an IBAction or as the result of the image picker it works great. But, i...

After tabBar setHidden, the controller's view won't stretch full screen.

In fact, the screen area where the tab bar was before, now is not accessible. If I add something on to that area, it just got cropped. I tried setFrame to 320x480 but it won't help please help ...

How to switch tabs and pushViewController at the same time?

I have two tabs in my app, the left tab is a normal UIViewController, right tab is a navigation controller with a table view inside it. I'd like to allow the user to press a button on the left tab and jump to a specific detail view that belongs to a specific row in the table view on the right tab. In the table view itself I have no prob...

Connecting IBOutlet to ViewController managed by a UITabBarController

I get a crazy error and I am unable to see why it happens. I have made a simple app that uses a TabBar to navigate 3 views. I created everything and added one UIImageView to each of the 3 ViewControllers that the TabBar manages. Everything works fine. In the app you are able to navigate the 3 views and see the 3 images. Now I add one UI...

UITabBarController View Position and Size

I have a UITabBarController that adds a viewController, but the positioning is off. There is about a 20px gap at the top of the screen and the bottom of the loaded viewController is hidden. How do I move resize the loaded viewController? viewController = [[FlashCardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlashCardViewController" bun...

Adding a TabBarController as the Subview of a View

I am loading a splash screen when my app starts. Then I want to load a TabBarController and it's ViewControllers. However, my TabBarController window does not scale to the screen size. Probably 3/4 of the TabBar at the bottom is getting cut off and There is a slim aprox 20 pixel gap at the top of the screen below the status bar. ...

Adding Tabbar Controller Icon IPhone

I am adding a viewController to a TabBarController. When I add a ViewController from the custom class and Nib, it''s icon does not show up in the tabBar. If I initialize like this the icon does not show up. viewController = [[FlashCardViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlashCardViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]]; Bu...

Changing Views In TabBarController

I have a TabBarController with 4 viewControllers - one of them is called FlashController. From within the FlashController.m code, how do I switch to one of the other controllers in myTabBarController? Is there a way to access FlashController's container or parent? The TabBarController is not referenced anywhere in the FlashControlle...

Referencing Parent in Cocoa

My question is about how to access the TabBarController from within one of its viewControllers. Imagine a mainClass.m that adds tabBarController which has two viewControllers - viewController1 and viewController2. In viewController1.m there is a game. When the game is over, viewController1.m wants to tell tabBarController to displ...

UITabBarController UIViewController View with TabBarCtrl doesn't appear in my ViewCtrl :(

I have MainController class for UITabBarController's view managing. When I try to display my TabBarController from ViewController - it display clear screen. :-( I could display my TabBarController only from __AppDelegate. =) How can I display TabBarController from my UIViewController based view? =) Please help me guys. Thank you a lot...

UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController inside a UINavigationController

My problem is that I want to have a tab bar view with its children view controllers shown first. In the children view controllers, depending on what controls are clicked, I either want to A) drill down within the tab bar view (swiping away the child view controller) or B) drill down over the tab bar view (swiping away the tab bar view co...

Landscape orientation for UITabBarController?

The UITabBarController does not allow landscape orientation. So I used a subclass of UITabBarContoller (called RotatingTabBarController). Its sole purpose it to allow rotation by returning YES to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation call. The problem is that when you rotate the iPhone in simulator it gives the following malloc error. ...

Activating UISearchBar upon selecting a Tab Bar Item - Help or Hindrance?

I'm working on an app where I've been asked to add a UITabBarItem to our app's Tab Bar with its own dedicated Search function. This is in addition to the built-in searches already throughout the app (by tapping other UITabBarItems and searching other UITableViews). Now, the first thing that comes to mind is the Apple Human Interface Gui...

UINavigationController doesn't work in a the moreNavigationController of a UITabBarController

Hello, I'm dealing with UINavigationControllers in my application, all handled by an UITabBarController. Everything works fine until my controllers fall into the automatically generated "More" tab. I reproduced the problem in the simplistic example. Am I doing something wrong? I can't figure out. Thx for your help. #import <UIKit/UI...

Is there a way to set a separate short title for UITabBar?

I'd like to be able to give my views short names for display on the tab bar, and longer (more descriptive) name when the same view is linked to in a table view. The reason is that longer names nudge up against each other on the tab bar. In a table view, there's more horizontal space, so I want to use more descriptive titles there. Norma...

How to know - view controller's current view in iphone

Let's have an example. In application I have a tab bar controller. Tab bar has two items dynamically - two view controllers. User can select any of tab. Suppose user selects first tab. First view controller is already loaded. Now he clicks on a button of First view controller. From First View controller -> Second View controller is pu...

UITabBarController not loading "More" views at applicationDidFinishLaunching

I'm trying to restore the state of my multi-tabbed iPhone application. There are more than 5 tabs, each with it's own navigation controller. On applicationDidFinishLaunching, I determine which was the last tab the user was on and set it with myTabController.selectedIndex = persistedTabIndex; I then call a function on that tab's root v...

Custom UITabBarController Problems with View Controllers and Views

Hi there, I'm writing a custom UITabBarController so I can fully control appearance of the tab bar. I've got it all working so I have an array of view controllers that it handles. The controller has a main view which fills the screen, and inside it it has a UIView at the bottom for the tab bar. That tab bar view has a button for each v...

How to override tabbar's more controller?

Hi all, I'm having very annoying problem with UITabBarController's "more" tab controller. It supports rotation to landscape mode by default, but does not propagate the event to it's subviews (or view controllers which are managed by it) by calling appropriate delegate methods, so all controllers under the "more" section can be rotated, ...

Is there a way to pop a view controller when the user switches tabs?

Is there a way to pop the view controller when the user switches tabs? I have a tabbar with a navigationController on one of the tabs. The user selects a row in a table which pushes a viewController onto the navigationController containing the table. Then the user switches tabs to a new view. In the new view he hits a button that b...