
Difference Between Methods of Switching Tabs

Is there a difference between these two lines of code? self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1]; and self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1; My app just crashed on the top statement so it might have some memory issues. Are there any advantages of one method over the ot...

How to change XIB in a tab bar application?

Hello, My iPhone app is tab bar-based, but I would like to fire an action which switches out the tab bar controller view completely and replaces everything in the window with a view from a different XIB file. I would guess this has to be done in the application delegate (since this is the "chief" class), but I don't know the right way t...

Not sure I'm doing this the best way...

I have app delegate.h & .m files linked to a Main.Nib. Nib has a window and a tabbar controller which has 4 navigation controllers. Each of these 4 do their own thing inside 4 more Nib's containing tableview controllers etc. The tableview controllers take their data from arrays manipulated in the app delegate. All work fine and i hav...

Switch to UITableView controller and scroll to start of section

Good Morning, I'm hoping someone would be able to shed some light on how i can switch from a ViewController nested in a tab bar controller to another ViewController nested in a navigation controller nested in the tab bar controller, and then scroll the table view in the section navigation controller to a specific section. I have found ...

Tab Bar within a navigation based aplication (Again)

Here is my problem: I've read a lot about how to use a tab bar within a navigation based application, but i still can't figure it out. I have tried both to use and avoid using a tab bar controller, but i just can't find the solution. I already have a navigation based app working. I have several nib files (views), each one with its own ...

Multiple UITabbarComtroller in one iPhone App

Is it possible to have more than one UITabbarController in a single iPhone application? My application has more than one sections, each section needs to have its own UITabbarController to navigate with in that section. New section is to be loaded if a certain type of item is selected from previous section. Secondly the Back button in na...

TabBarController not working with different nib files

Hi, I've got a tabbarcontroller, and a MainView.nib that houses 3 Views and ViewControllers within the MainView.nib. When I try to associate another nib with its own ViewController to the fourth tabBar, I get errors on tapping the bar, I'm probably doing something wrong cuz usually the same principle works perfect in a non tabBarContr...

Is my UIView visible to the user?

Hey, is it possible to determine whether my UIView is visible to the user or not? My View is added as subview several times into a Tab Bar Controller. Each instance of this view has a NSTimer that updates the view. However I don't want to update a view witch is not visible to the user. Is this possible? Thanks ...

UITabBar with UITableView - I can see the table correctly, but cannot select a row

This may be an easy answer for someone. I first built an a navigation app that had a table loaded from SQLite. The rootViewController (UITableViewController) is loaded from the mainWindow.xib . I added the search and scope functions, and push a detailed view (UIViewController) from a row selection just fine, and can navigate back and f...

Tab bar "more" button crashing - sometimes..

Hi, I'm having an issue with my iPhone application. It is Tab bar based with more then five tab bar buttons (so the More... button is there). Follow this scenario with me: The user tap on the More button The user tap a row in the table to get to another view ( which is pushed on the stack with a pushviewcontroller) The user tap on one ...

UITabViewController memory management

Hi, I have an app which consists multiple tabs managed by the class derived from UITabBarController (the only reason I subclassed UITabBarConteroller is to handle shake event for all views). 3 views are from subclassed UIViewContentroller class, one view is UINavigationController which shows a table. In every single controller I have, in...

save and restore state of a tab bar controller

I have an application that has a UITabBarController with two tabs, each having its own navigation controller. Now I want to store the state of the application when the user closes it, so that when the user relauches the application will show the same place as the last time before it was closed. So, in applicationWillTerminate: I have [N...

UITabBarController moreNavigationController table cell background images

Wow, was that ever a mouthful. :) We've already seen a good thread on customizing the more menu (table view) in a tab bar. For our next trick … how might one add a background image to the table cells? I thought I could get away with overriding tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: in my More Table View's Data Source class (see earlier link...

iPhone How to dismiss a UITabBarController and then show it again?

Hello, I will try to explain myself as best as possible, I know the title does not say much. Basically i have 4 Navigation Controllers embedded in Tab Bar Controller. What I want to do is have one of this Navigation Controllers push a new Navigation Controller embeded in aTab Bar Controller dismissing the original Tab Bar Controller. ...

Adding a UITabBarController to an UIViewController

Hi guys, I've got a sample application on http://github.com/niklassaers/Test-iPhone-TabBar-App that shows my problem: I have a regular view-based application, and at some point (in this case when I click a button) I want to load a tabbar controller and display it. I believe this is what I should be doing: MyTabBarController *tabs = [[M...

UITabBarController With UINavigationController "more" Tab Issue

UITabBarController with UINavigationController "more" tab issue There is a problem with using UINavigationController in UITabBarController. I have a TabBar  with 6 items. Of course, a standart item "more" appears, and there are two UINavigationControllers that didn't fit in a TabBar. The core of the problem is: when I'm working with vis...

How can I have my iPhone app start with a specific screen showing?

I have a big app with lots of screens, all arranged in a hierarchy, with a UITabBarController at the top, UINavigationControllers below that, and then UIView Controllers below those, maybe with a modal controller somewhere thrown in for good measure. The user is allowed to pick a start screen from a list. Once selected, next time the ap...

"Hide" the Tab Bar When Pushing a View

The New York Times iPhone application has a Tab Bar with five tab bar items. When you select the Latest tab, the app shows the title and abstract/summary in a UITableView. When you select an individual story to read, the Tab Bar disappears and is replaced with a header and footer that appears/disappears depending on the state of the ap...

How do I implement a UIImagePickerController with a TabBarController

I have been beating my head on this for a few hours. I have some sample code (using a uinavigationcontroller) when the view loads the camera roll will be presented. However, when I try to incorporate the same code into my app, which is a tabBarController, I get a blank modal photo picker. I can't seem to track down what I am doing wron...

Elegant architecture for home view search feature (iphone SDK)

Hi, I have an application with a set of tabs. In one of the tabs I have implemented a table with searchbar feature (lets call this controller A). I have now added a home view to the application, which is laid over the tabController view. I would like to add a searchbar to the home view (let's call this controller B), which is essenti...